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Q: Is there an individual competitive sport based on kicking an object with the feet?

Joan CharmantIs there an individual competitive sport based on kicking or throwing an object with the feet? Many individual sports are based on throwing an object with the hands: shot put, javelin, darts, bowling, disc golf, boomerang, etc. The goal might be distance, precision or even time. Other individua...

Wikipedia mentions snookball - but the Wikipedia article is very short. (There is a longer article on the French Wikipedia - but I do not speak French.) I have mentioned it at least in a comment - maybe somebody around here knows more about this sport and might be able to provide an answer. — Martin 18 hours ago
@Martin If it helps, here's an English-language source about snookball provided by a venue where it can be played — Silverfish 10 hours ago
Just in case somebody has the time to look into this - and possibly make it into an answer.

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