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@mousetail'he-him' Charcoal, 10 bytes: Φθ№αιΦθ№βι
7 hours later…
@mousetail'he-him' ngn/k, 8 bytes: <!/=\_:\
@DLosc Or the reverse, but yes
1 hour later…
@mousetail'he-him' Charcoal, 9 bytes: F²Φθ⁼ι№βκ
2 hours later…
Python is a pain. I have a class and I want to run one of the methods in it in parallel
You might think this was easy in 2025
Python is really the worst language for parallelism in many ways
Even Java has better support somehow
I am sadly stuck with it for this.
i think this is because python is so inhenretly slow that using it for actually doing computations is a bad idea in general
Numpy and similar libraries are not slow, if you use them properly
@Themoonisacheese right. Fast python code just calls other code written in a fast language.
@mousetail'he-him' numpy is painfully slow if you have loops that do things. It's only fast if you have reasonably large arrays and you just call its functions on those arrays
Yep, it's slow if you actually use python, because python is slow
I love a language where you are not supposed to use loops :)
Your name is literally SIMD
@mousetail'he-him' that makes it worse! :)
I somehow feel it needs to have been updated more recently to give me confidence
I doubt it would make a lot of difference for the problems you are facing
Also SO seems half dead now so it's much harder to get expert help
You can still get a good answer if you offer a bounty mostly but otherwise, not so much
And don't get me started on discord!
Q: Cost of goods sold

doubleunaryWrite a program or function that iterates an array of product identifiers, transactions and unit prices. Each transaction changes the inventory balance of the associated product, and because unit prices vary, it also changes inventory value. Output the remaining FIFO inventory per each purchase t...

@mousetail'he-him' python can be fast if you avoid using python
1 hour later…
Would you live on 15 square meters? If the location was very good
if it's part of a larger unit maybe
my meters are all cuboids... (UK joke)
@mousetail'he-him' as a student sure, as a working adult i think that's way too small
There is a separate bathroom which I didn't count
how much is rent is the question
I would buy it for 200K
Comes out to around 500 per month mortgage
that sounds about okay i gues
i don't think it'd be a very good place to live in long term but that does mean you'd be paying less rent, and if you move away you can rent it to a student i guess
The location couldn't be more central, which means everything is close by. The downside this includes protests and football and that kind of things
i think that's fine
3 hours later…
What's this bounty mean? https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/256069/115910
(I know it's old, I completely forgot about this challenge)
@AlephSquirrel People on this site often award eachother bounties just for jokes or whatever. Or it could have been one of the bounties with no deadline: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5243/…
Q: List of bounties with no deadline

randomraThis is a list of unofficial, deadline-less (hence not searchable) bounties offered by users on various challenges on the main site. Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that the user will award the bounty for you in case you fulfill its requirement. Especially if the user isn't an active member any...

3 hours later…
my guess is that's the vyxal answer bounty

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