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@FaheemMitha Maybe it isn't turned off?
Does it detect even if unplugged?
@derobert I didn't try unplugging it.
@derobert There's a power switch. I flipped it. It appeared to be off.
@FaheemMitha Maybe it went in to standby mode of some sort. Or maybe sane just still knows about it, despite it being off.
@derobert I guess either of those are possible. Though the latter seems unlikely.
@derobert You've not been around much lately. What's happening?
@FaheemMitha busy at work, and Minecraft 1.9 just came out...
@derobert You're busy playing a game?
@FaheemMitha at home yeah
@derobert Huh. Watch out for repetitive stress.
I've heard rumors of those multi-user international internet game thingys. Where you get to be an elf and fight the powers of darkness in alliance with people around the world. And stuff.
Hmm, Minecraft sounds more like that Dwarf Fortress thing people go on about.
@FaheemMitha Dwarf Fortress supposedly is one of the games that inspired Minecraft
Never actually played Dwarf Fortress myself.
The following is now being mailed to me on a daily basis. It's the vestige of an accidental upgrade of exim to the jessie-backports version, along with a bunch of other packages. I downgraded back to the jessie version soon afterwards. I've not investigated what this is about.
exim paniclog /var/log/exim4/paniclog on orwell.homelinux.org has non-zero size, mail system might be broken. The last 10 lines are quoted below.

2016-03-14 19:10:12 Exim configuration error in line 186 of /var/lib/exim4/config.autogenerated:
  main option "add_environment" unknown
Is it safe to ignore this?
@derobert Oh. Ok.
@FaheemMitha The paniclog you can just empty yourself to kill the warning. That one you can ignore. The other one, though, you can't ignore. The "add_environment" option not being known means you don't have the recent exim security fix installed—which closed a local root exploit.
@derobert Um, I have the most recent version in jessie. Which is 4.84.2-1. Did my upgrade/downgrade break something?
@FaheemMitha Apparently.
I didn't see that warning before the upgrade/downgrade. Should I reinstall?
I'm guessing you have a package that isn't the right version
@derobert Oh. An exim package?
Yeah. Exim is actually a few packages, make sure all of them are the expected version
@derobert apt really should take care of that, though.
Or maybe a version is too high.
dpkg -l | grep exim
ii  exim4                            4.84.2-1              all                   metapackage to ease Exim MTA (v4) installation
ii  exim4-base                       4.84.2-1              amd64                 support files for all Exim MTA (v4) packages
ii  exim4-config                     4.84.2-1              all                   configuration for the Exim MTA (v4)
ii  exim4-daemon-light               4.84.2-1              amd64                 lightweight Exim MTA (v4) daemon
Yep. You may have a backports version, but one without the fix. And it won't upgrade if you've disabled backports
That is odd. Have you tried clearing out the panic log and restarting exim?
Maybe that's just an old error from during upgrade/downgrade
@derobert No, I've not disabled backports.
@derobert I haven't.
I guess I could try that. If there is still a problem. I'll presumably get a new entry in paniclog.
yep, you will when restarting exim
@derobert Ok. Restared. Don't see anything.
So probably just something from the upgrade/downgrade mess
@derobert Hopefully.

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