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@jan If you're asking about me in particular, I prefer "xir" (rhymes with "near") but I'm also okay with other spellings like "xyr"
@Ginger your userscript broke
A lot of my userscripts are being weird actually
maybe you have it installed twice...?
paste-to-upload brings up an undismissable dialog box and I had to reload the page
did SE try to do something
No unexpected errors in the console, but someone's pronoun is a RTL override apparently
@Bbrk24 worked fine the second time
also I just noticed my chat ID starts with 54321
@Bbrk24 only thing that comes to mind is the automated access restrictions (which don't impact chat anyway) and the recent OpenID taxi fiasco
All other changes have been main sites related
OpenID taxi?
A: What caused the outage on October 3, and why was Stack Overflow unaffected?

Aaron BertrandOn Thursday, October 3rd, at around 14:30 UTC, the majority of the SE network - with the exception of Stack Overflow - had an unplanned service disruption. This disruption was not due to any active maintenance, which is why there was no announcement. It was also completely unrelated to an inciden...

Caused the outage two days ago
Which might have jigged a few things
Could have completely no impact though
But other than those two things, afaik nothing chat related and nothing that should be causing userscripts to do silly little things
1 hour later…
@rydwolf you should check p4tc :p
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Q: Questionable paranormal activity

Kimberly Hart ElderMy father was a homicide investigator for the Florida highway patrol for 30 years retiring in 1996. He has kept every single report and photo on every fatality and casualty from all those years and I also have his camera. To this lead to any kind of paranormal activity?

4 hours later…
the one problem with the awesome coders here is that they do like to use cutting edge features that only exist in a nightly build of the compiler...
Q: Draw an ASCII-art diagram of an S-expression

noodle personAn S-expression is a way of writing a nested list or tree of data, which you may recognize from their use in Lisp, which uses them for source code. An S-expression is made up of atoms, in this challenge represented by single characters, and expressions, which are written enclosed in parentheses a...

2 hours later…
3 hours later…
okay my teacher either did not notice or did not comment on the "shoot heroin" calendar event :(
the worst part of being sick is not being able to laugh normally
I've got like a cold or something
CMQ What is the absolute fastest way to do convolution on two arrays of length 100?
2 hours later…
@rydwolf Wait you should show up to class acting like a heroin addict to get a reaction from the teacher
1 hour later…
@user wouldn’t they get expelled for that?
Even if they were able to prove Rydwolf was a heroin addict, they wouldn't necessarily immediately expel them, right? Maybe if they were distributing it or something
@Simd Asymptotically, the best known is to FFT them, pointwise multiply, and IFFT it back – of course.
O(n log n), yo
In Uiua, that's written ⍜fft×
We love under
Just got another false chat-flags bubble, this time for 8 notifications rather than the 2 I was getting consistently the other day
@DannyuNDos yes thank you. But apparently some libraries are much faster than others
@noodleperson what is the under about?
2 hours later…
@UnrelatedString Holy shit this random jar of cashews at my friend’s house ACTUALLY IS TRASH HAND
@att you might enjoy this
Yes that is whiskey behind it and yes I am going to drink some to handle this shit because somehow all we’re doing is watching that 2 hour long parkour meme video
something something here in TNB NO ONE chooses to shave bytes for the beef
I find it amusing that all the "next gen js to browser compatible js" examples on the bable.js website are all pointless
Wait I don't get it, did they change their compilation target for "browser compatible" to support those features and not update their examples or something?
for 3 years apparently
there's a PR for new examples from last year
but hasn't been merged

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