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That's startlingly similar to my reaction
11 hours later…
@voretaq7 ya know, I kinda forget what (oh crap I forgot the name of the one that owns the coffeeshop) looks like with long hair ...
@jcolebrand yeah, it's been a while
wasn't she blonde too at first?
idk, I have to admit to only coming in around 1200 or so, so I forget
@jcolebrand I obsessively read the back-catalog of comics I enjoy until I catch up to $now
this is because I'm pathetic and have no life
I did that from around 1200 or so
I suppose it would be a good way to kill the weekend sometime
@Aarthi: This is a really important question missing from the FAQ: What size face are the hats designed to fit?
@JonEricson the answer is yes
@Aarthi I'm going to need like 12 different gravatars, I suppose. :-(
@JonEricson aww patpat
fwiw: mine is about the right size
@Aarthi Mine's good for L'chaim, but A Need for Speed is crazy-big.
@JonEricson status-bydesign! aviators are just large in general
I guess the "fun" comes from looking like a dofus (more than usual, I mean. ;)
the spoiler alert is large, too
omg @HodofHod
@JonEricson hahaha you're not a dofus! you're...off-brand paul bettany
@Aarthi Hullo!
@Aarthi That' going on my resume. ;-)
@HodofHod :D hats
@JonEricson :D
@Aarthi Yes indeedy
You two ...
are having just a little too much fun
your mom has too much fun
Oh honey, no. My mother is a Southern Baptist in the Deep South, they don't even have a McDonalds in her town it's so small ...
@JonEricson GIANT.
I have a McDonalds *AND* a Taco Bell now.
I can send one of them to your mom if she wants -- they're both kinda awful.
3 hours later…
@Aarthi ...in a fez!
@JonEricson lookin' cute! :P
me likey. what does the wife say?
but...fezzes are cool. Like Bow Ties.
@tombull89 Feature request: Let us wear two "hats" at once.
@JonEricson Now, now, this is StackExchange, not Team Fortress 2
@tombull89 Feature request: Pyrovision!
(Actually, that happened on April 1 2009.)

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