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@Bbrk24 the API is fine
it's scraping the site directly that's being restricted
...i.e. how chatbots log in?
if your bot is logging in >60 times a minute something's gone wrong I imagine :p
@Bbrk24 oh, that was already a problem!
> The login page in particular is, by far, the worst. One singular login makes requests to every other site in the network, meaning the total succeeded requests account for 12 requests just on that one action.
that's why my bots have been down for like half a year
because cloudflare
Finally, your question about how requests are counted is again predicated on the notion that the implementation will not work as designed. However, it cannot be broken in the way suggested here, because a casual user using the site can easily and quickly surpass 60 requests per minute sum total with only a few page loads. If the implementation does not work as designed, please file a bug report. If it does work as designed, then it should be fairly clear what a "request" is to someone writing a script that sends requests. Thank you for your feedback. — Slate ♦ 7 hours ago
@Bbrk24 but regardless, the userscript (in theory) should be fine
given the exemptions + API usage
(I've had a month to check + consider whether it'll be broken :p)
Generic Review Tool otoh is something I'd advise closer inspection on. When I was looking at it in context of the changes I think it might be fine, but @rydwolf you might want to double check it isn't going to be hit by the limit (max 60, consider listing on the table if you know it'll consistently hit 10+)
The default is 3 requests per minute, but I'll list it anyway
Does GRT consistently hit at least 10 per minute?
the advice I got was that you only need to list if it'll consistently do so, even if in theory it could exceed that but doesn't usually
I won't list it, then
only asking because I wasn't able to figure out if it needed an exemption
yeah it should require far fewer requests per second than the old RSR
since it only requests the HTML, not the entire page again from scratch
@Ginger TWH2 uses extra sections of a PNG, right? Is there a simple way to see how big the total of those extra segments is in an abritrary PNG?
nvm the thing I want to look at is JPG anyways, not PNG
I was curious why these two identical images differ in size by a factor of three: pikminwiki.com/File:SSBU_Garden_of_Hope_thumbnail.jpg pikminwiki.com/File:SSBU_Garden_of_Hope.jpg
It doesn't seem to be extra metadata
> Metadata takes 729 Bytes (0.3%) of this image
idk how jpegs are structured, sorry
could just be one of those things where the thumbnail one has been lossy compressed
because the two jpgs certainly aren't the same image
in fact they're 97.97% different
suggesting the thumbnail might have been compressed then rescaled, or saved differently with lower quality/colour range
Here's the exact Discord message:
> The new https://www.pikminwiki.com/File:SSBU_Garden_of_Hope.jpg is a duplicate of https://www.pikminwiki.com/File:SSBU_Garden_of_Hope_thumbnail.jpg , but the files are not exactly the same
The new version is apparently taken from the same source, but is significantly larger in its file size and does not appear to be higher-quality. The old version is better, but the new Distant Planet image also has the larger size. I wonder if we can upload a new version of the image with the smaller size of the older Garden of Hope image. https://www.pikminwiki.com/File:SSBU_Distant_Planet.jpg
There is a difference between the two images but it's barely anything -- single-digit RGB value differences across the board, it looks like
certainly nothing the human eye can pick up on
that's what I imagine is happening
JPEG is basically based off of doing a fourier transform of the pixels in a block and getting rid of some of the higher frequency components, so the compression ratio is probably just different between the images, and they're cluttered enough the loss of higher frequency pixel info isn't really visible (despite taking up a relatively large amount of space)
Might be some really weird edge case in the compression, but I don't think JPEG compression supports any weird shenanigans like some more generalist compression algorithms can
@rydwolf Yeah that makes sense. I understand how the DCT works
Ooh, yeah, can't forget about user set compression ratio :P
maybe not even user set, different programs probably just default to different ratios
All three of these images are from the official SSBU website
I threw both into steganosaurus and the low bits are totally different between them, so probably just different compression ratios
kids these days engaging with hiveminds without considering the implications
I will keep that in mind as a tool in the future I’ve never heard of it before
Oh yeah that reminds me we should bring back that image steganography challenge
it's something I custom made
Ah nice LMAO
I should someday get around to improving it with stuff like metadata analysis
@Ginger okay so this aged excellently
yep lmao
Is this about a certain other Republican politician from North Carolina
quite possibly :p
Oh remind me to nuke snowpaw's den off the internet before running for office lol
that makes it a lot harder to explain that my capital-W doppelganger is not me :p
@rydwolf wait what
> Governor Candidate Called Himself ‘Black Nazi’ on Porn Site, CNN Reports

Mark Robinson, the Republican nominee for governor of North Carolina, sought to deny the report, which also said he had defended slavery in posts years ago.
His account had the same username he used elsewhere, and get this, his full name and contact info
We've always known he was pretty out there but this is still pretty wild even for him
> Former President Donald J. Trump endorsed Mr. Robinson at a rally in North Carolina in March, saying he was “Martin Luther King on steroids.”
wtf does this even mean
@rydwolf snowy remembers all
I hate how snowy seemed to gradually get worse over time
@rydwolf oh and the guy's pretty transphobic publicly...... you're not gonna believe what he commented about :3c
Like genai was enshittification from the start
true :(
one day snowy will return
Better than ever
I can think of a few ways to bring about a second coming
The ground will start to crack and bulge and all of a sudden a titan-sized furry wolf will burst through the streets of D.C., winking and speaking in lolcat
1. somehow run my own generative text model and train it on furaffinity or something
2. whatever rydwolf just said
I vote #2
3. I pretend to be them
actually I don't think I have the mental fortitude for that
Training an LLM on a fanfic site has been on my bucket list for longer than buckets have been a thing
I wonder if I could get access to one of CMU's clusters
depends on how you define "get access"
"I'm working on a cross-disciplinary project involving ML and creative writing"
anyway I'm going to sleep now lol
I will let y'all know if I get any strange premonitions
Enjoy :P
(good night!)
5 hours later…
@UnrelatedString all extensions have all been written in JS, or do you mean that Firefox's extension manager is itself also written in JS, as is most of the rest of its UI?
@emanresuA Charcoal, 3 bytes: choose from Φακ, ✂α¹, ⁻αA, the latter can be changed to remove any other letter B-Z, then you can replace α with β and do the same thing over again in lower case, e.g. ⁻βl.
@l4m2 looks like it got the 3rd and 4th lines wrong for some reason
(also, why were my ZX Spectrum BASIC answers so popular, given that you had to jump through hoops just to run one of them?)
Any feedback? specifically the I/O stuff?
" ~760MiB of output" sounds a bit scary.but I propably wouldn't have to test with this, right?
Yeah, that's just the limit for what you should support in theory
Due to the distinct ASCII chars requirement - I don't particularly like how that's set up but I'm not sure how to improve on it. One possibility would be to additionally / optionally take a string of characters, one for each size, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea
3 hours later…
balpha has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
(just looking at this)
hello balpha :p
Goddamn, why is safety equipment so expensive...all I want is a gas monitor and emergency oxygen source for exploring confined spaces but I'd be looking at like $3000 for name-brand equipment
I should start a secret club for exploring off-limits areas
There could be a process for joining where you have to receive instructions for getting into a secret area via a dead drop, then dead drop proof of you doing so in a second location, and only after that meet in a designated location with a current member
that probably already exists :p
Oh yeah. KGB supposedly knows a lot about it
But they're a big enough organization that they have to distance themselves from tunneling a lot
I'm thinking we'd get our name out by posting signs on entrances to secret areas with signs like "Definitely not a steam tunnel" then a link to our website with a location-specific code
Then there'd be a single text input labeled "where do you want to go?" and if what they type matches up to a known secret location, we'd ask for some sort of proof of stake, then give them a time and place for a dead drop containing access instructions and how to verify they made it there
All in invisibie ink, of course
The main purpose of the organization would be to provide a clearinghouse of up-to-date information, as well as communal equipment for safer exploration
balpha has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Those messages were feed posts
Yep, @ArtOfCode helped revive the Codidact feed, and because it's been a while since it's worked, there was a bit of a backlog. From now on it should be back to individual posts.
I saw
(both the meta post and the backlog :p)
TIL about the soft-delete feature for feeds
chat still manages to surprise me
Good news, you can get a reputable oxygen sensor for under $100
CO2, H2S, and CO are less likely to be issues
So I can get individual monitors for those later for optional increased safety
Bruh you have to replace the O2 sensor every 2 years
I hate these newfangled subscription models
@lyxal after reading through this I doubt I'll ever be able to get my chatbots back online
cloudflare is already a pain in the ass and more limitations are only going to compound that
You use cloud fare? For a chatbot?
No, SE does, and it likes to block bots
@Ginger Remind me again what bots are having what issues, w/r to Cloudflare?
@rydwolf none of the bots that were running on my server were able to log in to SE
What were their user agents?
that was Bridget, VB, Snowy, and Myōga
@rydwolf Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; automated;) sechat/2.0.0 (unauthenticated; +http://pypi.org/project/sechat)
@Ginger Excellent, let's write some Zootopia fanfic together :3
1 hour later…
@rydwolf that exists, and is supposedly called "hacking" at MIT
Oh yeah I know MIT has a huge subculture around exploring their tunnels
@Ginger Try removing things like automated and unauthenticated and sketchy maybe
Unless it's an IP block it's likely your UA
Try Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; sechat/2.0.0; +https://pypi.org/project/sechat)
well, the server is dead right now so I can't exactly do that :p
ah, right
I found a free UPS in the Physics wing of CMU so at least I'm part of the way to a working setup up here
problem is I had to carry it a mile so my forearms are so tired I can't even write to do my homework
@lyxal Can you recreate the user for it now that it's working again? Old one's chat.stackexchange.com/users/-1164/codidact-posts
How did you make it so that a specific user posts new items in a feed instead of the usual feeds bot doing it?
only mods can do that
@rydwolf If you want you can detect all three at once (and also methane and a couple others) with a VOC sensor (volatile organic compounds)
Hmm, not finding any that're intended for safety applications
They're mostly meant for passive air quality detection I think
@emanresuA status complete
1 hour later…
CMC: shortest way to print -n in an environment where echo treats it as a flag. So far I have date +-n
echo - -n works on Mac but it's one character longer and doesn't work on Ubuntu
cat<<<-n ties
my goofy ahh though ties was part of the answer and I was wondering why cats wearing ties is what you wanted
who wouldn't want cats wearing ties
I am not a cat (yet) and dislike wearing ties

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