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Any feedback for this?
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerNumber of distinct tribone tilings fastest-code sequence hexagonal-grid tiling Background Consider the region \$T(n)\$ consisting of a triangular array of \$\frac{n(n+1)}{2}\$ unit regular hexagons: Let's call \$T(2)\$ a tribone. John Conway proved that \$n = 12k + 0,2,9,11\$ if and only if...

Q: Multiplication algorithm on a 4004

Nip DipSo I was playing around with this emulator of the Intel 4004 and decided I wanted to set a challenge for myself. The first use for the 4004 was in a calculator, so I decided that I would try to code golf every operator on said calculator(addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimal p...

And any feedback for my first fastest code?
Any feedback for this? I'm stuck at implementing = (set equality) in NST, and the challenge is simply posted for implementation help...
Q: Check membership of an infinite list

Ad Hoc Garf HunterAs input you will receive An integer \$a\$ A list of integers that is infinite and strictly-monotonic1. Your program should check in finite time if \$a\$ appears the list. You should output one of two disctinct values. One if \$a\$ appears in the list and the other if \$a\$ does not. This ...

It's probably not an interesting expansion of ^. I'd better do it myself...
@Λ̸̸ Equality of infinite sets in general is undecidable AFAIK. It could produce "false" in finite time, but it can't produce "true".
even membership in infinite lists is undecidable in general.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Λ̸̸Check equality between infinite lists code-golf decision-problem As input you will receive Two lists of integers that is infinite and strictly-monotonic1. Your program should check in finite time if the two lists are equal. You should output one of two disctinct values. One if \$a\$ appear...

equality of infinite sets is undecidable even if they're presented in monotonic order.
And an undecidable problem is off-topic, because it can't be solved with code.
I once closed a challenge asking for Rayo's number for exactly that reason (modulo s/undecidable/uncomputable/).
membership in infinite sets presented in monotonic order is decidable
@JohnDvorak Is the equality operation between two monotonic sets decidable?
assuming you mean monotonic lists, no
What's a monotonic set?
If you want set equality in NST, you'll need to limit its domain to finite sets.
Uhh, alright then.
I doubt there even exists a mathematical proof system that can prove at least some equality between two mathematically defined sets.
I know a way of defining sets: sets are determined by a function that says which items return true from a function (meaning that item belongs to the set) and vice versa.
So by comparing equality between functions, would it be easier to determine whether two sets are equal?
if the functions are defined via turing machines, no
Undecidable means undecidable in any possible representation of the input.
Any language less expressive than Turing machines is can't represent all functions that Turing machines can, and any language as expressive is undecidable.
That's kind of their point.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

dingledooperMow The Grass code-golfstring Context After attempting to program in Grass for the entire morning, you decide to go outside and mow some real grass. The grass can be viewed as a string consisting exclusively of the following characters: wWv. w denotes tall grass which takes \$ 1 \$ unit of ener...

2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Λ̸̸YOUR solution to Goggle kids Code code-golf interpreter Partially inspired by this question. Overview The execution of Goggle kids Code starts with an empty binary tape with 100 items, with the pointer starting at the index 0: 00000... ^ At the end of the execution, you can assume that the ...

Any feedback for this?
Q: Rod of Asclepius

RGSWith this challenge we pay homage to everyone around the whole world fighting against the coronavirus crisis; particularly represented are the people tied to medicine, as the Rod of Asclepius is a symbol associated with medicine and health care. For that matter, we resort to some ASCII art found...

@Λ̸̸ The sample program ((/>)x4,/)x13 has a couple of problems:
There is no comma in (/>)
The explanation is using ] instead of /
@Λ̸̸ Also, it looks like the syntax is clear without the commas.
@Λ̸̸ if this is truly based upon the google turing machine game, then I can see a few things that are different from the original.
First of all, loops can only run 1-4 times in theb original.
Second of all, the only form of conditional is to check if the current cell is either 0, 1 or empty
Third of all, there is no easy way to set the value of a cell.
That's about all I can think of that is different from the original google sketch.
Not an interesting challenge then.
@Λ̸̸ Why?
I find the original google game interesting.
@Lyxal After you beat 6 levels and click where = was displayed, you get an insane 2D Turing-like machine. That could be interesting as a challenge.
Refreshing the page gives a different set of levels.
Q: Golfing Class of a language

Not that CharlesI feel like we may have enough data on this site to meaningfully break programming languages into classes. What I mean by classes is akin to Go's ranking system: If a player can win 90% of even games against a 2 kyu player, the AGA believes he or she is 1.33 ranks higher, the EGF believes (s...

Turns out that 05AB1E is a lot more concise than Jelly!
@Λ̸̸ Nah, it just measures wins and losses, so I guess the difference is mostly just one or two bytes.
And 05AB1E has a regularly active userbase, so I suspect at least some score was gained by winning against less golfy langauges, not Jelly.
Q: The first digit of a to the power of b (approximately)

simonalexander2005Inspired by This answer to a Puzzling question Background - exponentiation by squaring If you don't want to read the background, or don't understand it, there's a worked example in Java, linked at the bottom of the post. \$a^{2^{x+1}} = a^{2^{x}} * a^{2^{x}}\$ Therefore to find \$a^b\$ (where ...

@Bubbler you mean the binary counter program?
2 hours later…
Q: Calculate The Digit Sum

Command MasterYour task is to get two numbers, and output the digit sum of them. We'll define digit sum as the following: take the decimal (base 10) digits of each of them, and pad with 0s the shortest number (e.g. [1,9], [0, 7]) sum the digits as vectors (e.g. [1, 16]) convert the number back from base 19, ...

I am being watched, so I can't be the fastest gun anymore...
2 hours later…
Q: maximize the function

sushan rajGiven an expression (t1 & t2)*(t3 & t2), within a given range for t2, how to maximize the expression? (& is bitwise and) t1,t2,t3 are non negative integers. Well after so many handwritten examples, I build the logic that first finds the maximum of t1 and t3 and then found the set bits of the max...

Q: How to find the original value based on modulus/reminder and some other information

Tejas SaradeThis might be a very basic question in terms of math, x % constant = x_modulus (x + some_number) % constant = y_modulus Given the value of x_modulus, y_modulus, (x + some_number) and constant(common in both), output the value of x itself based on these values.

Q: Russian Roulette

WezlRussian roulette It's Russian roulette! The rules are simple. Shoot a revolver with n slots for bullets and one round inside at your head and you might not die! Task: Make a program that takes integer n (you can assume that 10<=n<=128) as input and outputs nothing. but how do I tell if I'm...

yay, my first 4004 golf
404: zero not found
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Ad Hoc Garf HunterRevisit sum Why is this language specific? As much as much as I like challenges to be language agnostic if this challenge were language agnostic it would most certainly be a duplicate of the add two numbers challenge due to our current duplicate policy. And for most languages adding two numb...

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