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All of you losers out there, this person has the recipe for a modern-day love potion: mtlynch.io/code-review-love
Jokes aside, it's actually got good advice (or at least, it seems like good advice, I haven't applied it yet because I have too many people in love with me already)
@lyxal paying taxes is trivial and left as an exercise to the reader
Wrong kind of creativity :p
The creativity I mean is the creativity to write your own story as to why you aren't paying any
It's about reflecting on your life and really appreciating all the little details
Like "this little detail means I can deduct 40 dollars from my tax payment"
Tax time is a time for imagination
To look past reality and paint it how you want
so true
where we're going, the only number we need is 0
Q: Generate a subgroup of a free group

emanresu AIn group theory, the free group with \$n\$ generators can be obtained by taking \$n\$ distinct symbols (let's call them \$a, b, c ...\$ etc), along with their inverses \$ a^{-1},b^{-1},c^{-1} ...\$ . Then the free group is the set of all finite words formed by concatenating these, subject to \$aa...

Part of my job involves playing around with AI, and in what may have been a slight stretching of my responsibilities, I used it to develop an entire small browser game in TypeScript, a dozen files, 100 sloc or so each, across something like two dozen messages back and forth with two to four instructions for improvements in each one. But due to the legal restrictions I'm under, I can't share the code :(
It's this really neat strategy game with some cool puzzle elements:
I guess I still own the rights to all the non-code parts of the game's design, so I could rewrite it myself in a day or so
But 2.5 hours to generate what would've taken at least 6 to code by hand is pretty impressive, and I was even pretending to be a clueless user and asking it things from the perspective of almost complete inability to read or write code. If I did some little things by hand it probably could've been an hour or so
that sounds like an amazing job
It is, mainly because of the pay increase lol
Almost triple what I used to make, no taxes withheld, and I get paid every three days instead of weekly
If I worked just five hours a week in college doing this, I'd be able to pay for flight school without taking out loans
(My plan's to resume flight school once I get to Pittsburgh, probably starting over from scratch, and finish it by the start of sophomore year)
Oh I completely failed to account for the fact that it snows in Pittsburgh lol...that'll at least limit the number of days I can fly I think
Looks like there's two main flight schools in Pittsburgh, one's 40 minutes from CMU and one's 20 minutes
One is exactly the same price as the one I went to here ($150/hour for the plane, $50/hour for the instructor)
The other doesn't have prices listed
20 minutes away would be pretty great, my currently flight school is half an hour from where I live, down a twisty 70 mph road (well technically 55-60) then I-35, so not exactly a lovely drive
The good ending: Layer 7-1
The bad ending: Layer 1-7
> Please Do Not Teach Students Pointless Acronyms
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Quốc TrungArithmetic Mean Tags: fastest-code math number Given integers \$m, d, n\$ where \$d ≤ m ≤ n\$. Find an array that satisfies these conditions: The array only consists of integers ranging from \$1\$ to \$n\$. The arithmetic mean of the array must be within the range of \$ \left[ \frac{m}{d}, \frac...

@RydwolfPrograms Ooh I have a really interesting idea for this game
What if instead of a traditional turn-based thing, you could move whenever you want, but there's a minimum cooldown before each move?
So you can move as fast as possible and keep it effectively turn-based, or take a bit longer to think and sacrifice a move
Low cooldowns like one second would make it much less strategic and more fast-paced spamming/rushing style gameplay, while slower cooldowns would give you time to elaborately plan a setup to attack a key target
I should probably explain how the game works
The colored squares are soldiers. The player is green/blue/purple, and the opponent is red/orange/yellow. There are three types of soldiers:
- Scouts (green/red): Move two squares forward instead of one, cannot capture warlords
- Knights (blue/orange): Basic soldiers
- Warlords (purple/yellow): First to lose all six is the game's loser
Gray octagons are walls, and brown ones (all gone in the screenshot I shared) are crates. You typically can't walk into a cell containing a wall/crate, nor one containing another soldier on your team.
If you click a piece, it always moves, unless it is blocked in by your own pieces on all four sides. It first tries forward, then right, then left, then backward, and only if it can't do any of those, it tries again but with the ability to destroy walls/crates.
If it destroys a wall, nothing happens (other than an obstacle being removed). But if one of the 6 crates are destroyed, the piece promotes. Scouts become knights, and knights become extra warlords. (If you try to promote a warlord, it becomes an enemy warlord. Don't do that.)
I actually don't have capturing implemented yet, I'm considering a system where you can only capture higher ranked pieces using wall destruction rules. So a knight can move normally onto a scout or another knight, but to kill a warlord, a knight must be blocked in by obstacles or same-side pieces on all sides
(higher-ranked pieces would be in between empty squares and obstacles on the priority list; if there's a wall in front of you and a warlord to the side of you, and you're a knight, you'd kill the warlord rather than destroying the wall)
You end up with lots of interesting puzzle situations, since with enough careful arranging you can typically get your pieces into nearly arbitrary formations (or break down nearly any obstacle), you just have to put some thought into it
Yeah I think these game mechanics would be a ton of fun
You'd have an early game where scouts with lines of sight rush toward one another, but since they can't break past the knights alone, you'd at the same time be setting up and strategizing to get key promotions and send formations toward weaker warlords
@Bubbler They are even self-vandalizing their user name.
CMC: Produce an array of nonnegative integers whose length is 98739, sum is 4, and 1-based index-weighted sum is 15 (e.g. [0, 2, 1, 1] has weighted sum 2*2 + 3*1 + 4*1 = 11)
Anyone have a good chat dark mode userscript?
@mousetail For…?
This chat
What userstyle manager do you use? Before I hacked my userstyles into user scripts but it might be time to do it properly
@Bubbler nonnegative? so, [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0... 0]?
@Adám Is there one for the main site?
@Neil that is a valid output, yes
@mousetail Uh, yes, did you look in that repo?
I guess [0, 0, 1, 3, 0... 0] also works and has the most number of consecutive zeros possible
@Bubbler Ah, clever, then they went and slowly vandalised it by "golfing" the contents" over multiple iterations so we wouldn't notice. But note the edit summary which contains profanity and garble.
Now, here's a general problem. When OP makes a commitment to a challenge posted ("The timing will be done on my machine and this is a competition per language.") but then clearly gives up on the challenge (by attempting to destroy it), we surely can't expect them to do timings. That leaves us with dysfunctional challenge. What do we do then?
@Adám Seems like there is a good amount of unreadable text still that needs fixing
Q: What do we do with an abandoned challenge that requires the author's participation?

AdámWhen the author of a challenge makes a commitment to a challenge posted (e.g. "The timing will be done on my machine") but then clearly gives up on the challenge (e.g. by attempting to destroy it through vandalism), we surely can't expect them to live up to their commitment. That leaves us with d...

@mousetail I've given up on automated darkmode. Site changes too quickly.
It's not that hard to fix when it's one thing at a time but this script is 6 years behind
@mousetail Stylus can suggest userstyles for you.
Most recent dark mode suggestion I get is uso.kkx.one/style/168402
Wow that has to be the lowest resolution screenshot in the history of screenshots, maybe ever
#nav-labs-jobs {
    display: none;
@NewPosts ... I just got back to my computer and this happened
1 hour later…
@NewPosts What about a "This challenge has ended" custom close reason. We have quite a large number of abandonded KOTH/Fastest code challenges, you shouldn't be able to submit more solutions to them if they can't be scored
Except they can be scored. It's still fine to submit a solution to a fastest-code challenge even if the author may not necessarily run it, and I've never heard of a KOTH with a closed-source controller
Has it ever happened that a new submitter updated the leaderboard of an old koth?
Usually only the author updates the koth because otherwise it's too easy to re-run it until your bot gets a good score by chance.
The site is called "code golf and coding challenges", not competition. I think we should stop caring about comparing the score of answers
For a KOTH that's basically the entire point though
Good point for every other type of challenge
2 hours later…
@Fatalize I stopped adding "n bytes" when answering CMCs, already a while back.
4 hours later…
Why the sigma does Tkinter use north/east/south/west for specifying alignment of widgets??
Covert exclusionism towards planets without magnetic fields
> If you want to center a widget both horizontally and vertically, you would use sticky=tk.N + tk.S + tk.E + tk.W (or the equivalent sticky=tk.NSEW).
Or, "Not Safe Ever, Warning"
Lmao college board really not trying to hide what they're here for
@RydwolfPrograms not safe efor work
@RydwolfPrograms why are you using tkinter at all
2 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms This by itself sounds a lot like Stratego, though the details are different
Cursed idea: A network card in a hard drive form factor
@hyper-neutrino not saf efor work
1 hour later…
Every time I forget where uwsgi saves it's error longs and have to put a lot of effort into finding them again
2 hours later…
I much prefer error floats
i didn't notice it didn't say logs for this entire two hours
> Student Information Online (SIO) is a secure website and essential resource
I like how they take the time to reassure you it's secure
"Don't worry it's a SECURE WEBSITE and we will NOT be harvesting ANY of your organs."
Also it's plutonium-free*
* 99.7% guaranteed
"if you do not comply with the site TOS , we will NOT send someone to your house to unalive you and you will NOT be thrown into the ocean so that you're never found and an employee will NOT assume your identity and start living your life"

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