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Discovered a service called TestSigma today. Unfortunately it does not provide automated skibidi toilet testing, not any rizz tests. Instead, it uses GenAI to do normal, real-world, non-Ohio testing.
3 hours later…
@noodleperson Not really, and I need to finish writing up my meta post about changing it back because the new format really didn't work
(which is why no one's bothered setting up this year's one)
Just changing it back doesn't solve the original problem though
Which is that it's looking like it's following the same path as the biweekly CMC, language of the month, language design events and learn you a language
2 hours later…
Why did I convince myself that not actually playing enough games wouldn't be a problem for socializing with the game dev club 🙃
@lyxal Which is why I was also going to propose a) making at least this one for 2023 and 2024, with duplicate categories where appropriate b) organise looking through older posts to try and find potential nominations
2023 has already been voted on, why should the winners from that have to prove themselves the best again?
And with the search, there's still no guarantee that every category will be contested or even nominated for
Evidently, people don't tend to nominate things
Meaning you'd need some incentive for people to go through and find nominations
Which kinda makes the search as important as the posts being nominated
Which is sort of a bit silly
I think the best of year series has run its course
Because 2023 had far fewer categories, far fewer nominations, and plenty of posts that people wanted to nominate but didn't
So the people who did win should have to contend with answers from this year? That doesn't seem fair
... huh?
I'm not suggesting replacing the old one
although I don't think any of the bounties from that were ever given out and they probably should be
@emanresuA ah it sounded like you were saying that the last one should be redone
But then should answers from this year have to compete with answers from last year?
That doesn't seem fair either
That's the "duplicate categories where appropriate" part
i.e. two winners where it makes sense and/or two separate categories, one for 2023 and one for 2024
Q: Enter a personal identification number

SimdIn this challenge your code should allow the user to enter a four digit PIN. Rules If the user types a digit the code should output a * symbol. If the user presses backspace it should delete the previous * symbol. If there are no *s to delete it should do nothing and wait for the next key press....

Hello all
Well that was an experience
Girl from a few nights ago. Met up to study/od homework with her: hung out in the commons of the house ny dorm's in, we pretty quickly agreed we were more than friends (we were already holding hands and stuff), and then like four hours later after exploring one of the buildings on campus and stuff I decided idk I just wasn't feeling it and we broke up (if it had even gone far enough to count as a breakup)
So, duration of first relationship: a couple hours
But at least it's reassurance I'm not doomed to forever be alone lol
But now it's an hour before I'm supposed to wake up and my sleep schedule is going to be fucked
I guess the plan is to not sleep before ROTC, go to ROTC, finish some homework technically due last night, and then sleep until my first class
what's going on with all these downvotes!
-6 for my previous question, -3 already for my current one!
@rydwolf better than most relationships
5 hours later…
@rydwolf How did YOU of all people ever think this
> od homework
That's what I've been doing this week :P
Q: Count the symmetries

aeh5040Find the order (size) of the symmetry group of a finite set of integer points in d-dimensional space. Input You will be given the coordinates of a finite set of points in d-dimensional space, in any reasonable form. The dimension d may be any positive integer. You can assume that all coordinate...

thanks AI
> created by Ryan Culp in 2011
Is there an equivalent of Google Alerts for ChatGPT? So you can be notified if it ever actually gets anything right (or scandalously wrong)
1 hour later…
@Redz wait what
@lyxal so you’re Ryan Culp
(but we all know you’re Nathan Osmond)
2 hours later…
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer No, he's lyxal :P
@rydwolf I have remembered that it was for testing webpack's asset embedding system
well I fell asleep, missed ROTC, didn't do work I needed to do for my cybersecurity class, and now my sleep schedule is thrown way off
I blame Sundar Pichai for this
good morning
good afternoon :p
good morning
good... afternoon?
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
@Ginger and people say I should use nested directories more
Uh oh
Y'all clearly need to check MSE more often :p
Afaik chat and sockets are exempt
Meaning NP should be fine
However, I urge everyone to review the userscripts they use/maintain to ensure that you don't get any rude surprises.
Anything you know for sure will make 10+ requests a minute, and is a useful userscript (e.g. Moderation purposes), put it in the table for exemption review
Aug 22 at 0:53, by lyxal
@RydwolfPrograms was looking at the code for NPSP for fun, and I was curious about what the wait_for_api function is for. I thought the whole point was that it watches sockets, and that all info is provided from there
Now you know why I asked :p
@lyxal ...ouch
it is truly amazing to me how good stack is at screwing things up
It could have been worse
that's not really heartening lol
I found a shit ton of information on the CMU steam tunnels and already found/verified half a dozen locked entrances. Today is a good day.
@rydwolf can you open any of the locked entrances
Plus yesterday I found a stairway to a locked door to Wean 9
wait that's a dumb question
@lyxal only half this message was originally true (the sockets part)
@Redz Not without lockpicks
@rydwolf have you tried opening any
Which I carry in my backpack but would never use of course
@rydwolf to what now
One of our buildings is called Wean Hall (named after one Raymond Wean), and it's supposed to have 8 floors
But there's not 8 floors
secret government department confirmed??
But here's the exciting part: one of the entrances isn't locked
It's just a trapdoor in a highly visible area
trapdoor leading downwards?
So I might return tonight and follow all school policies in the vicinity of the trapdoor
@Redz yup
Enjoy being a rule-abiding model student
@Ginger Will your pronouns userscript be affected? I checked my network tab and it looks like it hits api.stackexchange.com so that shouldn't be an issue, right?
@Bbrk24 it shouldn't be
but I would not trust stack to not break it somehow

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