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@Szabolcs v9
12 hours later…
Anyone know why this question was closed as off topic? academia.stackexchange.com/questions/8888/…
Off-topic, it seems. I disagree, and cast the final re-open vote (there were two already cast).
@eykanal I think reopening takes 5 votes ...
well then, I guess I just abused my mod privileges
sorry about that
I edited this question academia.stackexchange.com/questions/8891/… is it okay now? Should it be reopened.
@eykanal you earned them ...
heh, thanks
@DanielE.Shub looks like that question was already reopened by the general populace just a few seconds ago
Looking through our closed questions ...
@DanielE.Shub Just FYI, if you post the link by itself (i.e., with no other text), it inserts the question
like so:
Q: Resources for website design for academics?

DennisIs there a good resource for website templates geared towards academics? I'm looking to quickly construct a website with minimal effort. I know basic HTML, but not enough to design a website from the ground up. Is there a collection of website templates available somewhere that would be suitable...

@eykanal thank you. I could never figure out how to do that. I fell like the SE network has little tricks, but no place to find them.
@DanielE.Shub you and me both
@Daniel Regarding the question itself, I made some edits, I would vote to re-open now. It's not a very good question (the answer is really just "use wordpress, here are some modules for each of those things"), but it's definitely on-topic.

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