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1:22 PM
leroy jenkins
2 hours later…
2:57 PM
Q regular awk, and can't find (with google) (before I ask on the site itself): I try to map commands on regular awk (not nawk, not gawk, just awk) : I can : :map q /something^MY^M?anotherthing^M but if I then add a "p" or "P" : it says : map "Cannot use the put command while inside a global command or macro" and for now I can't find any hint on google as to what it really entails and if there is a workaround
(I'm tired) : regular vi ... not awk ^^
Q regular vi, and can't find (with google) (before I ask on the site itself): I try to map commands on regular vi (an old AIX vi, not vim) : I can : :map q /something^MY^M?anotherthing^M but if I then add a "p" or "P" : it says : map "Cannot use the put command while inside a global command or macro" and for now I can't find any hint on google as to what it really entails and if there is a workaround
hmmm I better post this on vim.se I guess ^^
2 hours later…
5:18 PM
@OlivierDulac I think that was the best call. They should be able to pick it up (it seems someone already did!)

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