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no it's definitely not about censorship
I have no issue with someone deleting comments of mine that should be answers, or are "chit-chat"
answers should be answers :)
which is a mantra I try to stick to now I'm a bit more used to SE in general. (It's hard when starting out though, as sometimes you get drive-by downvoters, which can really hurt someone just starting out with answers)
1 hour later…
Thanks @ColleenV, by the way. I do think this discussion has helped.
and those meta discussions were actually quite good reading
@Smock We have a great community here if I do say so myself lol Most members are genuinely interested in helping people learn English and open to learning something themselves. We might disagree on the best way to go about that sometimes, but it rarely gets very heated.
@Smock It is hard to get started answering, which is part of the reason I’m serious about discouraging folks that have an association bonus from just commenting. It’s not fair to give those comments a privileged place above answers that someone is sort of sticking their neck out to post. Sometimes I think SE should have a separate “talk” page like Wikipedia
11 hours later…
Word of the day: bailiwick
Funny-lookin' word, and I never would've guessed at its etymology, which is that of bailiff and wick.
I encountered it a number of times while reading a book by Dr. Stoll, which can be read here for free; you do have to "borrow" it. I liked that all the relevant details were included and didn't mind the little digressions into his private life. Overall, it was kinda repetitive and the entire account a bit protracted, and I therefore slightly regret reading it all in one go (~350 pgs).
I think it could probably make a fairly good cliffhanger if you read it a couple of chapters at a time. 6.5/10 overall, lol.

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