│hi│hello world│foo│
In my terminal these same characters look like:
Why does this happen given that code blocks are monospace? Is there any way to fix it?
An Euro-iginal Sequence
Given a positive integer n output the n-th number of the euro-iginal sequence.
Calculating the Sequence
A number is part of said sequence if the number can be made up by using as many different euro coins or notes, but only one of each. Note that you don't have to cons...
Narcissistic 1 integers of an array think they are better than their neighbours, because they are (strictly) higher than their arithmetic mean.
Neighbours are defined as follows:
If the integer is at index 0 (the first), then its neighbours are the last and the second elements of ...
that's equivalent to halving the elements of the first array, and then it compares with <, then applies logical not, and finally includes the respective numbers
@cairdcoinheringaahing why? anyways, i do intend to (after 9 friggin days) but the name was mostly to keep track of pings during my suspension and a little bit of rebellion against the suspension :P
@HyperNeutrino because i thought it was funny :P whenever i joined chat, my avatar would float in and it would look like the meteor was crashing in with a warning saying *INCOMING*
@HyperNeutrino yeah sorry about that, i thought it was finite when i first saw it
@cairdcoinheringaahing 1. Q is first input line, evaluated, assigned to a variable that is mutable, d, k, T are all implicit lambda variables, and ) is the control-flow function ending (for if, while, for, blah blah blah).