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11:44 AM
Question and question can be solved with same answer. Kindly see.
12:00 PM
You can flag the newer question as a duplicate of the earlier question
3 hours later…
3:10 PM
@terdon still no answer. If you may add a bounty I would be thankful 😁
3:36 PM
@giannisl9 etoimos
(just to confuse @jesse_b again :P)
@StephenKitt is probably the best person to answer this although he really doesn't need the bounty :P
Stephen Kitt is probably the best person to answer .*
3:50 PM
but kernel stuff more so
I think I would trust Stéphane over Stephen for shell stuff.
yeah I didn't mean to discredit everyone else, lots of heavy hitters on here
plus Stéphane is basically just Stephen with an accent
@terdon Ευχαριστώ!
κόλαση ναι αδερφέ
@giannisl9 παρακαλώ!
But wow, @jesse_b, that's impressive! :) I suspect you wanted "ρε" not "ναι" but close enough!
@jesse_b it's even worse, Stephen is half French and a native French (as well as English) speaker, so I wouldn't be surprised if he also goes by Stéphane.
4:11 PM
@terdon google translate says that one is just "hell bro"
αδερφέ = brother
κόλαση ρε = hell yeah
κόλαση ρε αδερφέ = hell bro
Right! OK, yes I get it now. Sorry, my Greek got in the way.
Yes, κόλαση ναι αδερφέ is indeed a word for word literal translation of hell yes brother.
hulk hogan would be proud

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