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@SandboxPosts Any feedback on this challenge would be appreciated, mostly to see if it's a duplicate or if there's an edge case/IO annoyance that I didn't account for
but admittedly I only gave it a cursory glance :p
2 hours later…
@noodleperson Feels like there could be a dupe of the pile spread shuffling but definitely not combined with the over-under recombination
@UnrelatedString Yeah, that's what I thought too
Not sure if that's a good thing or not... I mean, I'm sure there's some golf optimization to do both at once
yeah, it feels like it's kind of on the border of being potential-chameleon two things glued together, but it feels like there should be something more to that combination than just one thing then another
(but then again, the last time I thought that it took me the better part of a week to find a language where completely gluing them together loses to a more synthesized approach after giving up on figuring out a way to math it out that makes them actually go together)
(sorry for how much I've been editing that btw ;_;)
Do you think it would be okay to post as is, though? Or that it would benefit from trimming some part?
No idea tbh
I think it is shorter to combine the steps partially in Uiua
pretty sure
9 hours later…
Q: Meandering over ZZ

Sophia AntipolisThe easiest way to understand this task is to look at this graph, which you can change interactively. It defines a sequence n -> a(n) like this: a(0) = 0; thereafter a(n) is the least integer (in absolute value) not yet in the sequence such that the absolute difference of a(n-1) and a(n) is a sq...

4 hours later…
@ATaco Pretty sure Trilangle counts
Yeah definitely does
2 hours later…
Q: How many chains?

Wheat WizardGiven a positive integer \$n\$, a partition of \$n\$ is a ascending sequence of numbers that sum to \$n\$. Given two partitions \$a\$ and \$b\$, \$a\$ is a refinement of \$b\$ iff \$b\$ can be created by combining elements of \$a\$. (The elements do not need to be adjacent.) For example 1+2+3+4+7...

1 hour later…
in C int *a,*b; than *a+*b==(*a)+(*b) or *a+*b==(*a+(*b))
in C int *a,*b; than *a+*b==(*a)+(*b) or *a+*b==*(a+(*b))
the former
It would be pretty bizarre if it parsed like the latter since you can just do a[*b] for that
and unary operators in general usually like binding pretty tightly
2 hours later…

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