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@RydwolfPrograms Pikmin has solid collision for player-wall, object-wall, and object-object, but pseudo-elastic collision for player-object, which allows for some real shenanigans
Watch the first two in-game days (1:26 to 10:10) of this video for a more detailed explanation
honestly if you have an hour just watch the whole video, it's amazing
Oh yeah, and there's something called the "Libra glitch" he demonstrates at about 34:30
Collision detection working:
I'm super rusty on my linalg
And a missing square root cost me an hour of time lol
what's this?
Tanks 2
what is tanks
A game rydwolf made
In like 2022
@RydwolfPrograms Is there a Rust port of NumPy? Lel
My bad, I'm super TypeScripty on my linalg :p
@UnrelatedString okay this is actually the case, unintentionally, which I'm gonna keep :p
Only issue is my current implementation makes the physics very framerate-dependent which is never a good thing
Okay they really need to put a fucking traffic light outside my apartment...just heard like the third 50mph+ crash
that reminds me of how there's this one house slightly down the road from where I am, and it's had its front fence crashed into 2 different times
the orange line indicates how a car should go
but the purple line indicates what happens when you're going around the bend too fast
red is the fence
(it's on the left hand side because that's how we drive here)
anyhow, the first time, it was obvious the people living there thought "oh well, we get a chance to make a nice looking fence"
because they replaced it with a fancy white picket (or however you spell it) style fence
but then it got crashed into again
this time, they've put largeish slabs of concrete behind the new fence to presumably limit damage/risk of crashing into the house of any further crashes
thanks Edge
my goofy ahh tried to put an edge tab into firefox
2 hours later…
@lyxal edging Firefox
Iā€™m sorry
That joke was that bad huh
The joke just temporarily incapacitated everyone
I read that as decapitated for a second and yeah I can see that
oh, so that's why it's called Microsoft Edge, because you can never be fully satisfied when you use it
3 hours later…
what the hell wheat wizard
3 hours later…
I just got today's Wordle in 1 guess
My normal opening word was the word for today šŸ’€
which wordle number?
I didn't even get to play lmao
@lyxal 1149
Interesting starting word :p
It's got a lot of common letters :p
I don't imagine wordlebot would give you too high a skill score :p
one of these days it'll be SLATE and just as I start learning all the PLATE routes the bot likes
1 hour later…
Considering switching to fixed point math for Tanks so I can make the physics fully deterministic
I'm gonna do it I think
I'm pretty sure cosine's the only transcendental function I'll need to write, and I should be able to just do a taylor series
I'll have to look at the performance
2 hours later…
What standard, why it's undefined?
That template thing passes a special array to the function
Some functions, such as the built-in alert, stringify it in such a way that it doesn't matter
others, such as console.log, serialize it in a different way
It basically receives the object { 0: undefined, length: 1, raw: [ "\\110\\145\\154\\154\\157\\40\\167\\157\\162\\154\\144\\41!!" ], __proto__: Array.prototype }
Actually it seems like that doesn't even work for the actual alert function -- when I try, it shows an empty dialog box
that has something to do with the backslashes, I think
@RydwolfPrograms I'm assuming you mean "precise" or something? IEEE754 float operations are fully deterministic across pretty much every major language
@RydwolfPrograms You can always do a lookup table :P
Or even some hybrid method somehow
@UnrelatedString Like some sort of Newton's method with a table of starting guesses?
Problem is Newton's method requires the derivative to be easier to evaluate than the function itself, whereas for cosine it's the same basically
Unless Rydwolf discovers the next Qrsqrt
lookup table + interpolation shouldn't be too bad
okay that's true
you can even store only part of the table and derive the rest by symmetry of course
I just edited this question to use a different formatting for the italic exclamation points in the title, because the MathJax ones don't render as italic for me... Is that ok?
i feel like that looks really ugly
The other way looked even worse for me but idk
It does look kinda ugly
honestly it bothers me more that the url isn't tips-for-golfing-in-acc
Honestly I think it should just be Acc!! without formatting in the title
Even in the question body it's mostly spelled just Acc!!
@mousetail You made a typo, it should say "Acc!!" not "Acc!", but I can't edit it in for some reason
@mousetail No?
@noodleperson want to edit again now :')
2 hours later…
Family dog is absolutely losing his mind over the move
Actually having to put earplugs in to tolerate it

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