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I can't believe I just spent multiple minutes trying to figure out how to integrate e^{-ln(x)}
something about this formatting is surprisingly validating
sometimes you just need to be told you'rwe ★Perfect★
If you're reading this, you're ★Perfect★
No, I'm lyxal
This is real Australian politics
fr fr no cap
@rydwolf Always simplify before you integrate
@rydwolf What AREN’T your strengths
Like arguably you do have a tendency to do things that if you ran them by someone else they would definitely tell you not to do them
But your history of pulling that off is still marketable :P
@rydwolf you'rwe
"It's a simple change, how bad could it be?"
  302 passing (3s)
  19 pending
  2353 failing
...I must inquire how
I mixed up \w and \s in the regex that tries to locate identifiers
Because clearly the w stands for whitespace
Never learned regex, but hell, even I can tell that's a terrible assumption to make
w is "word" (letters, digits, and underscore). whitespace is s
what does the output look like?
Now that I fixed that, only 1181 of the tests are failing
@Redz ParseError on literally everything because it doesn't know what a is
In other news, yarn test 2>&1 | less breaks my terminal and I have to close it and open a new window every time I do that. I have no idea why or how
@Bbrk24 now it's choking on :=
Ah. It can no longer parse {c, d} := a because the second identifier is d} and there is no closing brace.
(Context: I'm trying to add support for punctuation in identifiers. Everything is broken.)
Hey, at least your regex problems are because the regex was incorrect
Nothing worse than finding out your program is erroring because it doesn't use the same regex engine another build target uses :p
there's only 207 failing tests left!
Oh, postfix operators are broken
Every time I think I fixed it the parser throws me a new case I haven't thought of.
4 hours later…
TIL too many computational threads can almost lock out the computer
like 64 threads on 16-core cpu
2 hours later…
@Bbrk24 escape chars, use reset: askubuntu.com/a/25079/1674275
@Bubbler using more than real cores *2 will do nothing for you. hyperthreading might help you somewhat depending on the operations being performed, but any more and you're just spending time context switching
@Themoonisacheese I had to experiment with it anyway because Google or-tools uses different sets of heuristics based on the number of threads
3 hours later…
@Themoonisacheese I can't type reset if I can't type at all
my guess is that you need to type "q" first to exit less
or continue resetting the terminal from the WM that works too i guess
@Themoonisacheese I did, and after that the terminal stopped responding to my keyboard
I couldn’t press up to run it again, I couldn’t type a different command, nothing
incredible what 50+ years of legacy crud will do to a standard
do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down
1 hour later…
Why do people use perf_counter() instead of time()? Is there some advantage?
@Bbrk24 This is actually how the roman empire fell
only in JS do I need four configuration files for a 42-line script
@Simd time tells you the time. unless you're a clock app, that's almost always not what you want
I have two .edu emails, since I'm cross-registered at Pitt for ROTC...I wonder if I could get a second free trial of Amazon Prime for students
If your computer: Turn off power/unplug, wait for battery to run out if necessary
If online VM: Use force kill feature
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer Or just close the window and re-open it
No need to reboot my whole computer because one window stopped responding
While I have everyone’s attention, when is the next post?
end of the year, just like every year
End of the year is getting kinda close tho
We have another couple months still
It’s only 3 months
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer humans are not devices
and they dont use transistors, so they are not electronic
@Seggan by this argument any light bulb more than a few decades old isn't electronic :p
and i would agree
Electronic != electric tbf
I've always used them interchangeably
I wouldn't call an electric lawnmower "electronic", for example
The gooble says:
> (of a device) having or operating with the aid of many small components, especially microchips and transistors, that control and direct an electric current.
"an electronic calculator"
imho electronic has the capability of switching, be it vacuum tubes or transistors
ie be able to compute stuff
IMO if it uses electricity it's electric, and if it uses electronity it's electronic
nothing instills me with confidence in the NEMA 5-15R electrical socket quite like hearing a spark as I plug my laptop charger in
Tbf, that's from the large capacitors in your charger brick rapidly slurping up power
I assume the same sparking happens with other socket designs, it's just less visible/audible
this is ground pin erasure
i am so bored
are you guys back in uni yet (it starts in October where i live)
starts in october for me too
Started 3 weeks ago for me :P
@Neil I just do t = time() and then later elapsed_time = time() - t. What's wrong with that?
well, in the worst case, something such as NTP can rewind your clock in between your two measurements
@Neil interesting. Is that not supposed to happen with perf_counter?
no, that's guaranteed to be monotonic
@jan starts on Monday here
@Neil thanks All is clear now
@Bbrk24 Oh goodness, I've done this more times than I care to admit
did they lose the platinum measuring stick or something
@Seggan OBJECTION: humans can invert a Boolean, it is possible with thinking. Humans are basically AI and AI is a form of computer, albeit a quite inaccurate one.
there's nothing artificial about my intelligence :p
@Themoonisacheese Same in QBasic
Lossless compression is essentially translation into an alternative representation of bytes which happens to result in less data required to store it.
I wonder what happens if you create a random chat room and the remove yourself from owner, without anyone else there.
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer chat lets you do it
the room will just have no owners unless a mod adds one
@jan started back in August, 7 weeks in
@Ginger or until chat auto adds one
oh right, I forgot that was a feature
oh i’m also starting october
1 hour later…
@Ginger I mean, tbf, cramming mathematics and CS and advanced language into our brains is pretty artificial, and that's a big part of intelligence :p
The artificial portion of my intelligence is a 3:1 mixture of dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine
"How many times will a class make everyone take a survey that's a thinly veiled depression screening" has been an interesting statistic to track
... at least three in my school's case
You guys are taking uni surveys?
Gosh dang I barely do end of semester course feedback surveys
Also "what reliability features does UDP have" was an exam question I had to answer today
Definitely a fun one given the nature of UDP
I do not like being a morning person
@lyxal Do I get full credit for leaving it blank?
I think the checksum counts as reliability, so no :p
I like how we live in a world where you can end up quoted in a NYT article with the username "catturd"
> Another MAGA influencer, a person who goes by the online name Catturd, posted, “Unless you want your pets eaten, you better vote for Trump.” Catturd has 2.9 million followers.
@UnrelatedString is that Adderall?

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