I'm uncomfortable with solving something that has a cash prize yet to be awarded, but then I guess all the other competitors have access to the internet too...
For my Computer Programming 2 class, my instructor has given us the assignment of creating a rectangle made of asterisks with diagonal lines drawn through it in Java. He also told us to write it in as few bytes as possible. I've gotten it down to 190 bytes, but I need to find a few to simplify th...
Not sure if there is already a challenge with these specs but anyway...
Creating a Crossed Square
You are to take input of an integer of three or more and output a square made of any printable character of your choice.
An integer of 3 or more.
A square that is made up of a char...
Together Everyone Achieves More
(related: one, two, three)
code-golf string ascii-art
An acrostic is a style of poem/writing where the beginning character of each line, when read vertically, also produces a word or message. For example,
also spells out the wo...
"There are some logic systems that do not have any notion of equality. This reflects the undecidability of the equality of two real numbers defined by formulas involving the integers, the basic arithmetic operations, the logarithm and the exponential function. In other words, there cannot exist any algorithm for deciding such an equality."
@RohanJhunjhunwala For your experimental challenge, it just occurred to me that you could get around the problem of people misunderstanding and posting short code. You could say that a new entry in the same language must be either a permutation of a subset of the current winner, or it must be longer than the current winner. I'm not suggesting you change it for this challenge, but thought it might help for similar future challenges
The current winner for language X would then be the longest uncracked answer
@trichoplax yeah sure after this challenge winds down we can take another shot where the wording is much more concise, and a slightly more fair way of scoring
"Hello, World!" in Python + g: import g;g.h("Hello, World!");g.o()
This exploits the fact that the o function, described as outputting things as numerals, just uses the str function that can convert to strings anything.
@DJMcMayhem The challenge would either say that the specific characters 0123456789ABCDEF have values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, or else it would say that a character can have an arbitrary value, so '7878' could be binary. Without that clarification (or an assumption), it's not answerable
Dice 10,000 is a dice game which can be played with 6 dice and something to write. Players roll the dice multiple times a turn and gain a score at the end of it. The player who reaches 10,000 point first wins the game. Calcuating the score of one roll is your job in this challenge.
@ColdGolf It's not mandatory, but it's useful. If it turns out to be perfect already, there's no problem, but it's worth waiting a few days in the sandbox to get any feedback that wasn't obvious
@trichoplax the GCD explanation here shows what it used to be like (it contains the massive conversion code around two measly lines of GCD computation).
these days you do decimal to unary with 5 bytes (.+\n$*) for a single number or 6 bytes (\d+\n$*) for multiple. and unary to decimal with 1 or 3 bytes (. or M`. depending on context) for a single number or 7 bytes (\d+\n$.&) if there are multiple.
CMC: Shortest code that prints/displays a longer version of itself, 2 bytes longer, then 2 more bytes each time. The longer version of itself must be able to perform the same functions of the original code.
@NathanMerrill I'm not sure I'm following. it just seems that one is scored by bytes and the other is more like a fastest-code thingy where you try to get as many solutions as possible within some constraint?
(the same goes for least-...)
although I'm not sure what the point of "least solutions" is.
@LeakyNun Asked guy for permission. If he says yes, I'll post this question with improvements after my question limit is done, which is in around two days.
@ColdGolf I'm not convinced that will help with your question ban. We've had several "growing quine" challenges, and even if none of them was "grow by exactly 2 bytes" it's not exactly a difficult change to make to most standard quines.