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Q: PSA: Piet editor URL has changed to piet.bubbler.blue

BubblerDue to some unwanted circumstances around the domain and the domain manager, I lost ownership of bubbler.one a couple days ago. As soon as I got aware of this, I moved all my sites hosted at *.bubbler.one to *.bubbler.blue. Now the Piet editor is hosted at https://piet.bubbler.blue. Since I can't...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LucenapositionNumber of legal position in 1D go A 1D go position on a board of size n is a sequence of length n consisting of the numbers0, 1, 2. Not all numbers need to appear in the sequences. A sequence is legal if every block of 1's has a 0 next to it and every block of 2's has a 0 next to it. Think of 1 a...

6 hours later…
Meta seems to be in read only mode, but not main and no announcement
1 hour later…
CMR:Tomoya Ohtani - 怪盗Rのテーマ From the Rythm Thief OST vol 1: music.youtube.com/watch?v=6RW-ZCfBr6k
Is it Turing Complete: a queue with brainfuck controller, with support while(pop()){, }, push(0) and push(1)? Notice that a brainfuck controller is weaker than a general FSM, so it's not obvious if true
The C definition for consider false ==0 and true !=0, is ok for golfing, instead array of bool and boleans not
@UnrelatedString yes I have seen the book, have precedence deference operator & and * on aritmetc operators
@l4m2 i assume the queue is the only data storage available to the BF controller? otherwise trivially: BF being TC means it can just ignore the queue and still be TC
controller mean no tape
can it pop arbitrarly or must it pop the entire queue everytime it wants to pop something?
i guess that doesn't really matter since it could repush the entire queue while it's popping it
every [ pops and every pop [
2 hours later…
> By 9:30 am on 3 January, unofficial police estimates placed the crowd at approximately 1,200 people.[30] Law enforcement deployed about 2,700 police officers, 135 police buses, and several specialized units in order to prevent potential clashes

average measured police response
4 hours later…
Emulate an arbitrary [tag system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tag_system).
The symbols are represented by binary strings all of the same length that begin with 1, end with 0, and contain exactly one other 1.
Then the main loop can be [[option0][option1][option2]... [][][]...] -- the outer loop consumes the first 1 of a symbol, then the rest of the symbol is used to select an option, and then the empty loops discard some constant number of symbols.
The halting symbol is represented by 0.
There's some uncertainty about edge cases -- you haven't specified what happens when popping from
Looks correct
3 hours later…
Welcome to APL Monday. This one might have you cornered…
What does the following monadic function determine when given a numeric matrix argument?
A: "Hello, World!"

StarwortStackCell, 20 bytes "!dlorW ,olleH":[;:]

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