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where did everybody go
3 hours later…
It's hard to reply to that and not be here ;)
@JeffSchaller I was starting to get worried about you, havent seen you in a while
@jesse_b I've been kinda scarce; I'm surprised every time at the craziness of summer schedules (with kids)
people don't think it be like it is but it do
I've been getting into smoking meat
@jesse_b so now you're competing with your wife for the scrap wood that shows up? I seem to remember she did artwork with slabs.
@JeffSchaller heh we have countless oak trees on the property at our new house and our neighbor behind us has over 70 acres and has offered to give us even more wood if we want
Sounds like you're both nicely occupied! :) I'll stop mailing stumps your way, then...
@JeffSchaller I used a come along to pull down a giant deadfall on saturday
I was expecting it to fall after pulling it a foot or two but I ended up having to pull the base like 20 feet
took me like 4 hours
@jesse_b and you're still here to tell us about it -- nice job! :)
@jesse_b nice! I learned something new with the "Good" sign, too (nice job!) -- seeing the recessed area for the hangers
@JeffSchaller I recently found some new things that I haven't tried yet but they make that much easier
just need to drill a hole with a forstner bit
So nice! If you can find the nail/hanger, it must make a nice flush wall mount. Not like all the tilted stuff I have :)
You could always get a pack of these and put them on the bottom of the pictures to evenly space it out from the wall
I'm happy to get the thing level and on the wall, but I appreciate getting smarter about what's out there!
None of my stuff is ever level
@JeffSchaller how was your fathers day?
@jesse_b good! Went for my long run jog of the week, and came back to specialty donuts :) wife made an excellent dinner, and I got to sit in the back yard and relax for several minutes in a row! :)
@jesse_b what'd you end up doing, besides pulling down a tree?
@JeffSchaller I played video games with my boys and smoked ribeyes lol

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