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@Redz It's why I'm not playing it of a night time :p
4 hours later…
CMC Map 24h display with 12h display. Both in 7-seg, bi-directional convertion
3 hours later…
bidirectional as in i have to detect which one it is, or i can make two functions?
3 hours later…
maybe this is just me being olympics brained (and i can't imagine this hasn't been proposed before) (and also this is kind of how thing are already informally working currently) but:
the current rules try to encompass all languages in order to write the law for scoring, IO, what's a language in the first place, you name it. I think this is both inefficient and could never correctly be achieved because of the complexities that i'm sure are obvious.

hence, the alternative:
A central "constitution" is written to govern how generally, languages should administer themselves, and to establish so
Languages already are deemed to only compete with each other
this feels interesting but also feels a bit like it's going the way of a government
which is not to say it's bad it just seems a bit much complexity
Q: New users' guides to golfing rules in specific languages

xnorWhat are the most important rules a first-time golfer in a given language should know? For instance, how do golfed programs usually take input and output? Each language should have a single CW answer as the go-to explanation of the site rules for golfing in that language. Use code snippet exam...

It's been tried before
In general the site seems to be extremely bad at keeping guidelines up to date or following them
@Themoonisacheese What do you do if there's not enough people involved with a language to create/update/protect a language's rules?
Besides, people can already score however they want
A: Allow answers to be scored in things other than bytes to stop the log byte madness

Wheat WizardNo change in rules is needed, simply a change in behavior This might not be a complete answer, but I would like to provide what I think is a solution to the issues that doesn't actually require changing any rules. First lets talk about weird and unpleasant formatting. Rydwolf points out that ther...

Bytes is merely a convention
4 hours later…
@Redz Yeah, I like the core notion of enshrining the existence of language-specific conventions, but that seems like a far too involved way to do it. They do fine on their own as is!
I just had a dumb thought to name a challenge "Go go pow()er range()rs!" but I can't think a task that fits and isn't a dupe and it's not that good a joke anyway
It's a good title, maybe for a CMC
Yeah it's hard to think of something nontrivial that would fit but it feels like there has to be
The nontrivial part is solving it in Go
I did think of incorporating golang into it yeah
I see a rs too so I guess you need to solve it simultaniously in go and rust
Just need a use for the "er" and we have used all the letters in the phrase
could do ReScript
it's a bit backwards though
Erlang maybe?
I don't have a good idea how to make a challenge that involves 3 specific languages though
7 hours later…
In a golflang, is it likely that programs would be dealing with integers outside of the signed 16 bit range? In the language I'm doing these would be expressed as 21 bits = 2.625 bytes each
because it takes 5 bits to declare that it should read the next 16 bits as a 16 bit integer
If you mean hardcoding those ints: Unlikely to use anything specific beyond 100, and you could always introduce a custom "compressed int" syntax
@emanresuA I don't mean hardcoding at all, I mean being able to have them as literals
That's what I meant, phrasing hard :p
This is not an SBCS language, it compiles from words to a tightly-packed compiled form based on static typing
If your goal is golfiness I'd suggest limiting literals to numbers <100 (or similar) plus a few useful constants e.g. 128, 256, 1000 and having a separate, longer syntax for anything larger
Storing large integers and performing base conversion on them is generally the golfiest way to compress large amounts of data anyway, so you'll probably want at least some way to do that regardless
That's a reasonable idea I guess. Though I wouldn't use 100, I would do 128 or 256
(and by "syntax" I mean "byte encoding")
because they are literally stored as bits in the compiled form, it would be a waste of space
My current plan is to support 4bit, 8bit, and 16bit ints as literals
What I'm saying is:
- You're going to want a way to have arbitrary-size integer literals, at the very least for compressed data
- There aren't that many specific constants actually used in golfing languages (I believe lyxal has a list somewhere) so why not only have short encodings for the more common ones and force using the arbitrary-precision version for everything else?
Oh that makes sense
(you can handle this all at the compiler level and just allow regular ints in the actual user-facing syntax)
well sure
I guess it makes sense for 100 to be shorter to reference than 37
A: Tips for Creating/Maintaining a Golfing Language

DLoscUseful integer constants Of course your golfing language has syntax that can represent any integer constant, but some integers are more useful than others. You want the useful ones to be available as a single byte. A couple of obstacles to this goal: With a traditional decimal format, only the n...

You could potentially even huffman-code some of these - have 1 encoded as three bits, but 7 as five or something
Oh also from the comments here's a longer version from JS solutions
@emanresuA I will have to think about it, I'm not sure if I value a more consistent experience (by some metric) over pure golfiness
Fair enough :p
This is also more of a Nibbles-esque language in the sense that there are gonna be way fewer builtins than say Vyxal
Partially because it's sorta a proof of concept for a different project which is more ambitious
Neat :p
Are you bothering with strings or just having charcode lists
Probably a string type, since I'm not doing anything finicky with array model stuff or anything
(Hi Maddie, I'm talking about the type-packed stuff we talked about a couple weeks ago)
yeah, guessed (:
Lately I haven't really had much motivation for programming anything other than like J golf solutions since I'm trying to learn that still, but I'm gonna do a little work on this pretty soon
i mean i've completely stopped thinking about it for at least two weeks now
i think i'll have way more time after august is done
Who the IRS just sent me my last two tax returns
Didn't even have to fill out the identity theft affidavit, I guess they just got around to investigating it themselves
That also means they're not auditing me which is good 'cause I definitey claimed a deduction I wasn't allowed to in 2022 by accident lol
Unless the EITC changed between '22 and '23

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