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2 hours later…
Hi @JennyD. How are you doing?
1 hour later…
Guys anybody here
@Raja What's happening?
@terdon done , I edited
@terdon can we discuss here instead there.
we can save comment space :D
Did you edit your question?
with what I want to achieve ?
Seriously, after the time you've spent on this site, I don't understand how you can still be posting questions of that quality.
@Raja With what you're doing, what you want to achieve, what the final objective is, what OS you are using, what shell. Anything at all that would help us understand and help you.
come on terdon , I am in office and busy
everytime when I got that activity I want to make that activity simpler
so I have to execute a script and that got command line parameter as this URLPATH and string name
@Raja Then post when you have the time to write a clear question. Nobody can understand what you need from what you've written.
@terdon I know... I agreed right :)
@Raja OK, what script? How are you running it. What are we supposed to understand when all you have in your question is:
./myscritp.sh xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/code -c code1 -t query
Ah, now we're getting somewhere. So, you want to run the same script again but change the URL by replacing foo with bar, right?
everything is same but code1 string varies to other strings
Well then, edit your question and explain that. That would have taken half the time it took to explain it here.
@terdon done
some issue came in middle so went with that
Ah, a visitor from AU.
Greetings, stranger from a strange land.
amazing what a difference tags can make on SO. posted a basic fortran answer that would normally probably only get somewhere between 2 and 5 upvotes but since it was a comparison against python and carried the python tag it gets 25 upvotes...
@casey Yes, more people use Python than use Fortran. Go figure.
1 hour later…
@FaheemMitha I'm doing well, thanks! Currently I can do a fair amount of work from home and set my own hours, so I took the chance to go riding while it was still light out today.
@JennyD That's nice. Do you go riding every day?
@FaheemMitha Usually 3-5 times per week. It depends on my work load and on the weather...
@JennyD Ok. Sounds like fun. Do you go with anyone else?
@FaheemMitha If one of the other people with horses in the same stable wants to go for a ride together, I really enjoy that. Otherwise I will spend maybe half an hour schooling him in the paddock, and then take a shorter ride out along the small road or through the woods. My horse is still fairly young and not very used to going out alone, so I'm working him up to it by going farther and farther on our own.
@JennyD Ok
And now I need to get back to finishing the perl module I need to deliver to the client tomorrow...
3 hours later…
Q: Disable RAM memory caching for a particular program

edward torvaldsI am running few benchmarks test using binaries made out of C. Is there anyway so I can ask kernel not to cache any part of these binary programs?

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