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@MichaelHomer Thank you for being concerned with the image of /dev/chat! I missed "live" version of the conversation you’re referring to, so I apologize for this late response. I see the conversation itself ended pretty naturally shortly before your message, but I did want to respond to your concern. After scanning the transcript, I see a discussion around people’s opinions on the various statements & articles that other individuals and organizations have posted around the recent FSF news. (cont'd)
I don’t know who -- if anyone -- is a sexual predator, but I didn’t see anyone in this room defending that kind of behavior. I probably know less about Mr. Stallman than anyone else in the room, but I couldn’t find (with some Internet searches) any evidence that he’s been convicted of such a crime, so we should probably be careful about making such claims. (cont’d)
I, too, hope that any visitors (new or otherwise) to this room see a variety of technical discussion mixed in with personal opinions, from people who are discussing these ideas with tact, respect, and a spirit of helpfulness.
yesterday, by Faheem Mitha
@AndrasDeak Cancelling him? I think that the corporations don't like him, yes. It's similar to the kind of treatment Assange has been receiving. Quite a lot of parallels, actually.
3 hours later…
I am wondering can someone please checkout my question here: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/259066/… I need to get some feedback for my Makefile
2 hours later…
@Node.JS If you don't get answers there, I think you could post it here, because it's on topic here (as far as I can tell), but I think SE rules require you delete it there first, because cross-posting is not considered OK.
3 hours later…
To be clear, by here, I mean the U&L site, not this chat room.
1 hour later…
(Honestly, I did wonder which one of those two persons Michael meant.)
I didn't even realize it was not RMS :D
Somewhat related, I was almost surprised how sensible the comments on Arstechnica's article on that FSF matter were. OTOH, some of the ones in Debian's mailing lists were rather... interesting. Not that surprising, really, but still.
(Debian is holding a GR (+ associated mailfest) on if and how to take a stand. Like anyone who knows Debian might have guessed they'd do.)
@MichaelHomer Please read the excellent interview given by the UN special rapporteur on Human Rights who has taken an interest in that case: republik.ch/2020/01/31/…. At the very least, it might help you see that not everything can be expressed in such absolutist terms.
2 hours later…
Sounds like I missed a lively discussion
2 hours later…
Sigh. Thanks @ilkkachu, I had the edit open and had forgotten to hit save, the idiot.
oh, that explains. I did wonder...
Also, please, please, please don't continue the discussion in comments. If you must add something, just ping me in here.
This is what happens when a question hits the HNQ. Everyone and their brother comes in to leave a comment and it gets seriously noisy and unpleasant. For some reason, although the OP had clearly said they just want to debug their scripts, people started looking into absurd edge cases.
So I made changes in the hopes that they would leave me alone. Then other people commented on those changes and it just never stops.
This is supposed to be a quick and dirty little solution.
Also, sorry if I seem grumpy @ilkkachu. I'm having a very bad day at work. We had an off by one error because an external program we use decided to go for its own format instead of respecting the standards of the field, so I now have to re-run analyses of 914 real patient samples and see if any were affected and how. My stress levels are pretty high and might be affecting my responses.
@terdon sorry hear that :( I hope things will work out
Yeah... I'm supposed to be on holiday today :)
@terdon youtu.be/zD8K6P7Mq9g (explicit)
@jesse_b exactly!
actually that first one was a little too explicit lol changed it for a shorter version
Eh, I know the movie very well :)
I should be careful sending links to things before I watch the whole thing. The other day I was about to send a gif that I have seen a bunch of times but just googled it and the one I clicked on first started the with the gif I know but then cut to something very sexually inappropriate
I should watch those movies
2 hours later…
@terdon I didn't see you being excessively grumpy. But having urgent fires to put out sounds like all the more reason to ignore any irrelevant comments... FWIW, I didn't notice it was on the HNQ, and while I thought about putting those last two comments here instead, they'd have still pinged you. Anyway, I didn't mean to put any more undue pressure on you, Sorry :/
I liked this part in the earlier link: "Assange will receive a trial-by-jury in Alexandria, Virginia – the notorious «Espionage Court» where the U.S. tries all national security cases. The choice of location is not by coincidence, because the jury members must be chosen in proportion to the local population, and 85 percent of Alexandria residents work in the national security community – at the CIA, the NSA, the Defense Department and the State Department."
well, "liked" in the sense that if it wasn't actually serious, it'd be amusing.
gerrymandering the court
and well, honestly, I just thought they'd have nixed the whole jury for those sort of cases, among all other ways of actually stomping on the rights their own laws appear to give
Also, yeah, well, if half of that in that article is true, then... Well, Sweden seems to be doing pretty well on the PR department. As in, making themselves look like civilized and pro-human-rights and whatever.
It's not like anything with JA is the only reason, they've had some rather interesting views on data privacy before. As in a law that allows them to snoop on any and all traffic that crosses their borders. Which is kinda important since at least back then, the word was that most/a lot of Finnish internet traffic abroad, and phone calls, went through Sweden.
I haven't followed the latest developments though, and don't remember the dates of that original one. A quick search points at 2008. Then a bit later: privateinternetaccess.com/blog/…
also, hard to know what's happened, or hasn't happened in Sweden, but rape allegations should be tried in court, in a fair trial. Separately from any other politically flammable stuff. And, well. Regardless of how much basis there was for those allegations, they sure did come up at a very convenient time.
Anyway, I did say I browsed the Debian mailing lists...
This one was pure gold. (Note the date.) lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2021/03/msg00423.html
Don't worry, it's not related to any particular events, current or past.

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