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CMG Chess but one player all pieces(not king) replaced with pawn, but 2 move per round
Xiangqi has version every pieces removed but 2 move per round, shown that it has advantage; but pawn in chess is weaker and pieces stronger than xiangqi
Q: Number of legal positions in 1D go

LucenapositionA 1D go position on a board of size n is a sequence of length n consisting of the numbers0, 1, 2. Not all numbers need to appear in the sequences. A sequence is legal if every block of 1's has a 0 next to it and every block of 2's has a 0 next to it. Think of 1 as white, 2 as black and 0 as empty...

CMC: Calculate cos(x) = x or ~0.7390851332151607
3 hours later…
Q: Approximate the Dottie number to arbitrary precision

Wheat WizardThe Dottie number is the fixed point of the cosine function, or the solution to the equation cos(x)=x.1 Your task will be to make code that approximates this constant. Your code should represent a function that takes an integer as input and outputs a real number. The limit of your function as ...

this isn't even all possibilities it's just the ones that occur if you take subsequent words
so quite high i would say. i took "5 bits" to mean "5 bytes"
I mean 5 bits, since if you take any more you won't even get a valid ASCII letter
But that's interesting too
It whould be possible
10 bits will barely make a letter, at worst you'd get "i" or something
I mean taking the xor of every individual letter with the same letter in the other word
def xor(a,b):return chr((ord(a)^ord(b))|ord('a'))
def wordxor(a,b):return ''.join(map(xor,a,b))
5 hours later…
CMQ How can I search for a hash function that is a bijection between the set "ab", "b", "c", "d" and the integer 1,2,3, 4 ? I was told to do it by exhaustive search but I am not sure how to do that
Might mean exhaustive-per-length until you find one that works at all
@UnrelatedString but what are you searching over when you do that?
3 hours later…
@ATaco Pip, 7 bytes: LhCO:oo
Starting with o=1, set o to the cosine of itself 100 times and output the result.
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

vengyNext Prime from Previous Primes Challenge Prime numbers are at the heart of mathematics, yet generating them typically requires sieves, searches, or direct primality testing. But what if we could predict the next prime purely mathematically, using only the primes that came before it? Your task is...

unprotecting this, because, as much of a target it is for non-answers, it's exactly the sort of problem that someone could just come in and solve someday
2 hours later…
oh god
You know what this post needs? A seventh answer ripped straight from ChatGPT with no editing or checking
A: What English expression or idiom is similar to the Aramaic "my heart revealed it"?

Daniel BExpanding on Kate and Conrado's comments: I'd just use "I had a feeling". It's applicable in both negative and positive contexts. Positive: When Sarah didn't text me back, I had a feeling she and my sister were planning me a surprise. Sure enough, when I got home, I found a sliced up cheesecake ...

That escalated quickly 0_o

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