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4:03 PM
@JourneymanGeek I am unaware of such a rule. (If there was only one user in the whole history of the room, then the time is reduced to 7 days.)
I have noticed that the main chatroom for Philosophy is now frozen.
Clubhouse is an example of a room which is not frozen and it has messages only from one user in June and July. And at the same time, it is not the only room associated with that site.
Still, I will admit that it is not clear how the number of users is calculated: What does the number of "all time users" of a chatroom exactly mean?
> Rooms will exist indefinitely, so long as there is at least one person actively talking in the room. A room is considered worth retaining if it has more than 15 messages by at least 2 users.
> Rooms not worth retaining which are inactive for 7 days will be deleted. Rooms worth retaining which are inactive for 14 days will be frozen. Frozen rooms do not allow any new messages to be sent, and are not shown in the default room list to prevent cluttering the rooms interface.
The section "Will these rooms exist forever?" in the chat FAQ.

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