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While I like Java's system of quotes, it doesn't make any sense for Perl.
There's no difference between a character and a string.
String j = 'h' no worky
In Perl.
Not Java.
Holy shit:
A: Count common Game of Life patterns

Michael KleinHaskell: 2417 characters This took quite a while and there are still a few bugs, but I got several tricks working so it was worth it. Notes: It only accepts the plaintext format, passed to STDIN It takes something like O(n^20) time I assumed that the number of characters in non-comment lines...

A brand new user answered this insanely hard challenge that hadn't gotten any answers in 2 weeks
shower in upvotes
@phase @Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ I see you starred my Mouse-2002 repo; you might be interested in mouse16 which is really indev, but derived, and Python, not C
2417 ...
characters ...
@BlockCoder1392 So? it's a hard challenge
and it's Haskell
He'll win a bounty too
That's nice
Java would probably have like ovah 9000 chars bytes
> ovah
@quartata Downgoat is this same Vihan dude, right?
@cat ye
I got triple ninja'd!
sweet :D
Q: Hey Stack Exchange, how are we doing?

Alex A.The last time we heard from a Stack Exchange community manager was in March of 2014, when Grace Note came to talk to us about the progress we've made as a site. That was back when code-trolling was a thing, and the community's response to the news wasn't particularly positive given how code troll...

notice us pls
This is a plea for attention from our mommies and daddies at SE
someone pin that
shouldn't that be on main meta?
no, it's PPCG specific
Nobody in the greater SE network gives a shit about us
but do CM's look around site specific metas?
@AlexA. @Shog9 please take a look at :)
Wow, 9 upvotes in 10 minutes with 13 views.
Q: Hey Stack Exchange, how are we doing?

Alex A.The last time we heard from a Stack Exchange community manager was in March of 2014, when Grace Note came to talk to us about the progress we've made as a site. That was back when code-trolling was a thing, and the community's response to the news wasn't particularly positive given how code troll...

@NewMetaPosts You silly billy.
I would turn you into an off topic nonsensical remark but I'd rather have this get more attention :P
can anybody crack the code?
GET /htg
What chatroom do CM's and such normally populate? chat.meta.stackexchange.com/rooms/89/tavern-on-the-meta ?
@Calvin'sHobbies idk, but I don't see a lot of blue there
@Calvin'sHobbies A special room that totally doesn't exist that moderators and employees totally do not convene in.
I did a GET to /htg. Try it!
@AlexA. s/\*.*\*/
change the body inner html to responsETexT
Here's the reslut of GET /htg: pastebin.com/tjujuVJd @NathanMerrill
9001 years later...
wow time passed pretty quickly
/time set 14000 hey, it's night
@BlockCoder1392 I'm confused
why "responsETexT"?
Stupid capslock.
I'm pretty sure that's their home page
That was get /.
regardless, I think the challenge is to decrypt "R0VUIC9odGc="
Yup and it's "GET /htg"
Simple atobing
ah I understand
there's some C code
on that pagr
i got nothin'
Today I learned: there are names for derivatives of distance beyond "jerk".

@El'endiaStarman Then I think it's crosby, stills, and nash
according to Wolfram alpha, distance^2/t^1 is stokes
@El'endiaStarman lol
@El'endiaStarman At first,I thought you were talking about "jerks" as in "bad people". I wish I could derive jerks :P
A: Best of PPCG 2015 — Now Accepting Nominations!

Martin BüttnerShowcase of Most Promising New Golfing Language [What the title says.] There seem to be quite a few of these new languages that have popped up in the last year. Nominations: Diamond Puzzles! by Dennis - Jelly Nominated by Alex A. Not only is this an interesting approach to the challeng...

"Most promising" meaning what
Most likely to outgolf Pyth? (when done)
I was just about to say something like that.
i was going to propose this
A: Shorten an already short mathematical expression

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴEmotinomicon, 48 bytes / 13 characters I do it, not because it is short, but because it is fun. Try it here. You'll have to copy+paste it into the textbox. 😼⏪🆙😦✖😎😿➕😨😼🆙😄⏩ Explanation: 😼 ⏪ 🆙 😦 ✖ 😎 😿 ➕ 😼 🆙 😄 ⏩ explanation 😼 ...

because its such a fun lang
but it has to be golfy? @El'endiaStarman
@Seadrus There was a discussion on this last night, in fact. I think the general consensus is that the language must have been designed at least in part with golfing in mind.
Minkolang sorta qualifies, but I'm not planning on nominating it.
The next language I make, yes.
wait you're talking about Emotinomicon?!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ is 👯 a command?
... I don't think so. It can be. Why?
On a different subject, I've thought of the line "to sleep, perchance to dream" fairly often over the past few weeks, usually before going to bed. Finally Googled it and it turns out to be from the "To be, or not to be" soliloquy and is about suicide. Well then.
I've been trying to figure out where I read or heard that line with little success.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Just a neat character
@El'endiaStarman o-o
Suffice to say, I was taking it more literally.
@El'endiaStarman Watched Frasier recently?
Nope, didn't know of that.
@BlockCoder1392 kinda fuzzy
true dat
blame bitmap
anybody here a javascript guru?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ... I opened the .ico file. Zoomed to 500%, and snipped.
I'm wanting to store a grid of objects
each object will have an (x,y) pair
x and y are positive/negative integers
@BlockCoder1392 Why make an ico in the first place? Favicon can be png
therefore, I need to use an object to store them, correct?
@Calvin'sHobbies blame favicon.cc
@NathanMerrill me too
if so, is there a standard way to do it?
@NathanMerrill I think.
@NathanMerrill 2d array
negative indicies?
As long as you don't need to use array built-ins, I think it works
@NathanMerrill So you want a 2D array or a hash where (x,y) tuples are the keys? Both have advantages
doesn't matter
var a = {x:7, y:-7}; var b = {x:4, y:-9}; var c = [a,b]
^ try that?
both are essentially O(1) access
@BlockCoder1392 that's not what I want at all
var a = {...stuff...};
var b = {...stuff...};
// Store a at (5,6)
// Store b at (-4, 3)
// Retrieve object at (-4, 3) should return b
i misunderstood
the best way I can think to do it is an object with keys of x+","+y
but since I'm not well versed in javascript, I thought I should ask here
var width = 10, height = 6;

var grid = new Array(width);
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
	grid[x] = new Array(height);
  for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
		grid[x][y] = 0; //initial value
var a={sa:2,sad:"213cxsdAS"};var b={bdgahs:3,bnameee:"bobb"};var c = {-4,3: a, 5,6: b}
@Calvin'sHobbies but arrays can't handle negative indexes?
> a=[0,1];a[-1]=3
> a[-1];
< 3
@NathanMerrill Then you can use objects as keys, e.g.
var points = {}
points[{x: -1, y: 4}] = 9
alert(points[{x: -1, y: 4}]) //prints 9
you can use objects as keys?
can you use arrays?
probably, an array is just an object
The array is stringified
> a={};b=[0,1];a[b]=3;
> a
< Object { 0,1: 3 }
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Ah, right
I'm ok with stringification
that code looks the cleanest
If you know the bounds of the values you could map each grid cell to a unique int and use the ints as the keys. Probably faster than strings but less convenient
@NathanMerrill Just integers, right?
I do know the bounds, but I'd prefer to keep things clean
I'm not worried about runtime right now
I write clean code first, efficient code second
> a={};b=[0,1];c=[0,"1"];a[b]=3;
> a[c];
< 3
Opinion poll: Would it be an improvement to this question if I added a rule that you must support parentheses?
Are there answers?
its in the sandbox
@JAtkin adding parenthesis makes parsing significantly harder
your challenge isn't about parsing
unless there are statements you can't represent without parenthesis, I wouldn't add them
Ok - fair enough
@NathanMerrill All statements can be represented by a series of NAND gates.
And simplified by DeMorgan's law
now, that said, somebody should make a "simplify this boolean expression"
yeah, I definitely don't know why there isn't a challenge on that
goes and starts writing
20 minutes until I can Melee Netplay :D
A: Is 0x9B (155decimal) a special control character? Why is it missing from ascii tables?

Assaf LavieCareful, friend. You have come across the ASCII symbol of the beast. It is not to be displayed, transmitted or encoded in any way. Those who even dare to discuss it on Stack Overflow will soon find their internet connection has been termi

How did that not get deleted?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ But you need parens to group things. Like a AND b is (a NAND b) NAND (a NAND b). Can you rewrite it with the form x NAND x NAND x NAND ...?
@Calvin'sHobbies eer
My mind is dead atm
se senpai hasn't noticed us yet
@AlexA. You mean the Teacher's Lounge?
bans quartata
Oh right.
Yeah, I don't know what Alex is talking about.
There's no such thing
looks around nervously
user image
C is more like an ancient arquebus that backfires in your face 10% of the time
Also Perl is still incredibly useful wtf
Lost it at the PHP one 10/10
Molotovs are incredibly useful if you need to set stuff on fire a lot
the mathematica one
where did you find this
it's perfect
My gf sent it to me
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MegoImage Blending Given an image in plain PPM (P3) format as input, for each pixel p in the image, replace each of the following 4 pixels' red, green, and blue with the floored average value of the respective channels of all 4 pixels: p itself The pixel located at p's location when the image is f...

^ any more feedback?
Taking suggestions for a better title :P
codingame.com this looks cool
@Mego I thought you were referring to the molotv
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ That's only on Tuesdays
@Mego Oh, silly me.
Do we have a "diagonals of an array" challenge?
I've been looking for one, and can't find it.
@ThomasKwa Explain?
I rofled at the C# one
@ThomasKwa We have a language-specific tips question, but I don't think we have a challenge.
@Mego [[3,1,4],[1,5,9],[2,6,5]]=>[[4],[1,9],[3,5,5],[1,6],[2]]
Disclaimer: I have terrible memory.
Hmm, what would CJam and Pyth be if they were weapons?
Pyth would be a swiss army kinfe
too much overloading
@Maltysen I agree
"Lisp is a shiv which comes in many forms. Anyone who uses this is probably crazy and dangerous."
This is true
Not even a joke really
I think the Prolog and the PHP ones are the best
I think I need to learn Lisp
CJam would be an overcooked grenade
@ThomasKwa If you learn any one LISP variant, learn Clojure
There's no point in torturing yourself with Common LISP
Because if you don't get it out fast, it'll blow up in your face (read: Dennis or Martin will FGITW you)
Scheme is nice but not practical
Oh, I was also thinking of learning Pascal. Should I?
God no
On principle, I will never learn a language where curly brackets are used for comments.
What's a good language from the 80s or earlier to learn?
I mean, it has to be the devil's work.
@Dennis IIRC scheme uses semicolons
@ThomasKwa Perl
@ThomasKwa C
^ but you probably know it already
perl or riot
I don't know C, but it's already on my list.
@ThomasKwa that should be at the top
Don't listen to them
You can run C code with a Perl module if you need to
Perl is best
All you need is Perl
C++ is first, actually; then Mathematica.
@ThomasKwa ಠ_ಠ why is c++ before c?
@Maltysen Why not?
I'll probably get lynched for saying this but C++ isn't that useful nowadays unless you need something really fast or you need a library
Java's OOP model is much more sane
Mini challenge: remove all prime digits (2 3 5 7) from the input string of digits (0-9)
one second writing pyth solution
@Calvin'sHobbies -zjkP210
god dammit
Wouldn't use filter be shorter?
APL: ~∘'2357'
Like split, filter prime?
@quartata idk, that was my <20 second solution
@Calvin'sHobbies -z"2357
7 bytes
oh that's even easier
^yeah I was being stupid earlier
Wait, I thought - did substrings
APL is a sniper.
Huh, it doesn't
wait @Calvin'sHobbies will it be an actual string?
or can it be a list of digits
@Calvin'sHobbies GolfScript, 7 bytes: "2357"-
@Dennis Does Jelly have a without?
Not yet.
String manipulation is still pretty much non-existent.
The best you could do with Jelly right now is filter: f“014689 (8 bytes)
alternative 7 chars: sftPsTz
@Calvin'sHobbies Seriously, 12 bytes: 4r`P$`M,#sΣΣ
Using C doesn't save any bytes: -z`C" 5
I've been thinking about making a stack based language with 4-bit instructions
Can probably be much improved
Obviously have to do a lot of overloading
I think I can make it work though
@Maltysen ah so that does work
Not any golfier though
@ThomasKwa but P does if I can take as a list instead of as a string
That way you don't have to split at the beginning
sftPQ, right?
I was talking about -QP210
Another solution for 12: ,#;`≈pY`M@░Σ
@quartata Filter is lambda T.
oh der
@Calvin'sHobbies Jolf, 5 bytes: -im 4
Python: lambda x:''.join([y for y in x if y not in"2357"])
I'm not bothering to count the bytes :P
Last call for feedback before posting to main (a better title would be appreciated)
Lemme think of one
@Mego You don't need the []
@ThomasKwa What []? For the link?
In the Python you posted
No, for the Python.
Did anyone send a link for our beta health question to a community manager/ping a community manager in the Meta Tavern or one of their "offices"
I don't want to nag them... but....
This is why we have a reply button, guys :)
@Mego also you can golf a bit by doing y[condition] instead of if condition
f=lambda s:s and s[0][s[0]in"2357":]+f(s[1:])
I'm dumb
Prime remover, Seriously, 8 bytes: "2357",-
^ that looks to be the optimal algorithm in most languages
I forgot I fixed subtraction for strings
@Maltysen Mine's similar, but different.
@FryAmTheEggman Fair point - generator seems to beat recursion for stuff like this :/ lambda s:''.join(c[c in"2357":]for c in s)
(even with f=)
this room died
attempts cpr
You're making out with the room?
Nah I use one of those bag thingies
Respirator is the word I couldn't think of
Do people just carry that around in case of an emergency or something? I wouldn't imagine it'd be on-hand easily.
I just realized how annoying pl would be if we ever get another programming language quiz
Bareword strings
Basically type whatever you want + pop + Hello, World!
@Sp3000 Ambulances almost always have them, medics usually will have one nearby while they're on duty
But the ambulance would take too long to arrive! D:
Even an untrained person can give CPR, though the red cross recommends not trying to respirate if you're untrained
As long as they know to push really hard and hum "Stayin' Alive", they're set

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