This is based off this challenge.
Given an input string, check whether the string is blurry.
What's a blurry string?
A blurry string is a string that's contained in the set of all blurrified pure-ASCII strings.
Take a non-blurrified pure-ASCII string abc as an example. You repeat every charac...
But here's the description: "Suppose you have coins with values 1, 3, 15, 20, 100, 200. Choose 20 such coins uniformly at random. Sort by coin and print the sums."
intuitition: e.g. output something like "coin with value 1 was chosen 8 times amounting to 1*8=8€, ..."
the program is allowed to output in any data structure as I do above
For reference, here's the current state: `c=[1,3,15,20,100,200];d=[];for(i=20;i--;)d[j=Math.random()*6|0]=~~d[j]+1;,i,_,e=c[i])=>[e,e*x])`
@ComFreek b encodes what was previously d[0],d[1].. - bits 0 to 4 are reserved for d[0], bits 5 to 7 for d[1], etc. this expression extracts d[i] from b
Hi! Is this a site where one can ask questions about how to write more efficient versions of a certain program? I have a code in Mathematica that computes 10000 terms of a sequence that appears that appears to be asymptotic to a square root, Sqrt(8*x). Already seeing a plot of the output would be nice. But I suspect that I need to go at least to x=10^6 to see any possible deviations.
So in light of that, and greatly reduced traffic here, it might take a while to get an answer, if you get any at all. Have you considered posting on CodeReview.SE?
Length of Longest Non-Repeating Substring
code-golf string
Your task is to take as input a single string (or list of characters, list of code points, etc.) and return the length of its longest non-repeating substring.
Aside: This challenge is similar to Longest Non-Repeating Substring, but wit...