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TIL a certain Stéphane Chazelas found the original Shellshock bug.
@StephenKitt any tag-relevant gold badger can insta-unhammer any post. Did I misunderstand the context?
There are regular dupehammer wars between rep farmer gold badgers in the regex tag on Stack Overflow.
Only caveat is that if you edit tags your hammer becomes impotent, and you can still only hammer and unhammer a given post once every two weeks.
1 hour later…
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні I don’t think you did, it seems I was incorrect. I’ve seen situations in the past where I wasn’t able to hammer open a duplicate, with the right tags, but perhaps that was caused by something else.
That could've only been 1. earlier non-dupe reopen vote, or 2. previous tag edit by you
Unless this is ancient history. I came 10 years ago or so :)
2 hours later…
Anyone ever play "The Joy of Programming" video game?

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