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@UnrelatedString it does (1-1%.1)/.1 so that it agrees with the result of % (1%.1 evaluates to 1-.8-.1 which is less than .1)
That makes sense now
I found out the answer on this site called stack overflow, you may have heard of it
6 hours later…
hello i have uploaded
2 hours later…
I feel like I should've been on Gentoo. Those distribution packages take too much time to be up-to-date.
Namely, Python 3.13 and NumPy 2.
5 hours later…
@Ginger okay I have no idea why but after being awake for like an hour and actually thinking about how this event's going to be today I just came clean with all of it on the spot and now I'm so nervous about how they'll respond 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
1 hour later…
"we knew all along"
2 hours later…
@lyxal one of my new IRLs is showing us this All Star x Big Shot mashup she made and it’s so good so I am FIGHTING to make her share it some way I can share it with you
tragic wormhole 2 :3c
Game Idea: Go fish but with numbers 1-100. To create a set of four you must name a sequence on the OEIS that contains those 4 numbers in a row.
If you want to play with non-golfer friends: Each card also has the name of an actor on it. You can also make a set with four actors who star in the same film, you do also have to name the film
The OEIS one sounds so fun
Could someone make a simple virtual version?
seems like something you'd find fun to do :p
uh. the typing indicator is flipping out
Yeah, I'm currently behind in (checks how many classes I have) 7 classes though, and trapped sitting and sleeping in a small gravel rectangle for the next week lol
@rydwolf I'm sorry what
Actually I do get one night at my dorm since my RA replaced me with her on the schedule out of concern for my health lol
@Ginger holding the fence
of course :p
I was going to ask about the VM again but ig now I have an answer
We have a super nice setup now
One smaller tent is being used for storage, and a larger one has two mattresses (borrowed from a frat and as concerningly stained as you would expect) and sleeping bags, plus power and tons of chargers
so are you planning to astrally project into class or
We've got a schedule for planning who holds when
I'm a bit worried about M/W/F since that's when literally everyone has lectures, but we can probably manage
I love the game of guessing what bodily fluids caused which stain on those matresses
Let’s hope it’s just urine
Honestly, vomit is the best option IMHO
Since it would be mostly just alcohol
Is the bed in a pub or something?
Student house
Drunk people sleep there after parties
2 hours later…
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer it brings a papermc recommendation vibe to the chat that redstone youtubers don't really like

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