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Would it be ok to post a and version of the same challenge at the same time?
3 hours later…
@mousetail'he-him' Are duped submissions a problem?
By nature of the challenge, they wouldn't really be competitive. A solution that finishes in the lifetime of the universe would likely be much longer than a fast one
@mousetail'he-him' ... yes, but ... consider carefully whether your challenge would actually make a good [fastest-code] challenge
The challenge would be Free Cell for reference, but not optimal like the existing one
In that case I don't think the [code-golf] version would be particularly interesting - it's brute force, and for a challenge that's already quite complex
10 hours later…
My chem lab 1 teacher has the most bizarre music taste
It's a 50/50 mix of emo/pop punk that's genuinely good and close to my music taste, and the other 50% is absolute burning garbage like Train
Real mixed bag
And now he's playing Rachel Platten? Bizarrely close to my music taste 50% of the time
teachers playing music in class?! awesome
A 50/50 mix of two things doesn't seem like the most bizarre taste--particularly not when the two things are both subgenres of pop music. Get back to me when you have a teacher who plays Gregorian chant and gangsta rap. :D
@Redz it's an absolutely hellish chem lab class, so it's really nice when good music is playing, and so much worse when you're trying to figure out what the hell you're supposed to be doing while 3 doors down or some shit is playing
@rydwolf This reminds me of Polandball

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