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11:49 AM
what did I miss this time?
12:13 PM
Not sure; I missed it too (thankfully‽)
2 hours later…
2:19 PM
terdon must have been hard at work
2 hours later…
4:16 PM
Q: Upcoming initiatives on Stack Overflow and across the Stack Exchange network (October 2024)

DesToday I shared an update on progress from last quarter and what we’re up to this quarter on the blog. TL;DR - top areas of focus include: User activation Iterating and scaling Staging Ground Continued discovery on improving answering Community Asks Sprint As we make progress in each area, we w...

4:33 PM
Well, I have (post-)election promises to keep, too! "Special congratulations to Kusalananda who (deservedly) won nearly twice as many votes as I did, and so I look forward to doing half as much work as he does ;)". I guess this is as close as I'll get to being a politician, since I'm completely failing at that prediction. I'll try to do better! :)
2 hours later…
6:28 PM
I didn't even get thanked
IIRC I voted for jeff because I knew kusalananda was already a lock

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