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Hmmmm Today I will implement floating point numbers in my integer-only language. <-- CLUELESS
@rydwolf group projects :)
~Long Division still makes my brain hurt~
Oh yeah I got my first vaccine in the last like 20 years today :D
Had a panic attack over the injection until the nurse suggested listening to music
and this was PERFECT
Vaccine for which disease?
@UnrelatedString Did you never get the COVID vaccine?
1 hour later…
> Although the creator of this is going to be very annoyed at me because he insists is pronounced Vyxal
@cairdcoinheringaahing 😑 you said it wrong!!! Very annoying!!!!
4 hours later…
It's very lucky that they didn't let me in when they were inventing chess. All the pieces would have been butter, the board would have been butter and I'd've eaten it all πŸ˜‹
4 hours later…
wait I can one-vote reopen a challenge?
Q: # Mexican Hat Challenge, #γƒ‘γ‚­γ‚·γ‚«γƒ³γƒγƒƒγƒˆγƒγƒ£γƒ¬γƒ³γ‚Έ

roblogicThe hashtag #γƒ‘γ‚­γ‚·γ‚«γƒ³γƒγƒƒγƒˆγƒγƒ£γƒ¬γƒ³γ‚Έ* appeared on my X/twitter feed today. Japanese hackers have been drawing the "Mexican Hat Potential" 3D curve on all sorts of devices. My investigations also found this helpful picture of a guy wearing one of these "hats". The hat shape is generated by the equation Β  $$...

@Bbrk24 Nope
@DannyuNDos Whatever the TDAP covers
tetanus diphteria ??? polio surely
i can't tell what the A is supposed to be
maybe it's autism, to ensure the vaccines doesn't give it to you :3
p is pertussis
Looking it up... I'm still not getting a straight answer but maybe it's for acellular? because the pertussis vaccine included is specifically an acellular pertussis vaccine
@Bbrk24 (...I forget if I've mentioned this before but my dad is hardcore anti-vax and I've been free from him for like less than 5 months)
congrats on getting out
i think you did mention it yeah
1 hour later…
@UnrelatedString I didn't know that, yikes
glad you're out!
I mean that barely even makes the top 5 of what made him awful to live with
but I can't say it isn't related either :P
Like, for a while he'd rely on me to make him go on like a 2 mile walk every other night (usually around 1 or 2 AM) because he refused to find the motivation otherwise (and instead would tell me I have to do this so he doesn't die. Don't threaten me with a good time), and that in and of itself would have been fine if it didn't mean being his captive audience for an hour
Eventually it got so bad that I was staying up until like 4 or 5 AM just procrastinating on it until I was legitimately too sleepy to do it
because he'd just talk my ear off about the most random conspiracy bullshit and expect me to prove I'm paying attention
I love security questions where clearly no fucks were given. Like I remember making an account on a website for k-12 students where one of the options was "where was your wedding reception"
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

aeh5040Sylvester's extension of Kirkman's schoolgirls problem The "schoolgirls problem" posed and answered by Kirkman in 1850 is: "Fifteen young ladies in a school walk out three abreast for seven days in succession: it is required to arrange them daily so that no two shall walk twice abreast." Also in ...

@Ginger I think the worst thing was the general lack of independence, the second worst thing was the way we relied on each other to cover for our executive dysfunction, the third worst thing was the misogyny, and the fourth worst thing was the fearmongering over racial violence. So yeah that actually is just barely #5
(also funny story about the misogyny: my mom and sister knew how bad he was overall, but they had NO idea how bad he was with that. He’s always been good at filtering himself to not outright make enemies out of people, so he probably figured that women would not take kindly to those sentiments
…and I for one struggled so hard with internalizing them that I think that was a way bigger obstacle to my egg cracking than the actual transphobia)
@UnrelatedString πŸ«‚
I'm sorry you had to live with him at all
Is Anders Kaseorg the cleverest person ever to post answers here or just the current cleverest? There is a lot of IQ going into his answers.
@UnrelatedString I believe it's just "and", given that DTaP also exists (variant for infants which covers the same diseases)
Wouldn't be surprised if it's "and" for one and an actual word for the other tho
thank you vscode for highlighting HACK
1 hour later…
@UnrelatedString sounds like a fun guy
Q: Output 97th charecter of the ASCII tabble (or "a") without using strings and numbers

GlebThe task is very simple. Just write "a" (or the 97th charecter of the ASCII table) with no numbers or strings

@NewPosts I think we need a site-specific VTC reason for unobservable requirements.
@NewPosts ngl this scans like it was written by a 12-year-old
(also nice message id)
1 hour later…
Chat help how do you communicate to someone you're not interested in them
I should just go straight for the jugular and be like "I'm so happy to have this opportunity to expand my professional network"
Loudly mention your (non-existent) BOYFRIEND
Ugh I'm starting to understand aro people
@emanresuA "he's in Canada you wouldn't know him"
Like idk the closer I get to an actual relationship the less desirable it seems irl
Maybe I just need to meet the right person or whatever. I kind of held out hope that that would obviously happen easily at CMU since people would be "more like me" in some general sense but I actually like...don't really have any crushes on anyone up here, other than a half dozen or so people who I think are attractive and cool, but idk if I would actually want to be in a relationship with
Well okay there is this one guy but he's probably straight and also he's two years older than me

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