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Q: Number of legal positions in 1D go

LucenapositionA 1D go position on a board of size n is a sequence of length n consisting of the numbers0, 1, 2. Not all numbers need to appear in the sequences. A sequence is legal if every block of 1's has at least one 0 next to it and every block of 2's has at least one 0 next to it. Think of 1 as white, 2 a...

2 hours later…
Q: Determine if a rational number is a integer, without divition

Gabriel TellezDetermine if a rational number is also an integer, without any form of dividing. The input should be any pair of numerator and denominator. Don't forget to consider negative numbers, and division by zero. Dividing is defined as any operation/function that gives a quotient or reminder, even if it ...

Welcome to CG&CC. I have downvoted your challenge because it falls into the Do X without Y trap, and because "without division" is an unobservable requirement. Don't be discouraged from participating on the site just because your first challenge has some problems, though! Instead, use the Sandbox to get feedback on your future challenge ideas before posting them and receiving solutions. — noodle person 27 secs ago
Is it right to also VTC in cases like this, since it's a bit unclear? Or is just downvoting appropriate?
unobservable requirements do fall under vtc, yes
(specifically "needs details or clarity")
Q: Malfatti circle radii

Parcly TaxelConsider a triangle \$ABC\$ whose sides \$BC,CA,AB\$ have lengths \$a,b,c\$ respectively. In this triangle we can construct circles \$G_A,G_B,G_C\$ such that \$G_A\$ is tangent to \$CA,AB,G_B,G_C\$ \$G_B\$ is tangent to \$AB,BC,G_C,G_A\$ \$G_C\$ is tangent to \$BC,CA,G_A,G_B\$ These are the Ma...

1 hour later…
I swear the hardest part of writing a golflang is string representations
Do elaborate
5 hours later…
Q: Repetition-restricted strings

Jonathan AllanGiven an alphabet's cardinality, \$n>0\$, and an occurrence limit, \$k>0\$, produce the number, \$a(n, k)\$, of strings that may be constructed from the \$n\$ letters in the alphabet which have no more than \$k\$ occurrences of any letter. Count the empty string, or don't, it's up to you. This is...

6 hours later…
@mousetail'he-him' In the end I asked on SO stackoverflow.com/questions/79389136/…
I wish I understood this better
Processes are seperate things and so anything sent between them needs to be raw bytes
3 hours later…

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