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@jesse_b I honesty do not see the point.
bUt SeCuRiTy!¡!¿?¡!
more seriously, performance?
Q: Are compiled shell scripts better for performance?

adazem009After some googling, I found a way to compile BASH scripts to binary executables (using shc). I know that shell is an interpreted language, but what does this compiler do? Will it improve the performance of my script in any way?

for people using bash in inappropriate circumstances
@StephenKitt I have never, ever, seen a slow bash script... that could not be trivially rewritten to not be slow.
@Kusalananda I have, but it was always something that should have been written in Perl or Python
I mean there is always the old idiom that if speed is a concern you shouldn't be using bash anyway
but I don't really like that because people use it as an excuse to write inefficient code

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