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12:05 PM
A: Which NT books were written after the destruction of the temple?

JayAs others have noted, dates of the writing of New Testament books are disputed. Let me use F. F. Bruce's "The New Testament Documents" as my major source here. This page -- http://www.freebeginning.com/new_testament_dates/ -- also gives dates, though some of these are rather earlier than the dat...

Here's a nice new answer by Jay, giving specifics based on conservative scholarship.
4 hours later…
3:54 PM
@Nathaniel It's an OK answer, but I don't think it really 1) accurately reflects consensus on dating (e.g. "all the rest" before 70 without calling out 2 Peter, which is generally dated last) or 2) adequately defends any (consensus or otherwise) position
@ThaddeusB Fair enough; points taken.
I've read the FF Bruce book in question. I don't remember for sure, but it is possible it does not mention II Peter, which would explain that oversight. (I'll check tonight when I get home).
The book is not about dating, but rather how we know the NT is reliable - some dates are mentioned, but it isn't the focus
I may offer my own answer later as I have been reading John A.T. Robinson's Redating the New Testament and have a strong interest in this area

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