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Word can turn off caps lock if it detects you've got it on accidentally???!?!?!
Experiment: open MS Word, type a word with a lowercase letter at the start and use caps lock for the rest
if it autocorrects it, it should turn off caps lock
so for example cAPITALISM with caps lock on gets convereted to Capitalism and turns caps lock off
as indicated by the caps lock light
Caps lock is on in the above
press space and it corrects it to:
and it turns off caps lock
huh interesting
Nice feature
@lyxal you just noticed?
I very rarely encounter the caps lock key :p
unrelated, but why does this SO user have so much to do with enterprise security?
Samuel Liew, Perth, Australia
78.3k 110 165 273
like in the architecture course I'm taking, there's like a whole dedicated section to him and how he acts to help enterprise applications federate
also, why do microsoft, cloudflare, auth0 and oracle all have articles explaining him?
@Seggan K
...I just did the math and I now make $100k a year, in the most technical sense
I'll only be able to for the next two months but if I worked the hours I did year-round I would make $110k
I basically have just gone from barely affording food on $20k/year to rich...I just have to wait to get my actual paychecks, then pay off all my credit card debt lol
Only (checks) $2500 across four cards [ʸᶦᵏᵉˢ]
Oh and I have to pay my parents back since getting stranded in new york ate up a ton of my money and I couldn't afford rent a month back 💀
wait when did you get stranded in new york
i remember you talking about planning for a new york trip but i think that story might have slipped through the cracks
Oh it might've, I have a tendency to not post stuff that's going on when I'm super busy lol
i can imagine you were pretty busy :P
Basically I didn't plan very well and got a hotel that was close to SBU, but I flew into NYC. So I could've absolutely rushed to get on the last train there, or I could just do what I wanted to do anyway, and pull an all-nighter in NYC. So I did the latter and had an absolute blast staring in wonder at all the giant buildings and wandering central park and stuff. But then turns out you need sleep to survive so after I went to SBU and went back to Newark for NJIT, I (cont.)
absolutely crashed and stayed solidly asleep for 14 hours until the hotel basically kicked me out for sleeping past the check-out time, so I rushed to get out of there, then turns out the trains were absolutely fucked so I couldn't make it to the airport in Islip until the door to the flight was literally closing. I tried to buy a ticket from LaGuardia later that night and get there as fast as possible, but traffic was a nightmare and the bus got stuck in it, so I missed that too
So at that point I'd paid $420 out of pocket for a night-of plane ticket that I missed, which was everything in my bank account, everything I could take from my work paycheck early, and everything in my credit card
Since by then I'd already had to pay for food and transit and stuff
Such as ubers to rush to from the hotel to the train and from the train to the airport as fast as possible
...there are flights that cheap??? i thought tickets were usually in like the $2000 range and only if you get them months ahead of time
...that would be a pretty crazy price even for international round-trip flight
i swear that's how much it cost last time i heard about a domestic flight
maybe it was round trip + multiple legs
Nah I got from Pittsburgh to Austin for $150
yeah when I last looked it was like $1500 for a round trip to Germany
it was probably, like, from rdu to traverse city through detroit?
(I'm in the US)
last flight i took was to and from toronto but i don't remember if anyone mentioned the price for that one
traverse city might just be expensive to fly to since it's such a tiny airport
I was looking at round trip tickets to Athens today (no US tour planned for BMTH has me desperate), $1010 for a month out if you book through two different airlines
I can't imagine $2k for a single domestic ticket under any circumstances
athens greece or one of the athenses in the us
My mind went to Ohio
But yeah I could either rush to Pittsburgh as quickly as possible, or just chill in NY for another few days and change my $420 AA ticket to Pittsburgh, which is what I did instead with no money for hotels and no money for food
alcoholics anonymous?
Or perhaps American Airlines :p
...i wonder if there's some like record of historical ticket prices
maybe it was more expensive like five, eight-ish years ago
So yeah I basically just pulled another all-nighter wandering manhattan, then another hoping I'd just buy a train ticket and sleep on the train (but then it turned out to be the shortest train ride on long island so I was stranded in some little rich-looking town at 3 AM in the cold with no trains going back all night), then slept at the airport
Very fun 10/10 would homeless again
yeah looking that particular round trip up for now it's actually under $200
@UnrelatedString Every time sth like this comes up I'm reminded that my parents' flight home from Australia was Sept. 10, 2001
But yeah LPT don't play around with plane scheduling, don't travel broke, and don't pull all-nighters just for the fun of it
i pull all nighters with the express purpose of suffering
well, don't do it in a city 2000 miles from home where oversleeping will cost you hundreds of dollars and multiple days of hunger and lack of shelter, that is
I'm so jealous of light sleepers
It takes me hours to fall asleep and nothing wakes me up
My brother has woken up at 3AM four days in a row and complains about it every time
I'll gladly sleep through a smoke alarm or someone literally flipping my bed over with me on it, but I can't fall asleep for hours if it's the same time as the night before
@Bbrk24 see IMO that would be the life
I love waking up early
waking up before sunrise kills me
What, not being able to get more than 4h of sleep in one night?
I'm a morning person trapped in a night person's body
my sister has to wake up at like 6 several days in a row for a nurse aid course she's taking, after having to wake up at 8 for most of the course
every single day she doesn't have the course, she wakes up at like noon
one time she woke up at 2 pm
and somehow she's not worried about being able to get herself up at 6
From 4 AM or so to noon, my productivity is just off the charts
Once I'm fully awake at least
And have some sugar in my brain
And my mental health is basically just a direct proportion to my productivity so that works out well for me
i feel the best in the morning once my blood sugar has stabilized, but my productivity is just a flat negative until i start feeling tired
i have an overall better day the earlier i wake up but nothing actually happens until it's late enough for me to freak out :P
I worked for 8 hours today and I've never felt so gerard way batman voice powerful
It takes so much self-control to work long hours when you're self-employed...
I could do a 16 hour shift at the grocery store no issues but without being physically trapped at work it makes it a lot harder
Actually yknow what I'mma make $40 see y'all losers in an hour
1 hour later…
I'm back lol
Maybe tonight one of my half-roommates won't come back home and talk and yell super loud while my other roommate continuously tries to hint at him that I'm trying to sleep
Thus forcing me to use the most potent sleep-inducing device known to man: a Bernie Sanders audiobook
I found lofi of that super long Bernie Sanders filibuster and it's actually kinda awesome for getting stuff done
Sadly I roll around in my sleep too much for my airpods to stay in, waking up at 3am to faint Bernie Sanders and drowsily nodding off again to dream about healthcare would literally be the life
1 hour later…
This is now my only reaction to information across a wide range of categories
wait hold on this cat is so versatile
Q: Use python to write some code that can calucate pi infinitely (round to 100 decimal points)

NoWeDoNoRound it to 100 decimal points: If we take off the rounding then it should be able to go infinitely (or until your storage is full).

Joke CMC: find a number that has 100 decimal points (as opposed to 100 digits after decimal point)
@Bubbler depending on your font, I think 44444444444444444444 is the smallest positive number with 100 decimal points (the 4 corners of the 4 plus the intersection point in the middle)
surely an 8 (for maximum pixel density) in a large enough point, bolded font should win fewest bytes if you count pixels as points
@pxeger Would you mind updating Charcoal on ATO to c939a5e76f0470b8338200a54d41897e8bf6f69d?
of course, now that Windows Update inconveniently rebooted for me, I know have to try to remember which answer was affected by the bug...
@Bubbler I wonder if there is some weird branch of math where numbers with multiple decimal points make sense, maybe for representing some kind of hyperreals
CMC Given N, output the smallest number that, when written in roman numerals, is exactly N symbols long.
I think it should go something like 1, 2, 3, 8, 18...
next 4888 or 8888?
let's assume N <= 15
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

HaDongI'm wondering if my post is clear enough for comprehension. I'm open to any suggestions to improve the post. Also what tags are suitable for this problem? 9 16 25 Matrix Given three grids and the sum of rows and columns of each grid, your task is: Grid 1: 3x3: Fill in the grid with integer from...

@Neil done
@pxeger thanks!
Q: 9-16-25 2D Matrix

HaDong9 16 25 Matrix Given three grids and the sum of rows and columns of each grid, your task is: Grid 1: 3x3: Fill in the grid with integer from \$1\$ to \$9\$, ensure all elements of the grid are unique. Grid 2: 4x4: Fill in the grid with integer from \$1\$ to \$16\$, ensure all elements of the g...

2 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms these days i'm not sure i'd call $100k rich anymore
yeah it's a six-figure salary but everything is so expensive nowadays lmfao (then again idk if that's different where you live? cost of living here is pretty bad rn)
Q: 9-16-25 2D Matrix

HaDongGiven three grids and the sum of rows and columns of each grid, your task is: Grid 1: 3x3: Fill in the grid with integer from \$1\$ to \$9\$, ensure all elements of the grid are unique. Grid 2: 4x4: Fill in the grid with integer from \$1\$ to \$16\$, ensure all elements of the grid are unique. ...

@NewPosts Looks like the same user who posted Sum of Positive and Negative Powers of 2 before vandalizing their own post and deleting their account. (Same winning criterion and exactly the same "Standings" table.)
@hyper-neutrino bro is about to work for 10 years to save 1 million and buy a house less than 1 square metre
fortunately i now know how to make a comfortable living space using galvanized square steel, screws borrowed from my aunt, and eco-friendly wood veneers for 10,000 years of durability
rydwolf you should take notes
very important life skills
@lyxal sounds about right
well it's not that much of a problem if you know how to reinstall the room properly
@Arnauld His bio is interesting as well. i don't recognize what i could be but it sure isn't b64
Although given the site we're on, it could be any esolang in the world
fair enough
@Themoonisacheese Base 128 looks something like that
smh base128 on cyberchef
Hmm is there a good way to get the raw markdown of the bio? So I wouldn't need to manually fix the backticks
i fixed it on my end, but if i paste it here wil lit get formatted?
@mousetail wouldn't base128 be unprintable?
unless it happens to only encode to printable bytes of course but that's not easy
I believe the 128 standard has ways of escaping unprintables
Oh NVM I was thinking base 96
@mousetail maybe base85?
Or that
So many bases so little brain cells
> We initially hoped all pre-order items* would be starting to ship around now, but sadly we will need to push it back to late June. Our print room and warehouse is working as fast as possible to get through the volume of orders.

If you are only waiting on the POST HUMAN: NeX GEn Hoodie, these will be the first in hand to ship.
is that about post human war?
what a blast from the past
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, I wouldn't consider it "rich" in the generic sense but from the perspective of someone making $20k a year, might as well be mansions and sports cars kinda money lol
I believe $90k-$100k is the range you typically get from studies on the point where more money doesn't make you more happy/financially secure, so barring inflation that's really all I plan on making in whatever career I get
i'm nerd-sniped now
the $'s make me think this is a hash of some kind, with the algo and salt baked in
Anything beyond that will go toward Rydwolf Eat The Rich Foundation which will use it to invest in large cauldrons, salt/pepper mines, and grappling hooks
the fact that it's 6.32 entropy sure points that way
@RydwolfPrograms how about guillotines?
'cause like the way I see it why would you ever bother buying a big fancy house...more to clean, less efficient pathfinding, often far from all the "poor people places" like idk, schools and grocery stores, that you kinda do actually want to be close to. And then once you do have all the fancy rich person stuff that makes your life easier, either you adjust to it and feel just as happy as you would without it, or you lose it and feel less happy with the same stuff you'd have had
And since I'm going to be a congressperson (trust) I'll get all the fun of doing it twice since you need a house in your district, plus a place in DC
@RydwolfPrograms yeah that's fair enough lol
honestly though i do think the threshold for when making more no longer increases financial security is higher though, especially since you live in a country where one bad injury/sickness could bankrupt you, but i do get your point where at some point it does reach the "money doesn't buy happiness" point (the real one, not the one that rich people use to justify not helping poor people)
I mean, as long as you pay for decent insurance it's pretty unlikely something bankrupts you without also killing you
And coincidentally I do have debt collectors after me right now for medical bills lol
true, also rip
They're so passive aggressive, they haven't contacted me in any way, they just keep trying to add themselves as a contact in my phone
I think I'll just ignore them for a few years, then once they're desperate for any kind of return, cut a deal to pay them like a couple hundred to cancel the debt
Once you start thinking of debt as an anticapitalist them-problem and the debt collectors as the footsoldiers of the capitalist pigs begging helplessly for you to give up the fight it gets a lot more fun being broke
2 hours later…
Q: Smallest Harmonic number greater than N

noodle personThe sequence of Harmonic numbers are the sums of the reciprocals of the first k natural numbers (not including zero): \${\displaystyle H_{k}=1+{\frac {1}{2}}+{\frac {1}{3}}+\cdots +{\frac {1}{k}}=\sum _{i=1}^{k}{\frac {1}{i}}.}\$ Your task is to implement the sequence of numbers a(n) = the smalle...

1 hour later…
@RydwolfPrograms Call it Rydwolf Eat The Rich Organization for a better acronym
i'd heard about bad photoshops on amazon pages but i didn't think i'd run into them THIS fast
Idk why I find the paradigm older propaganda uses to talk about gay people so funny, where they describe being gay as like something you give into rather than something you are. Like, "yes, obviously we ALL want to go around banging hot twinks ALL DAY. But SOME OF US have the self-control not to, and that's what makes us STRAIGHT. Right?" Like it's such an inversion of today's rhetoric
i've heard the saying "every accusation is a confession" before — not sure if you have, but i think it fits in this context :p maybe not as well as its usual context
there definitely still are some people who follow that line
probably the majority of closeted gay people with anti queer politics, who hopefully are simply falling in numbers
1 hour later…
CMC Find any of your previous answers on the site and invent an alternative challenge your answer would be valid for.
1 hour later…
@NewPosts Would it be worth having the "simplify" part of this as a separate challenge?
I bet there's something similar already, might or might not be a dupe
Eliminate matching parentheses or something
I guess the difference there would be that you can't eliminate )(
@emanresuA it might be interesting to have a version where the input is the number of symbols and then the whole free group has to be output with no duplicates
That could also be interesting
@lyxal Is the joke SAM.
i have some vague ideas for some tricks that might pop up there
@RydwolfPrograms Saw this in the out-of-context channel in the gaming server, why am I not surprised that you posted it?
@user this is actually so inspirational
@UnrelatedString Being in #oocq is inspirational?
@UnrelatedString Hey, don't steal the image I stole from Tumblr!
@user close
@user the image xe stole from tumblr that ended up in #oocq is inspirational :P
@user bingo :p
@UnrelatedString accidentally read this as we for a second and now I'm picturing a tumblr image heist occurring in much the same way a bank heist would
With the image in a secure vault, a laser maze to navigate, knocked out guards and a getaway car
And once you steal it it's gone for everyone. And you can try and swap it with a fake Indiana Jones style
Reminded me of lingus fingus
in The Sand Trap, Nov 12, 2023 at 9:37, by lyxal
@UnrelatedString I read lingua franca as lingus fingus for a second
the classic
lingus fingus
Why did I read that in a doofenshmirtz voice
there are several possible reasons
number one: lyxal was secretly doofenshmirtz this whole time
@DLosc A subgroup generated from words is the set of all (simplified) concatenations of those words, not necessarily containing all possible combinations of its symbols. The free group is generated from the words a, b, c, etc; and because of that contains all possible concatenations of symbols and is a (non-strict) superset of any subgroup generated from words of the same set of symbols. Another way of defining subgroups of the free group is placing restrictions on them by declaring certain words equal to the empty string, but I don't really want to get into that for this challenge. — emanresu A 2 hours ago
in CG&CC-gaming, Mar 19, 2023 at 22:36, by user
I like your funny words, magic man

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