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@IsaacMoses !
(Just saw the email notification.)
@IsaacMoses catchy! I've liked most of the Ladino songs I've heard.
All 32 questions imported, and widows and orphans controlled for. 50 pages total.
@IsaacMoses spot on! Very nice.
Number of authors: 52
I think the Credits section is going to have to be two pages, so, to keep things even, we'll need to add another page. One way to do this is make the Glossary the same font size and spacing as the rest of the document, which will make it 3 pages.
What did you end up doing with the one or two questions we liked but didn't have good answers for? Somebody was proposing including just the questions with a "can you answer this?" pitch. I don't yet have an opinion on that (would it work on paper? OTOH it's a draw if it does); I'm just asking if you've accounted for that already.
@MonicaCellio I did one of those. See (PDF) "Why a formulaic greeting" in RH Ma'ariv.
@MonicaCellio Are we supposed to keep the identity of the match donor secret? Should I put it in the Credits?
@IsaacMoses we should give them an extra-special thank-you in the credits. (In an earlier draft of the Jewcer pitch I mentioned them, and somewhere along the line it got dropped in the editing.)
Parial draft (Everything but the Intro) Days_of_Awe-Mi_Yodeya_v0.0.3 .DOCX / .PDF
This draft is suitable for proofreading (except the Introduction), but not yet for review by external parties.
I would especially appreciate people taking a look at the content of the Glossary and Credits, neither of which went through the amount of copy-editing process that the rest of the content did.
General proofreading notes would also be greatly appreciated. Please note page numbers. As you go through, please give an extra eye to footnotes. Are there any footnote references without footnotes? Are there any footnotes that ought to be Glossary entries instead? I am sure that the various bibliographical footnotes are not yet in a uniform format. If someone would like to unify them all, that would be a great service.
One way or the other, [a first draft of] an Introduction will be written and added to the document by this time, tomorrow, and an official v0.1, stamped "DRAFT" and review-ready, will be released, B"H. After that, if we can get the first round of proofreading in by Monday, August 3rd, we'll be on-schedule.
7 hours later…
@IsaacMoses B"n i will take a look tonight. Hopefully my tonight, and not my way-too-late tonight, which would be your tonight. :)
It seems our $100 donor is anonymous?
1 hour later…
@Scimonster Thanks. Any word on the copy costs?
@Scimonster Either that or, like me, nonymous, but choosing not to advertise the donation amount. (It's not me.)
Anyone want to help brainstorm an opening hook for the Intro?
> **What questions from the Passover Seder do people really want answers to?**
We asked: The Passover Seder, by design, is full of questions. The question and answer format is meant to awaken the curiosity of the participants. As a result, the Hagada includes the Four Questions at the beginning, the “Who Knows One?” song at the end, and many strange practices to elicit spontaneous questions from the children. Numerous commentators and contemporary editions of the Hagada have added their own questions and answers to the mix. It seems, though, that to get people to think more deeply about the
> **What should be done for one whose honor I desire?**

We overheard you asking: I love how Purim is all about giving - gifts of money for the poor and gifts of food for my friends. This year, I want to honor the people around me by giving them something that doesn’t just meet their physical needs (or further indulge their sugar cravings), but provides something their brains and souls can enjoy. What would they all like to have? I’d give them each up to half my kingdom, but there are more than two of them!
> Jews around the world ask: I just lit

my menorah and sang all the songs.

What now? Fried foods and games of

chance are fun, but what can I do to

really make my Chanukah meaningful?

We answered: Nothing goes better

with menorah light than the light of

learning. Why not spend some time each

night learning more about Chanukah?
@IsaacMoses We're going to be there soon, so i'm planning to find out then. When do you need it by?
@Scimonster Aug 12th absolute latest, but the sooner, the better. Thanks
I'm tempted to go with ~"What should I read during the interminable mishebeirachs?" but that may be too irreverent and insufficiently universal.
I mean, some RH/YK services run tightly enough that some people in them are engaged throughout and never feel the need to turn to supplementary reading materials, right?
On Yom Kippur there's usually some dead time in the afternoon, but we don't want them to wait until then to start reading...
@IsaacMoses "What can i do if i get bored during High Holiday services?"
@Scimonster Same two problems
@IsaacMoses "What is good reading material for downtime during the Days of Awe?"
^ Everyone has downtime, even if it's not during davening. Unless you go to a certain Persian shul i was at for Yom Kippur a few years ago, where they had no (official) break whatsoever.
@Scimonster I like it.
Or "What should I read during my downtime on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur?"
@IsaacMoses Also good.
And I think text starting literally with "Everyone has downtime ..." could work well.
Sounds good to me. Is "downtime" sufficiently established in the non-geek vernacular?
I just saw our community ad. :-)
@MonicaCellio Yes. "Downtime" as one word seems to have shown up in the 40s, with "down time" (2 words) existing long before that. In fact, the two are much more common than "geek".
Also: Merriam-Webster, Dictionary.com, and The Free Dictionary entries for "downtime".
Here, i would use it as two words, since (to me at least) it has a slightly different semantic meaning. "Downtime" specifically refers to forced (bad) downtime, while "down time" is more relaxing.
What are the percentages on the Y axis in the ngram chart?
> What the y-axis shows is this: of all the bigrams contained in our sample of books written in English and published in the United States, what percentage of them are "nursery school" or "child care"? Of all the unigrams, what percentage of them are "kindergarten"?
From their about.
Ah, thanks.
I sent email to Robert Cartaino (he's the person at SE who's been working with this on the funding match) to tell him yesterday's good news. This is what he wrote back (forwarded with permission):
> Wow, that is incredible... and so fast! I'm going to share this update with the entire company. You should be very proud of the work that went into this project and the leadership needed to pull this off.
@MonicaCellio 8^D
@MonicaCellio This is very good positive reinforcement to SE from us, indicating that yes, we're a community worth investing in.
@Scimonster good analysis
@MonicaCellio So far: 52 authors; ~9 compiler/editors; ~13 distributors; ~13 funders
@IsaacMoses it's great to see this amount of community involvement!
2 hours later…
I'm starting my lookover.
p3 - "others accept Taz’ and M.A.’s justification." -- why is there a lone apostrophe after Taz? Is that some grammar thing i've never heard of, or just a mistake?
top of that page shouldn't have a dash in "compassionate King”)1 - at the conclusion", methinks
bottom of that page: "machzorim (Rosh Hashana prayer books)" -- i don't think we need the definition in parentheses. a) it's pretty common b) it's in the glossary c) it's defined in the question on the previous page
p4 - "It is written in Zohar". Should it be "the Zohar"? (possibly applies elsewhere as well). Later in the same post it uses "the Zohar".
p5 is missing some italics: item 4 - Arizal, Ben Ish Chai. item 5 - Rabbeynu Yona (quoted by Rosh on Brachos 6:35), Adam Harishon [should that just be "Adam"?]. Gershon's answer - Akeida. At the bottom, expand M.E and italicize appel of paradis. Also, in item 6 there's a period after "Be fruitful and multiply." where there shouldn't be.
p6 - "The Shulchan Aruch Harav" -- av aren't italicized.
In Fred's answer, italicize "Nechemyah" and "Rema".
Interestingly, the paging looks different in the PDF and DOCX, at least from Google Drive's viewer.
@Scimonster That's an artifact of how the viewer interacts with DOCX
1 hour later…
p7 - italicize Levush (twice).
Continuing onto p8, i feel like the end of the gemara quote should have an interrobang ("can Israel utter song?!").
Italicize "Abarbanel (Bereshis 22)." (p8)
Couple italics on p9: Abarbanel, Tzemach Tzedek, Tzaddik.
p9-10 -- the Hebrew quote is on p9 but the translation is on 10. The pagination should be fixed there.
p10 italicize "Rashi (Bereshit 22:1)" and "- Cf. Gen. Rabbah 55:4." (also expand "Gen.")
p10 also Rosh Hashana is italicized (msh210 asked), and we don't usually do that.
p11 it - Rashi on Megilla 31a
I still hold by removing the footnote with the translation source on p13. As i said before, in most cases we don't give the source of the translation, except for a few cases where it's taken from a commercial book (such as in the Aleinu and בשכמל"ו questions).
Some italics in the second q on p13: Ramo, Magain Avraham, Zecharia.
Do we need the URL (in a footnote) to “Exotic Shofars - Halachic Considerations,” by R’ Natan Slifkin? (p14) See:
Jul 8 at 10:41, by Isaac Moses
@Scimonster in a for-print publication, we should refer to printed works with bibliographic references and page numbers
@Scimonster Is that a printed work?
@IsaacMoses Hmm. Seems to just be a PDF.
@Scimonster I think it's a printable, like the last three MY pubs. Not something you can go find in a library, probably.
@IsaacMoses Right, printABLE, but not printED.
@Scimonster I'm sayin
@Scimonster Examples of other [extended] translations without any attribution?
@IsaacMoses p6, pp8-9, p9, pp9-10, p10, p11. That's just in the RH section; i haven't gotten further. We have one other "translation mine" there, on page 17.
Italicize "Devarim" (p17).
I wonder if the title there should be changed to "Significance of the words “Shema Yisrael”".
Also italicize (p17-18) Shmuel, Metzudas Tzion, Shemoneh Esrei, Talmud Brachot (twice), Shema at the end.
And is there a better word for "One-ness" in yEz's answer?
Alright, i'm now up to AYT, and that's it for tonight. TZT. More corrections tomorrow, if i can find the time. :)
@Scimonster Thanks very much! I'm going to be prioritizing Intro-writing tonight, so I'll probably not get to addressing your corrections until subsequently.
@IsaacMoses no problemo

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