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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

@RadvylfPrograms Good luck! It was a good test. Surprisingly little focus on Java for a Java test, a lot more general CS stuff.
I think it was a little too focused on java when i took it
high-school-level CS exams have always annoyed me
They wanted you to know the return type of list.add iirc
Well in theory this is a college level CS exam
@pxeger aps are “college level “
but you take them in high school
But apcs is a joke
actual university exams tend not to be bad
@pxeger yes but they’re really college level courses
They have those questions where the answer is so obvious that it's hard to explain if you really understand the concept, but to pass you just need to memorise the correct way of explaining things that they want
@pxeger i had the displeasure of taking one and yeah, it was much nicer, though harder
@pxeger you’ll love Indian exams then
Memorizing exactly what the teacher dictated or wrote on the blackboard (and I mean exactly) was the only way to get 100% (at least where i went
People trash the US school system but it’s way less focused on memorization
@Romanp Oh nice, which one? UT?
Lots of my family went there
Hmm ok, looking at apcentral.collegeboard.org/pdf/ap19-frq-computer-science-a.pdf it doesn't seem to be as bad as the stuff I saw in the UK
> What is representational abstraction?
> Explain the difference between asynchronous and synchronous communication
Remember: DO NOT golf your Java. I repeat, DO NOT golf your Java. Partially because Java's so annoying to golf you might accidentally start writing APL or something ;)
I'm gonna have so much fun drawing those squiggly braces
(Although technically they don't take points off if you use parentheses instead)
@RadvylfPrograms When I took it, I realized I didn't know how to write an ampersand. I figured out some squiggle which looked close enough after a while, though.
They don't take points off for bad syntax IIRC. You could probably get away with just writing and
I could have? Would have stressed few-years-back me out a LOT less
It's more the program logic, and Java-y stuff like formatting of classes/methods that they're looking for I think
I'm not sure how far they go with it, but I know for sure that points aren't taken off for stuff like missing semicolons, single =s instead of ==, and other things like that (that the compiler would quickly alert you to anyway)
@Romanp wait where does java use ampersands...
&& and bitwise &
Though bitwise & would never show up on APCSA I don't think
Yeah, never used bit operators in Java.
i used em when dealing with socket protocols and bytecode stuff
makes sense
@Romanp ah i mixed it up with the @ sign
Yeah, Java only uses @ for annotations
oh yeah
i use java so much yet i forget annotations smh
oh my god
I am such an IDIOT
I forgot to use the session object
Well, going to APCSA test now o/
good luck o/
@Seggan wtf 83° how do you live?!!! arent you getting toasted!)!!)!)!
degrees farenheight
obviously i was joking
except i am PyGamer0
living at 83° must be pretty uncomfortable, the blood must rush all to one side of your body
nah ive got air conditioning
@Ginger did you do db.add instead of db.session.add?
Well I guess waited 20m for the lunch people to figure things out, are it all in 6 minutes, rushed to the lecture hall, to learn that we'll have to wait another 20m for the previous test to finish :|
Also spellcheck moment lol
1 hour later…
according to data.se, only 16.5% of answers use an online service to run code
@Seggan That feels really low.
even if it was looking for specific formatting associated with just tio that would be really low
@Seggan Ever? I wonder what this statistic looks like e.g. in the last 2 years
or between 2 and 4 years ago
Could two people please upvote this? GB needs at least 100 rep to be a room owner
I'm trying to test out my new SE chatbot library
@user I did requests.post instead of self.session.post
already did
already did
ayy there we go
@Neil Yeah, I guessed undefined as well
Dammit, Maori keyboard
Try the Turkish keyboard! The i key types ı and the actual letter i does exist but it's the ' key.
@emanresuA I didn't see the CMC at first, so legit thought that Vyxal had a builtin to just isolate the letter G in the input for a second :P
@emanresuA nvm, doesn't take length :P
ok so I uploaded a new package to pip for testing (pypi.org/project/advent) and after running sudo -H pip3 install advent it still says module not found after I try running import advent from python (I also tried python3 -m pip install advent)
anyone ever get this before? and did y'all get this when working on vyxal since ik that's been uploaded to pip
You are really tryharding aoc
ask the pxeger, he did some magic with poetry
@UnrelatedString query was Body like 'Online</a>' or Body like 'Online_</a>'. that includes TIO, ATO, RTO, Vyxal, Matlab, etc
@emanresuA well i might as well upload it to pip if i'm going to make another library, which i probably will but idk if i'll end up giving up
try searching for the markdown equivalent
hey it's less tryhard than making a new language for it which is what i tried last year until i decided it wasn't worth the time :P
I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
o/ for now
@UnrelatedString the bodies are in html
also i thought it'd be easier than this since with npm it was pretty easy and i uploaded my discord.js wrapper library to npm so i could install it to multiple projects since i was doing a lot of copy-pasting before i did that
and i got just over 3k results
which seems way too low to me
doing a select * from Posts where PostTypeId != 1 gave me 50k, which also seems low
GPT3's new hit single "The Sky is Falling," available now! Only on The Edge of Propinquity ;)
@Seggan On CGCC? Doubt it, the last time I checked, it was around 35% IIRC
Speaking of SEDE tho, this is kinda depressing: number of users with 1k+ reputation who last accessed the site in each year (e.g. Howard would be one of the 10 users last seen in 2014)
The numbers from 2020 to 2021 almost quadrupled
@cairdcoinheringaahing you have a query?
@Seggan somewhere, buried in the 14 pages of queries I've written on SEDE :P But, you'd be better off looking for %<a>Try it% (and lowercase everything), rather than %Online</a>%
E.g. Shaggy has around 1000 answers, most of which say "Try it here", as he doesn't use the TIO Japt interpreter
Back from comp sci test
Someone was on their phone during the break between part I and part II and their test got invalidated ._.
Wait why?
Part 1 and 2 are separate, right? I don't see any problem with that
@user Honestly neither do I, the test guy's reasoning was basically "I said not to be phone and u phone so oof"
who the hell even thought of prototype oop
They were like, "what do you get when you boil Smalltalk down to its essence? Prototypal inheritance"
And it is sort of a cool idea and I think it makes more sense to do prototypes than classes given how JS's objects are just dictionaries
But it seems like people try to get JS to do classes despite that, so maybe it wasn't such a great idea
when you implement a golfing language using the language
Yo dawg, I heard you liked golflangs
Actually, that meme doesn't work here, this is bootstrapping or something
A friend of mine set up a chat server with nc and a VM... so I piped in /dev/random
Oh no...sudo cat /dev/random | /dev/tty1 would be evil
The Fundamental Programming Language™
If you think that's bad, have a look at
I'd love to see someone teach a kid quantum physics and symbolic algebra and stuff but not basic addition and multiplication tables and stuff so it just fails at life
Someday if/when I have a kid I'm going to do my best to incorporate 2010s and 2020s slang/memes into its vocabulary
People have a hard time teaching quantum physics to college students, how tf are these people teaching it to babies?
@RadvylfPrograms If you want to be a real dad, you'd use a mix of Shakespearean and pirate speech
Either it's 1. some super stupid simplification of it that doesn't really teach anything at all or 2. these people are just selling books for money and they're written with a high school level audience and a condescending tone
raise them speaking four different conlangs and nothing else
two per parent
maybe stretch the definition a bit to include reconstructed proto-languages
Most likely, it'll be just be nonsense like a picture of an atom and "This is an atom. Atoms can teleport!"
@UnrelatedString Time to get polygamous marriages legal so you can teach the kid 10 sueless languages
"Hey, this is your son's English-as-a-second-language teacher, why exactly does he only speak proto-germanic?"
you take esperanto and proto-afro-asiatic, your wife takes klingon and old chinese
Old chinese isn't exotic enough
Klingon might be the easiest of those to find a translator for lmao
teach them how to write it but only in oracle bone script
Gotta throw in grunts
How real people spoke before those wussies made grammar and stuff
We didn't talk about our feelings back then, we just slapped each other and stole their meat
Build a really tall tower that reaches god and poke him with a stick until he makes us new languages
Honestly that guy seems like such a nerd. People try to make a tower to frick with him so he uses them as guinea pigs for conlangs
Ooh, and we'll babble in those new languages, so maybe we should call it the Babble Tower. Or actually, I don't like the bble, let's call it the Babel Tower
Isn't "Babel" the origin of the word "babble"
Is joke
Well yeah but if that's the actual origin of the word it's not a joke it's a reconstruction of reality lol
Well this time it's going the other way around so it's not reality
Is joke.
wait wait wait
find a fan grammar of khuzdul
a reconstruction of a conlang that's also a conlang in universe
@user Quantum physics is time reversible. Even a baby could tell you that (for $25.38)
@user If u no agree i beat u and steal ur family
@RadvylfPrograms Is it really though? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrow_of_time
because iirc tolkien never really fleshed it out beyond like ten words total and saying it uses semitic-style triliteral roots
but it's also canonically something that aule personally made up and taught to the dwarves
@RadvylfPrograms That's hella sus
Tell me you're a sussy baka without telling me you're a sussy baka :P
Of all of the slang from the last decade "sus" is what I hope sticks around as a part of english like "okay" did
What's this? Wrong answers only amogus
there's no way it won't at this point
@RadvylfPrograms sus has been slang since the 50s
like it's been two years since among us memes "died"
@cairdcoinheringaahing But not in the same sort of way, right?
"sus" has just been a normal word with a completely different meaning
There's a group of kids who sit behind me (both in first period and on the bus) who've somehow only just discovered Among Us and they play it all the time, very loudly
Like, it was a verb IIRC. "to sus [xyz] out" is more or less a part of ordinary english but it's not used as an adjective
Like, they unironically think it's the best game ever
it's also been social deduction game jargon with the same meaning forever but it didn't blow up out of there until among us
@RadvylfPrograms In the general sense, yeah, tin the same way. Not specifically aabout Among Us, but "sus" has been slang for "suspicious" since the 60s
@RadvylfPrograms suss
sus is different
yeah yeah :p
I've only heard someone say "suss out" once in my entire life
@RadvylfPrograms In other words, your message was sus
And you sussed out why?
I would argue that the primary use of sus these days is closer to an abbreviation of the adjective suspect as opposed to suspicious.
Of all the things the devs of among us thought would happen, potentially permanently adding a word to the world's english vocabulary probably wasn't one of them
Suspect and suspicious come from the same root
Of course @caird. I am just speculating about the origin.
Well the origin was in among us right? That's the "primary use" IMO
I'd argue "suspicious" is more likely, given that the origin phrase (at least, in the among us era) is "person is sus"
Yeah, that makes sense.
What is this "sus" thing I keep hearing about?
It comes from the amogus family of memes, about the game Among Us which was immensely popular in the early 20s
@RadvylfPrograms it definitely spread there from other social deduction games like traditional mafia
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm gonna play devil's advocate and say people can also say "red is suspect" instead of "red is suspicious"
True. But Among Us is what popularised it.
@forest Long story short: mobile social deduction game (Among Us) became very popular, and people, being lazy, abbreviated "I think that the Red player is suspicious" to "Red is sus"
But yeah, I agree it's probably "suspicious"
@user Sure they can, but which is more natural/likely?
I've never heard the "suspect" one before, always "suspicious"
Ah. I don't even have a mobile phone capable of playing games.
Well y'all are suspect for never hearing "suspect" before
ಠ_ಠ why does my uni send out emails at 11:30pm?
@user oh I met the author of that series before lol
i've definitely heard "suspect" as an adjective before
@forest I don't think anyone else here has played amogus either, it's just a meme that everyone knows about by this point
@hyper-neutrino You're kidding, right?
i've played it a few times
Well I didn't know. :p
it's alright
@user I've played it twice :P
@forest I'm pretty surprised you haven't come across "sus" before, I've never played Among Us but amogus memes were so widespread I still came across them pretty constantly (even offline)
@user no, I'm hyper-neutrino
but no i'm actually not I went to a quantum cryptography summer camp thing a few years ago and he was a guest speaker there :P
@forest Okay I guess I meant younger people, but I'd definitely expect most older people to know about it too by now
@user can't touch me, nae nae *fortnight dances*
actually no i hated it for the first few games then it was alright
@RadvylfPrograms I just heard it in another chat room (The DMZ) recently.
> a few years ago
Was this as a baby?
@hyper-neutrino Tbh quantum cryptography is kind of a meme.
Neutrinos age faster, has to do with the speed of light
yes it was between grade 10 and 11 i think
goose goose duck is genuinely good though since you actually have roles and such
Interesting in theory, but not useful in practice.
@hyper-neutrino Was he a fraud or a legit person?
Honestly, I'd love for someone to announce a talk on quantum cryptography, and just go "Honestly, it's all so random that we don't know shit about it. Boom, secure encryption"
idrk how to answer that? :P he seems legit ig like i'm sure he's done more than write books for babies about scientific topics :P
my favorite analogy for entanglement actually comes from his book about it
It's certainly an awesome concept.
But... side-channels are still a thing...
Post-quantum cryptography is the way to go, not quantum "cryptography".
Although despite the names, PQC and QC are totally unrelated.
i can't remember if quantum cryptography was actually the proper name of the subject
@forest As a general rule, I try to avoid anything that uses the word "quantum" in it's title
pqc is about mitigating quantum-enabled attacks on classical cryptography right
it was quantum mechanics related and cryptography related, that's all i can say
shor's algorithm factorization and whatnot
1) far too practical for me, I want everything to be hidden behind 1000 layers of abstractions, and 2) it's become a bit of a buzzword (similar to "machine learning" or "blockchain")
@UnrelatedString Yes, PQC algorithms are algorithms that are not in the BQP (Bounded-error Quantum Polynomial time) complexity class and are thus immune to quantum computers. So things like NTRU as opposed to RSA.
a good amount of what we did there was revolving around quantum key distribution but still just using one time padding because of quantum computing breaking things like RSA and whatever
@hyper-neutrino thanks for the help for contacting cm to dissociate the posts, I just saw the notification saying that the posts have been disociated
@cairdcoinheringaahing Reminds me of my new company that mints NFTs on the quantum blockchain using a machine learning smart contract invented by Elon Musk
@AidenChow i mean i mod messaged you to not bring it up publicly again instead of pinging you here but if you're going to thank me publicly then i might as well just say "you're welcome" publicly as well :P
@RadvylfPrograms Hang on, lemme just go short the stock on that and send it to the moon
Quantum blockchain? What?
if you're going to short a stock don't you want it to crash
I just mushed two buzzwords together it's (hopefully) not a thing
@hyper-neutrino oh ok I didn’t know that
@forest it's a bunch of nonsense buzzwords :P
I wonder how long until people start using PQC algorithms for blockchain.
@hyper-neutrino idk shit about economics :P
My hobby is shorting stocks then driving trucks into their headquarters
Works every time but I have the FBI and the SEC after me
What is shorting stocks
I know exactly one thing about investing: wine goes up and never goes down :P
@AidenChow You buy it, let someone borrow it with the promise they'll sell it back to you. If the price goes down, you make money.
uh not exactly
Honestly tho, basically all stock trading is just gambling but in suits
you borrow it and sell it to someone else, and then if the price goes down you can buy it back for lower, thus earning the difference
the reason shorting is risky is because when you buy stocks normally you can only lose as much as you put in and nothing more, but if you short stocks you can go into theoretically unbounded debt
@cairdcoinheringaahing only if you're not rich enough
I had the general idea (borrowing it and stuff, and making money when it goes down), at least :p
if you're rich enough then you just manipulate the market :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's only true if you buy really risky, short-term gain stocks.
You can certainly make money over the long run if you're conservative in your purchases.
But if you're hoping to invest in the next Apple, then that is gambling.
Stuff like an index fund would technically be investing but is hardly gambling
@hyper-neutrino Hang on, I think I have a spare $44bn around here that I can use to outbid Musk
some of y'all might find this sort of funny
App inventor = help
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If you gave me $50 and said that I had to use it on some form of chance money increase, I'm not investing into stocks, I'm playing some poker :P
You could put the $50 into a mutual fund.
At the very least, I get to beat myself up over how I played later on :P
@forest I'm not sure if I would consider a mutual fund to be a "chance money increase" tbh
It's not, it's a conservative way to invest.
Instead of putting it into something that has a small chance of succeeding.
well technically mutual funds are sort of a chance
i have money in mutual funds that are at a net negative right now because the entire economy is fucked
But less risky.
Exactly. I'm talking about the kind of trading that got super popular back in January, shorting socks and trading at crazy variations. I'd rather play poker (or even blackjack) than use those
Ah, yeah.
Not everyone can be George Soros.
ah yeah
that's very RNG yeah, lol
@forest I was gonna make a joke about Soros being a right-wing demon, but US politics in the last 3 days has bummed me out so much that I can't :/
(as in, the right wing demonise him)
Soros is evil, but he's not the kind of bogeyman the right wing makes him out to be.
He's just a nasty capitalist who makes money off of destabilizing smaller countries.
@forest He's the same kind of evil as all the other billionaires
My dad feels all smugly superior because he pays for some website thing that advertises it can predict how companies will do and which ones are the "next amazon" and stuff and I'm just like...if they really could do that they'd just invest in it themselves lol.
As the other billionaires who make money from micro-trading in the stock market, at least.
@RadvylfPrograms Behind the scenes at this website: ok, blindfold Dave and get him to choose one of them
behind the scenes: ok let's get a fish to pick our stocks
@cairdcoinheringaahing Confused me for a sec because my dad's name is Dave lol
@RadvylfPrograms Huh, same
Everyone's dad is named Dave confirmed
@hyper-neutrino Remember the octopus who correctly predicted 7/8 of Germany's world cup games in 2014?
@RadvylfPrograms yes, this is a very reasonable extrapolation :P
@RadvylfPrograms Do you happen to be a physicist, making a conclusion from an n = 2 dataset? :P
Well out of my sample size 2/2 people have dads named Dave, using Bayesian something or other I can thus predict I'm right with like 50-100% accuracy
i'm no statistician so I'll take your word for it
@cairdcoinheringaahing Sorry, 2010 world cup, and I know this because this is legit in my Master's level lecture notes:
@RadvylfPrograms Make that 2/3 :P
Also, now they want us to use Wikipedia :P
you weren't using wikipedia?
Yes and no - I'd use it to get basic definitions/theorems/properties, and anything I had to cite, I'd use Wikipedia for their sources (if I didn't have anything better)
@RadvylfPrograms You can get that to 4/4 by resampling :P
CMC: Output any natural number n such that 7921σ(n)=15840n, where σ(n) is the sum of divisors of n
@cairdcoinheringaahing you'd better not use Firefox Quantum then.
I especially like the bit at the end where it sounds like a 3D printer on methamphetamine
@Neil I've already bowed down to our overlords at Google, and mainly use Chrome
ಠ_ಠ Got to love having 2 drafts almost ready in the Sandbox, the only issue being that I have no idea how to make test cases for them
@cairdcoinheringaahing So you're immune to all the stuff quantum physics talks about?
caird exists as a particle but not a wave
Bold of you to assume I exist
Ah, knew it. You're a Jelly programmer so you must not think
Bold of you to assume you saw me write that
No need to star two messages in a row (in the same conversation)
but they're both funny!
No, only mine is. caird's isn't because their message doesn't exist
@user I don't exactly think. Therefore I ain't exactly
@lyxal ah, you think using floats instead of doubles
@user how dare you, mine is the pinnacle of humor
@Ginger No i think in terms of youtube memes
Just for that, I think I'll clear the stars on your message instead of mine :P
mod abuuuuse11!111!1!!111!1!!!!1111!1
man, I'm so tempted to actually clear them now :P
/mode #ninteenthbyte +b Ginger
RO abuse !!!!12!12!!1212!121212121!!
I'll be fair and leave them, as to not incite a riot :P
(watch me wait for it to get 10 stars, then clear them, big brain)
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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