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I just realized I still haven't introduced myself in that one meta post
should I?
if you wish
C++ really do be made by the maddest coders
C on the otherhand, that's a language with some gusto
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
C++ is Feature Creep: The Language
That said, I really wish I could use some C++ features in C. Namely classes and Namespaces.
@RydwolfPrograms TCP packets are an implementation detail. you're not supposed to need to know about them
laughs in custom protocols
QUIC is that you?
yes what?
@Bbrk24 that's like how r/okbuddychicanery has /uc for unchicanery and /rc for resume chicanery
fools! they've all secretly been using HTML!
*evil markup laughter*
@Bbrk24 If I had a nickel for every genderfluid user in this room, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice :p
how do I parse HTML with regex
@Ginger TIL
also, you might want to put your pronouns in your chat bio so that users with the Pronoun Assistant userscript can see them
but i did
they've gotta match a specific regex, try xe/xem explicitly
At least it's better than what I used to have
"Pronouns? I swear I had them around here somewhere..." was what I had at first
chat markup go brr
@Bbrk24 I think I rember that
@Ginger How do I set it up? I've never used a userscript on desktop before
what browser are you using?
Chrome for now
user firefox but you should be able to use Tampermonkey then
I don't have a link but it's in the Chrome store
and once you have it just click the Raw button on the GH page and it'll auto-install
@Ginger There, I added it
hmmm, still no worky
try Pronouns: xe/xem? idk how it works
@Ginger 404
there's a bracket in your url
stupid chat markup
The regex is /pronouns:\s*([^.\n)\]}<]*)(\.|\n|\)|]|}|<|$)/im
oh! They have ze but not xe as a recognized spelling of the pronoun /zi:/
open a PR
I don't feel like forking it
Hey there we go!
ooh, it worked
Yeah I had to change the word order of my bio a bit
yeah I see it too :P
I have the userscript installed
oh, right
It doesn't work for Rydwolf because he has two sets of pronouns in his bio :(
regex go brrrr
Why on earth is it not working for user
or DLosc for that matter
who knows
I just opened the inspector panel to see why
This site is still using HTML 4.01
yeah i have no idea
@Bbrk24 Because my pronouns are "/". Do not refer to me.
It's working for me (I can see myself, Bbrk24, Ginger, and DLosc)
I have an answer on SO that only had a few upvotes until like January, when it started getting one upvote per month (Jan 9, Feb 19, Mar 9, Mar 30). Should I be suspicious?
I guess one upvote per month for 4 months isn't much, but it's a random answer that probably won't show up when you Google anything relevant
@user Oh it's working for you on my end now, weird that it didn't before
Oh! It doesn't work after you leave the room
Okay am I crazy or does Alt+Numpad use CP-1252 instead of Unicode
I have a custom keyboard layout so maybe that's the issue if it's supposed to be Unicode?
Or is Windows just bad
Can someone try Alt+0153 and see if it's the "™" symbol
As well as Alt+8482 since that's what it should be
I really miss having Chrome's Ctrl+Shift+U
It's a lil' janky but it definitely works
@RydwolfPrograms alt-codes.net
It does use an OEM
Okay yeah ChatGPT is totally capable of making up really convincing lies
It just walked me through a whole process to enable Chrome-style Ctrl+Shift+U on Firefox which doesn't actually exist in about:config lol
@RydwolfPrograms You're only figuring this out now? :p
I mean up until now it's been pretty great as a search engine for me :p
It's taught me a ton of physics already
@RydwolfPrograms while chatgpt (and the underlying gpt3.5) is much better than the original gpt3 at giving correct information, it's still inaccurate
Well yeah I know how it works :p
You should try playing chess with it
It does all sorts of goofy things
I have
First thing I tried :p
One thing about chatgpt is that it really likes calling me Kevin
It honestly surprised me just how bad it was. I mean, even for text generation, I'd think it'd have seen enough analyses of chess games to get an idea of what the board looks like and what's sensible to play
In an opening, at least
But it can't even do that
I once got it to do 10 valid turns in an opening
Then it devolved into summoning rooks
6 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms yeah i'm not surprised it shits itself going deep into a game, considering it is ultimately just shallowly operating on the list of moves through deep general-language layers instead of anything that can actually construct and progress the game state, but it really should be competent with openings--the things that themselves shallowly depend on immediate context
2 hours later…
figured I'd move it to a more appropriate room
The entire conversation before is even more off topic
@mousetail thanks
the rules used to be that you could be as OT as you want until someone wants to be on topic then you must stop
I guess lyxal decided that for themselves
ah ok
I quite liked those rules as it stopped there being a lot of silence
@mousetail you said it yourself - it was off topic :p
@lyxal I'm sorry 543?
It's a great convo
you should read it
I am
1 hour later…
@Seggan insert snark about how wolf projects don't get completed a lot of the time :p
I for one welcome our new hivemind overlords
@lyxal starts writing se nitro
@DLosc could help but read that last sentence as "Guess that's because it's a golfing"
Q: Don't say "user was removed," simply to prevent heart attacks

Dan JacobsonDon't say "user was removed". That will only cause heart attacks, reducing the number of users on the system. Yes, even if there is an explanation. Say "User who voted on your posts was removed." There's plenty of room for that. You see, the average user, upon first seeing it, will think it was ...

I mean I get where it's coming from
I'd be upset too if user was removed from the stack exchange
@lyxal this looks like a troll
specifically because of the fixation on heart attacks
there's a very good point but unfortunately I think mentioning heart attacks made everyone believe they're trolling
and who knows maybe they are
on the one hand I'm inclined to say "troll", but on the other hand that's a valid criticism of SE's UI
I'm going to assume good faith in the Wikipedian style
It's entirely possible they packicked for a moment before reading the message properly
I've retracted my downvote
also, this user's been a member of MSE for 10 years; it's unlikely that they suddenly decided to be a troll
@Ginger it used to be one of our rules to assume good faith
They removed it which still bothers me
@Seggan :o Guest author for a chapter?
Lmk if you want to that would be so cool
Can we do a long guest chapter featuring a few panels from every major Nitro enjoyer?
Y'all could collab in secret so I wouldn't know what you're doing
And since it's the penultimate chapter in the whole series, it'd make for a really interesting surprise ending since y'all wouldn't know how I'd continue it
I'd assume we'd be given a plot to use?
also I wholeheartedly support this idea
You'd get to take it in whatever direction y'all want
And I'd figure out how to go from there and wrap it up
gonna draw 10 frames of Ginger and GingerBot discussing Katlani linguistics
this is a great idea
now we just need people to participate d:
You and Seggan probably, maybe emanresu?
send out invites to the P4TC room
I'll let you do it so if people get angry it's not my fault
@lyxal It's-a me, Golfio!
@lyxal lol, idk why that person talks about heart attacks, but that is some weird phrasing
Someone needs to edit that question into something that doesn't sound troll-y so it can get upvoted
1 hour later…
@lyxal holy thats a lot of msg
I'm bck
have you seen the latest se nitro updates
took a break from everything cgcc related because I was stressed out from schoolwork and stuff like that
2 hours later…
@Seggan I want to ask why you set your "pronouns" to that, but more to the point it's so long that it's messing up the spacing between messages
@Bbrk24 doing a bit of parody
Parody of what?
pronouns. im defining pronouns in my bio, just not my pronouns
doing a little trolling, if you will /s
Yeah but is it really responsible to parody the idea of posting and listening to people's preferred pronouns
not really
It's not as bad as attack helicopter jokes but still
@RydwolfPrograms agh, don't remind me
changed it
I don't see any pronouns for Seggan at all
there arent any now
Oh you changed it
What was it before?
he/him IIRC
I meant the parody (but thanks)
pronouns replace nouns in a sentence
Ah lol
Q: Play Rock-Paper-Scissors 25 25 is a version of Rock Paper Scissors which has 25 hand symbols instead of just 3. Each symbol defeats 12 symbols, and is defeated by 12 others. Here's a link to a chart showing which symbols defeat which. The challenge here is simple: your program should take in two strings representing the...

@RydwolfPrograms this is Truth
also the msg on the starboard changed from 22 to 21h ago somehow
Ooh it's my 4th favourite day of the year today :p
@Seggan Dammit, the time wizards are up to their bullshit again
whats the space complexity of the prefixes-of-suffixes algo for finding all sublists?
in what sense
i think o(n2)
@UnrelatedString as in the final result
2 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms Alt+153 is Ö, Alt+0153 is , Alt codes are byte sized so they max out at 255

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