@RydwolfPrograms Ooh I have a really interesting idea for this game
What if instead of a traditional turn-based thing, you could move whenever you want, but there's a minimum cooldown before each move?
So you can move as fast as possible and keep it effectively turn-based, or take a bit longer to think and sacrifice a move
Low cooldowns like one second would make it much less strategic and more fast-paced spamming/rushing style gameplay, while slower cooldowns would give you time to elaborately plan a setup to attack a key target
I should probably explain how the game works
The colored squares are soldiers. The player is green/blue/purple, and the opponent is red/orange/yellow. There are three types of soldiers:
- Scouts (green/red): Move two squares forward instead of one, cannot capture warlords
- Knights (blue/orange): Basic soldiers
- Warlords (purple/yellow): First to lose all six is the game's loser
Gray octagons are walls, and brown ones (all gone in the screenshot I shared) are crates. You typically can't walk into a cell containing a wall/crate, nor one containing another soldier on your team.
If you click a piece, it always moves, unless it is blocked in by your own pieces on all four sides. It first tries forward, then right, then left, then backward, and only if it can't do any of those, it tries again but with the ability to destroy walls/crates.
If it destroys a wall, nothing happens (other than an obstacle being removed). But if one of the 6 crates are destroyed, the piece promotes. Scouts become knights, and knights become extra warlords. (If you try to promote a warlord, it becomes an enemy warlord. Don't do that.)
I actually don't have capturing implemented yet, I'm considering a system where you can only capture higher ranked pieces using wall destruction rules. So a knight can move normally onto a scout or another knight, but to kill a warlord, a knight must be blocked in by obstacles or same-side pieces on all sides
(higher-ranked pieces would be in between empty squares and obstacles on the priority list; if there's a wall in front of you and a warlord to the side of you, and you're a knight, you'd kill the warlord rather than destroying the wall)
You end up with lots of interesting puzzle situations, since with enough careful arranging you can typically get your pieces into nearly arbitrary formations (or break down nearly any obstacle), you just have to put some thought into it
Yeah I think these game mechanics would be a ton of fun