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A good prank I've just discovered—that, for a change from other pranks I've heard of, isn't alarming or destructive, just funny!
while :; do [ "${i:=0}" -lt 8 ] || i=0; tput setaf "$i"; sleep .5; : "$((i++))"; done &
Or change the 0s to 1s to avoid black; might be kinder. :)
5 hours later…
@Wildcard What does it do?
Some editing help, please.
A: How is `apt` the new-and-improved `apt-get`?

Faheem Mithaapt is mostly intended as a new binary with some of the commonly used features of both apt-get and apt-cache (with more to be added later, probably), and with a "simplified" interface. Most of APT's available command line functionality is exposed via apt-cache and apt-get, but these commands aren...

The block quote at the end which contains comments by Michael Vogt is supposed to start with <mvo>, but that is missing. I'm guessing that this is being interpreted as some HTML directive, but I don't know how to fix it offhand. Can someone fix it for me, please? Thanks.
@FaheemMitha Give it a try! :) It changes the font color of your terminal every half second (applies to new text only). Very rainbow-like!
(You can stop it with kill %% and tput setaf 7.)
@Wildcard Interesting.
2 hours later…
@terdon can you check deleted comment on this post. I think there should be....
@Pandya Check what?
oh! don't mind (sorry). That misunderstanding was actually because of deleted answer
@Wildcard ^^^
3 hours later…
Apparently nobody wants to help me with editing. <Sobs>
@FaheemMitha Done
The trick is to use HTML: &lt; and &gt; become &lt; and &gt;
OK, they don't in chat. They do on the main site though.
> foo &gt;
Thanks. So &lt;mvo&gt becomes <mvo>?
Sometimes I feel just like the folks in the IT Crowd. But instead of:
> Have you tried turning it off and on again?
I get to say:
> Why are you not using your distribution's binary packages?
@FaheemMitha yup
@terdon Ok. I'll try to remember that, but I probably won't.
1 hour later…
@Pandya Aha! Makes sense now. :)
(Did anyone try my prank command?) :(

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