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4 messages moved to Trashcan
a friend talked about biological implications of catgirls once and i can't see the concept the same anymore
cats movie
1 hour later…
Q: A competitive challenge in Python to find all occurrences of pat and its k-tuples in a string, but with constraints

ArunabhObjective Given a string txt and a string pat, your task is to find all occurrences of pat and its k-tuples in txt, but with the following constraints: Character Frequency Constraint: You can only use characters from pat that appear in txt at least as many times as they do in pat. If pat contain...

reads suspiciously like AI
at least the original version did
what do y'all think?
... yeahhhh
1 hour later…
Moral of today: Do not run nix-collect-garbage without sudo. Unless your disk is suffering.
15 hours later…
Love how the seconds just keeps counting up
i think what's missing in golf together is users now
(and a nice ui)
(and a database that's not across the ocean)
(and a server that's mine)
(and a domain)
but mostly the users who actually try the thing and can tell me what's missing
Definitely the most difficult part to get
I'd need both hands to count the number of projects I started that I thought where pretty cool but I nobody else really cared to try it
@mousetail'he-him' ikr LMAO
wait mine's
oh yours is too nvm
1 hour later…
I should probably fix it
But it brings me joy
Oh god, I found the cause. JS string concatenation...
Love it
Good stuff
Js is a great thing
It has great string logic
I had essentialy if (PM) hours += 12
Which sounds fine until you realise hours is a string, not an number
1 hour later…
@ATaco TypeScript would've solved that :P
I agree, Typescript is great.
Last I checked though userscripts don't support typescript
(But I could compile I guess)
@ATaco You'd have to compile, yeah

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