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Today, Aug 15th, is the Korean independence day.
4 hours later…
Uni courses all say "you must not use genai to write your assignment" they never say "you must not use genai as part of your assignment" :p
also TIL Cloudflare allows you to create code that calls LLMs for free
Also also TIL Washington in America is actually supposed to be Warehouse
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer I don't want a shitty CDN.
Just found a really interesting discovery.
Now I need a way for THE user to comment.
I think it should be on a separate endpoint.
Is there standard way to do gcc.godbolt.org/z/68T87TjqK ?
@The_AH You mean CMS?
@l4m2 there's this, but I don't know whether that's what you mean:
#include <iostream>
template<class T>
void foo(const T& e) {
	for (int i: e) std::cout << i;
int main() {
	int a[] = {1,2,3,4};
For some reason foo only take input as vector
@mousetail Both.
You can use wordpress without a CDN
2 hours later…
Are there any linux distributions specialized for being controlled by talking? For my mother with RSI that prevents her from using a mouse and keyboard to use. She's reasonably tech literate
2 hours later…
@mousetail Wouldn't be surprised if there's no distro specialized for that :(
Seems like there are a few for blind accessibility, but input method accessibility looks like a relatively rare concern (which is surprising because you'd think RSIs would be pretty common to want to address especially among Linux power users, or even take extra steps to avoid in the first place)
Did find two results for installable tools though
1 hour later…
How would you represent Unicode characters in braille?
Write out their names, presumably
Probably many of them have braille counterparts though.
there are 256 so you could represent each utf-8 byte with one
What, you're telling me you can't understand that? Now you're gonna tell me your screen reader doesn't just read you "ONE ZERO ZERO ONE ONE ONE ZE"
What are you gonna tell me next, you don't even understand binary ‽
(lyxal can help you on that front)
binary is like a self-checkout. Sometimes you have to scan things, other times you have to weigh them. At the end, the total cost is displayed in base 10
but every base is base 10
4 hours later…
@Bbrk24 with TypedArrays it's actually pretty easy
It's like a one-liner function, and aside from an unnecessary heap allocation that probably doesn't get optimized out, should be pretty fast
Sure but it's not like bit_cast<uint64_t>(f) like in C++
or reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t&>(f) if you don't have bit_cast
@RydwolfPrograms Plus this gives you a bigint which isn’t the most efficient type to work with
@Bbrk24 Well tbf you'd probably make it a utility function like bitCastFloat64ToInt or something
1 hour later…
@Bbrk24 …Hoping my sister does too 🙃
She’s been acting half dead for the last day or two
Had three consecutive days of other things scheduled at the peak of the crunch, and we’re not sure why she did that but we’re also doing a bad job of hiding our confusion/frustration so it’s taking an emotional toll on her on top of how draining everything else is
(…part of the “doing a bad job of hiding” it was actively panicking when we realized she was holing up in her room for an hour to listen to someone’s dissertation defense when we’d been counting on her to be back by the time she actually left and drive me over so we could both pack)
Bruh I'm anemic
Probably just due to not eating enough iron but I've been below the cutoff for over a month
I have committed democracy™
I can vote in my university's council elections but still can't vote in general elections for another two years :P
did u get the sticker
I just stumbled across a FB group called "Leander sell anything NO RULES" and I'm so tempted to create a listing trying to sell the entire city of leander (they did say no rules)
do you have a deed to the city
What would force me to? Some kind of...RULE?
(although I do actually have a printed copy of the deed thanks to the local permit office's online archives :p)
sounds good enough ship it
@RydwolfPrograms I'd implicitly understand selling something to imply that you have some sort of ownership but sure you can spin that as a rule too
I like how the "nascent community project to create an IRC interface to our chat" linked in chat.stackexchange.com/faq links is 14 years old with 6 commits
14 years of nascency
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LucenapositionSum of numbers in a rectangle Aim Consider this infinite array of numbers: | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −+−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− 0| 0 2 5 9 14 20 27 35 1| 1 4 8 13 19 26 34 2| 3 7 12 18 25 33 3| 6 11 17 24 32 4|10 16 23 31 5|15 22 30 6|21 29 7|28 (The numbers from 0-7 at the left are row num...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

emanresu ASum term of a polynomial Say we want to compute the sum of the polynomial \$p(x) = x + 2\$ for all integers between \$1\$ and some \$n\$. This is \$\sum_{x=1}^n (x + 2) = \sum_{x=1}^n x + \sum_{x=1}^n 2\$, which we know is equivalent to \$n (n + 1) / 2 + 2n = \frac{1}{2} (n^2 + 5n)\$. Call this t...

This was the challenge I was talking about involving bernoulli polynomials
I may or may not end up posting it but I wanted to at least finish it
Image uploads not working for anyone else?
Q: The API is down

Zoe - Save the data dumpAs of 2024-08-14 21:17:15 UTC, the API appears to be fully dead, and blocked by CloudFlare. This is limited to specifically the API; no other services appear to be down. I've verified this on my IP, a VPN, and two other people on different IPs (and different countries) have also confirmed. SmokeD...

Might be lingering issues resulting from ^
I'll do a separate meta post
in Charcoal HQ, 1 hour ago, by Slate
yeah we're calling it stable for now. Shout if you experience anything nontransient
Q: Image uploading isn't working

A usernameWhen attempting to upload an image, either via chat or via the main site, I'm shown "An error occured, please try again". For (perhaps obvious) reasons, I can't upload a screenshot to demonstrate this, so here's a temporary imgur one for now:

You ninja'd someone else who was going to report that by a few minutes :p
I figured it was just me lol
if you suspect SE network troubles, the first place to check is always CHQ :p
that's how I knew about the API troubles lol
in Charcoal HQ, 2 hours ago, by Zoe - Save the data dump
I also can't upload images anymore

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