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@Themoonisacheese Addition and subtraction walk into a bar
@lyxal So, when's that Vyxal fanfic coming out? I'm already shipping Vyxal with Poland
4 hours later…
@user 6-8 weeks
7 hours later…
@noodleperson bro walked in, started the worst joke possible then proceeded to golf 7 challenges in 3 hours
absolute chad behavior
@Themoonisacheese 10PM on a monday moment
3 hours later…
"If you answer yes to a single question it results in a lot of paperwork and you might be disqualified," they said. The questions:
Isn't that a remarkable question
have you ever in your life taken over-the-counter medication
like I guess?? but surely nothing good can come of saying yes
lmao I'm sitting in a computer lab and the windows machine next to me just bluescreened out of nowhere
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JordanCount the dots code-golf Given a string of printable ASCII, count the dots. The following characters have one dot each: i j . ; ! ?. This character has two dots: :. No other characters have dots. Rules Default I/O rules and standard rules apply. Standard loopholes are forbidden. This is code-go...

@rydwolf surely the answer to that is almost always yes since almost everyone has had some sort of illness as a kid?
I love the military
Q: Shortest C++ realisation of n+C(n)

LevThe task is to find the shortest solution to the following problem: Given an integer n (0<n<1e7) find n+C(n), where C(n) is the count of set bits in a binary representation of n. Whitespace must not be included in the final count. My current solution (78 bytes, C++14): #include"iostream" int n; m...

@Neil I think this isn’t asking about like cough syrup or Tylenol, but things you need to take regularly like sleep aids
yeah that would make much more sense
It almost feels like less of a question about your medical history and more a test of your ability to navigate bureaucracy
1 hour later…
I might've just gotten the funniest political spam text so far
You know the intern who made this is proud of himself
You just know it
Reverse the people and the picture will be right.
Does anybody here use Git for Windows? I'm having the opposite of this problem: my recent repos aren't showing up at all, even though they are listed in my .gitconfig file.
I have but only via Git Bash, not the GUI, sorry
"Is there oxygen on Mars?"
"Nobody knows, nobody's been there"
"Nobody's been on Mars???"
- The two people sitting next to me at fucking carnegie mellon university, in full seriousness
1 hour later…
Q: Decide symmetry of fractions

Dannyu NDosObjective Given a nonnegative rational number whose denominator is a power of 2, decide whether its (finite-length) binary expansion is symmetric by the radix point. I/O format It is assumed that the input is a reduced fraction. Inputs that don't fit into this format fall in don't care situation....

If that's interesting enough.
4 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

jdtSymmetrical Function Objective: Write a symmetrical function that outputs the string 'code golf'. The function itself must be symmetrical, and when executed, it should output the exact string. Requirements: The function must be symmetrical, meaning it should read the same forward and backward. ...

Oh no
my condolences

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