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3:19 AM
The Nineteenth Byte, the main room for Codegolf, has a feed for questions from Codidact. I'm wondering if that's something that this room would be interested in having for the Linux Codidact community? Perhaps a ticker feed, which isn't much intrusive? A moderator at AskUbuntu was not in favour of one there, but it's been done without controversy on Codegolf, as far as I can tell. Also, I have no plans to ask any other sites here.
I recently migrated from Windows to Linux myself, so whatever helps the larger community makes me happy.
9 hours later…
12:48 PM
something tells me the parent company is not aware of that
1:25 PM
Q: Introducing an accessibility dashboard and some upcoming changes to display links

SpencerGAs you may have seen, we have been working on several accessibility initiatives (1, 2, 3) that touch various parts of the Stack Exchange network and the Teams business. As part of this initiative, we also developed a public-facing accessibility dashboard. The dashboard provides an accessibility s...

6 hours later…
7:48 PM
@jesse_b It wouldn't surprise me if they know about it. Either way, I honestly don't think that's something they mind. After all, it isn't generative AI or data dumps we're talking about. :)
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact They make money off this site so redirecting users to a site directly intended to replace this site is probably not something they would be very happy with
@jesse_b Maybe so, but I don't think they consider it a threat. Additionally, it's well known that SE does not see the value in the public Q/A. That said, is it not better to handle this potential conflict once SE actually starts complaining about it?
It would be a maximum of 1 question per day on average, I think.
8:03 PM
I mean I guess nobody in here is an employee of stack exchange but thinking about it as an employee/employer relationship if you worked at a grocery store and started handing out flyers for a competing grocery store to all the customers that walked in. That wouldn't be a conflict that you handle once your employer finds out, they would just fire you.
Nobody here is hired or paid for by SE, though. Everyone is a contributor giving their resources out for free, primarily to the community and the bigger world. It's not like you're here to serve SE.
Right but the admins are capable of being fired
Community Managers? As long as they don't try to defend it internally in the company if a manager brings it up, they should be fine.
CMs that took the community's side have previously been fired, yes, but I don't see how that's relevant here.
It's incredibly unethical
8:12 PM
Using this platform to advertise it's competitor for free
I strongly disagree.
You don't have to agree for it to be true
It's not true.
All the value on these sites, is the knowledge that's been donated for free by invididuals. People have given their time, effort and skills to build this place, and they have not been given any payment in return for it, meanwhile SE has cashed out big time on it. SE is a for-profit company that uses the community for their own interests, and turned evil long ago. Standing up for the community's own interests, even if they don't align with the corporate profit-driven interests of SE,
is not unethical.
I mean you are directly admitting in that response that it is. You are saying that it's wrong but it's okay because you think SE is evil
8:15 PM
Whether they are evil or not is irrelevant though, they certainly wont think they are evil so from their perspective that whole argument is moot
There's no goal of attacking the company or platform, simply expanding the pool of knowledge and growing the collective community, which has always been the goal of the contributors.

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