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@RydwolfPrograms why did i think that was a Life board
@RydwolfPrograms best teacher ever
Finally, I can learn this.
what be that?
Lectures on Differential Manifolds
i have crazyuselessmathophobia
@RydwolfPrograms Please update the URL in github.com/Radvylf/userscripts/blob/main/… to rydwolf.xyz thanks
Ugh fine I'll fix it
Oh wait I already have server support for the rydwolf.xyz migration?
Apparently so :P
@Ginger you'll be happy lol
You could also fix the bakde potatto self-portrait while you're at it (i.sstatic.net)
Wait was I really so lazy as to host it on imgur lmao
It's been so long that I've forgotten what was originally on your website
Ayyyy I got a "rydwolf programs is typing"
Yup, and I'm getting notifications for you typing too :D
Now we just wait for people to manually fix it because you didn't put an update URL in the original userscript :p
It's a security feature(TM)
I wonder if anyone's scalped radvylfprograms.com
Nope, it's available lol
Did you have anything important on it aside from bakde potatto?
So theoretically someone could buy it and host a Who's Typing server that just sends announcement messages telling people to update lol
@emanresuA Not sure. I'm sure it got used a few times for internal stuff, but other than Who's Typing and the dynamic datetime image trick I showed off, I don't think much was hosted there
Posted this on my spoopy instagram lol
All the random security changes last year due to Uvalde actually tie in pretty decently to the lore
It's not to keep things out, it's to keep things in
The weird kerning only adds to the effect
I tried to use dev tools' mobile simulation to get the mobile gmail layout, but instead I just got goofy kerning and decided to keep it lol
1 hour later…
Were y'all planning on telling me there's going to be a skibidi toilet movie?
1 hour later…
HNQ always delivers
CMC/search rotate string till lexicographic smallest
1 hour later…
I have found the best app ever
what 3 words
Assigns a 3 word combo to every 3 square meter square in the world
There's a place with the combination ///doing.code.golf
And it's in Texas of all places
found ///doing.code.puzzles but not as neat
pilgrimage to texas?
///code.golf.puzzle is also near texas somehow
@Redz Most of the world is Texas, it's just the Mercator projection that makes it seem like other places exist. On a globe everything would be inside texas
(except Canada, which is a small island in Lake Ontario)
@mousetail somehow I doubt this
does this not imply texas covers the entire globe in a single mass of texas
It's the other way around you see, the globe covers only a part of texas
Q: Lexicographically earliest permutation of the initial segment of nonnegative integers subject to divisibility constraints

CarlThe challenge is simple: Reorder the first integers {0, 1, 2, ..., n} into an ordered list so that the following three conditions are met: (1) If k is the last element in the list, then all of its prime factors divide its immediate predecessor. (2) If a term k lies between two other terms of the ...

Q: Write a small simple compiler that translates ASCII Art tables into HTML tables

Samuel MuldoonIn the style of Wikipedia markup language (also known as wikitext, or wikicode) we have the following ASCII art table... | "data item" | "|- blah -|" | "data item" |- | "data item" | "|- blah -|" | "data item" |- | "data item" | "|- blah -|" | "data item" |- | "data item" | "|- blah -|" | "data item

@NewPosts why the weird scoring it excludes like 99.9% of languages
It's an attempt at atomic code golf and I think the intent is to allow only languages where those builtins scored do approximately the same
Though I think there are still a bit too many loopholes
But also there are at least four different reasons to vtc as "needs details or clarity" so... yeah
Want to add a comment?
This is the guy with all the "shortest regex to match common misspellings of [XYZ]` challenges. Somehow I don't think they care about challenge quality
I don't think that's a valid reason not to tell them what is wrong. They posted only 2 questions previously one of which was well received despite the issues
yeah so... there's about six deleted questions, all of the same format and with the same issues
also kinda feels like I've already seen a wiki table challenge which could be commented as related but can't find it now
Q: Convert CSV tables to MediaWiki tables

None1Input a CSV table, like this: data00,data01,data02,...,data0m data10,data11,data12,...,data1m ... datan0,datan1,datan2,...,datanm The cells in the CSV table is guaranteed to contain only letters or numbers, and there’s no extra whitespace. Your task is to convert it to a MediaWiki table, and out...

Q: HTML Table Parser

tshInput a strict subset of HTML <table> string representation as defined below. Output parsed table, while any cells who span multiple rows or columns, record its value on the top left cell, and fill other cells as empty strings. Supported HTML Syntax Table: '<table>' '\n' Row Row* '</table>' Row: '<...

@NewPosts what counts as a C-family language? does Java count? what about Python?
Python is listed explicitly so I assume not
@Seggan presumably just ones in the list in the link
1 hour later…
@RydwolfPrograms Yeah I kinda vibe with it
@mousetail I love how it's trying to be all "minimize these specific constructs whoa that's going to be tough" and then JavaScript is allowed
And there's not even a tiebreaker like total code length
So a completely naive JavaScript solution run through JSFuck with zero modifications would have a literally perfect score
Or hell, it's not even clear that you can't just write a program in plaintext in a string literal then eval it
@RydwolfPrograms YEAAAAAH
(I've been bugging him to do that for like three months)
3 hours later…
Who's typing is back? LETS GOOO
@Ginger and all it ended up taking was like 20 keystrokes lol
The server was already running on both domains the whole time apparently
everyone always asks who's typing, but never how's typing
what’s typing
where's typing
why's typing
CMQ I have a sequence of integers that would compress a lot with run length compression. Once compressed I want to be able to answer a query which is: is the value at index x bigger than y? Ideally I would like this to take constant time. How should I compress my data to achieve this?
2 hours later…
@Seggan what's that?

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