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12:55 AM
I have 17 days to double how many sit ups I can do, from 20 to 42
But I think I might actually pass my Air Force physical fitness assessment the first time around
I get 55 out of 60 points for running (just gotta imagine the bakde potatto), and 12 or so out of 20 for push ups, so as long as I'm a few sit ups past the minimum of 39, I'll hit 75 points and pass
Then from there I have to go from 36 push ups and 42 sit ups to like 50-60 of each in a minute, and get my 1.5 mile run time down to under 10m
But I have a year or so for that
Can't imagine what it's like to be able to do sit-ups LMAO
1:15 AM
CMC: output exactly 25 distinct printable ASCII characters
(any characters, in any order)
It was always so embarrassing in grade school that I barely had the core strength to do it even if someone was holding my feet down but even now that I've lost like 40 pounds since then and gained some core strength my legs just go flying instead :P
@emanresuA No repeats, I assume?
Obvious 3 in Jelly is just ØAḊ or such
But this could be really fun with praclangs
Yeah that's why I thought of it
(for context: I decided to change my pi ascii art challenge, which I still haven't got around to posting, to just require a distinct ASCII character for each size and limit sizes to 15)
and then realised mapping integers to distinct ASCII chars could be quite interesting in praclangs
For only 15 values there are on occasion hex builtins :P
But base 36/64 seems a lot rarer for stdlibs
1:20 AM
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

emanresu AApproximate π with ASCII art (related) One way to approximate π is to draw a 2x2 square with a quarter-circle in it. The area of the quarter-circle is π, and we can approximate this area by filling it with squares. To start, we divide the square into four squares, and colour in the only one that'...

There it is :p
@emanresuA Do trailing newlines count?
Not printable
1:26 AM
Python, 29 bytes: print(([{0<0:-1234567890}],))
RProgN 2, 4 bytes A`A-
Beats naive string literal by 4
1 hour later…
2:38 AM
there's probably a 11-byter in mathematica, maybe 10
@emanresuA Trilangle, 17: <a"#z">-z<\,o(/.@
wait can a character be printed more than once
The a" and z" near the beginning are the end and start points respectively, so this is very easy to change which characters are printed
this is really just
start = 'z'
end = 'a'
while start > end:
@Bbrk24 Actually you can make it 16 by moving the @ to the left: <a"#z">-z<\,o(/@
So for example, replacing the z and a with } and ASCII control character \x1F respectively gives you a program to output all of printable ASCII in reverse order
@att Nope
Someone smarter than me can golf it more
2:53 AM
that's a little harder
brainfuck, 32 bytes +++++[->+++++>+++++++<<]>[>+.<-] Apparently I'm smarter than me
No, you're ATaco
🤡 < Me
3:12 AM
3:29 AM
4:39 AM
fwiw here's an 11 with duplicates: Print@-!­#
there doesn't seem to be a 10
2 hours later…
6:38 AM
@emanresuA [print(chr(x))for x in range(58)]
prints a couple unprintables along with the printables
7:03 AM
CMC Ask for y or n from the user and print y or n if one of those is pressed. Carry on asking if it is any other key press and don't require the return key to be pressed at all.
7:35 AM
cmd, 6 bytes: choice
@RubenVerg how do I run cmd?
@Simd with a very loose interpretation of the challenge
@Simd be on windows; press windows + r; type "cmd"; press enter
ah.. being on windows is the first problem :)
in other news...codereview.se is very very low traffic these days!
@emanresuA Bash, 11 bytes: echo {a..y}
finally a task bash is competitive in
7:55 AM
@Themoonisacheese but can you do mine in bash?
that's like
a very solved bash problem but i'll try to golf it
@Themoonisacheese cool!
@Themoonisacheese ay
it is wednesday, my dudes
8:14 AM
Bash, 55 bytes: [`read -p y/n -n 1 c
case $c in
y|n)echo $c;;
i had Bash, 49 bytes: [`read -p y/n -n 1 c
[[ $c =~ 'y|n' ]]&&echo $c||$0`](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m70kKbE4Y8Hq5Izc_BQF7QoFFYOlpSVpuhY3DYtSE1MUdAsUKvXzFHTzFAwVkrmioxVUkhVs6xTUK2vy1BViY9XUUpMz8oGCNTUwjQug1PLijDyuDK48CBcA)
but i can't wrap my head around why it doesnt work
also there's definitely some trickery you can do with bind -x but that's never working in ATO and it also sucks
and now that i think about it i'm sure there exists a tool that technically meets the spec with side effects, like say the confirmation dialog of rm (though rm specifically requires pressing enter)
8:39 AM
ah well there you go: zsh+oh-my-zsh: 0 bytes.
all you have to do is wait for an oh-my-zsh update to be available and open a new shell session. it will ask "would you like to update y/n? and echo it to you
8:55 AM
no need to press return?
9:25 AM
I guess it's sort of an answer :)
i mean obviously it's highly contrived but isn't this what code golf is in the first place?
9:56 AM
How are key signatures placed on other clef? Overture just fail to place some on correct position
10:31 AM
@l4m2 ...is it supposed to look like this?
10:58 AM
@Redz Some of first sharps don't even fall on F
2 hours later…
12:45 PM
there's a language idea right there
the new Scrabble wordlist?
might be idk
i don't use twitter
i had an even more cursed language idea but of course it already exists esolangs.org/wiki/Beatnik
1:01 PM
this is in trochaic tetrameter
Some of the definitions in that list are surprising
> BAFTA n a coarse, cotton-based fabric made in India, also BAFT
> ACK intj an expression of mild alarm or dismay
this one's amusingly matter-of-fact:
> WOKERY n the attitudes of people who are sensitive to social injustice
1:33 PM
@pxeger Reminds me, a few days ago I happened to see someone screencap another one of her tweets on a Discord server that has absolutely no connection to here
Funny to run into in the wild
small world
4 hours later…
5:17 PM
I have a really cursed function in Python:
lambda x: (type(lambda: 'function'))(compile('print()', 'nowhere', 'exec'), {}, '', tuple(range(x)), ())
This function, when given a value, will output a function.
If you call the output function with no arguments, it works fine.
However, if you call it with arguments, it throws an error.
Which says it is possible to pass a negative number of arguments.
Anywhere from -x to 0.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#78>", line 1, in <module>
    (lambda x: (type(lambda: 'function'))(compile('print()', 'nowhere', 'exec'), {}, '', tuple(range(x)), ()))(3)(2)
TypeError: <module>() takes from -3 to 0 positional arguments but 1 was given
5:41 PM
going to a talk by Sundar Pichai on campus at 4
it's AI brainrot stuff from what I can tell, but at least I can say I was there lol
they got our boi jospeh on campus one year from what I heard, none of this year's planned talks so far are anyone that importanty
6:03 PM
Listening to feminomenon by chappel roan as a cis man kinda feels like accidentally walking into the women's bathroom as a guy
TIL Google Docs supports multiselect
6:21 PM
heh, got my first blackmail spam email which spoofed pretending to be my own account; interesting
Fun bug in a zsh script today. Tries to copy from one folder into another and the command is cp -R ${folder1}/* ./folder2. Except sometimes a previous command fails and causes $folder1 to be empty string
@Bbrk24 zsh doesn't have set -e equivalent?
yes, it's also called set -e
6:50 PM
@Ginger wait HUH????
no way, it does
doesn't support multiple cursors though :(
How recent was this??
no clue
6:51 PM
I don't think the DOM supports multiselect so they msut've gone all in
not that I'm not sure they were already simulating selection instead of using the DOM's
They probably were simulating it
7:12 PM
@rydwolf I mean, the body of a doc is just a canvas
so they can do whatever they want
@Ginger wow
a lot of Google web applications are canvases with a sort of "ghost DOM" on top for accessibility reasons
7:38 PM
I assume the ghost DOM is also how they support copy/paste shortcuts (given that they can’t access the clipboard otherwise)
I mean, they can
I'll be very curious to see what Mr google has to say
Talk starts in 9 minutes
It's titled "The AI Platform Shift and the Opportunity Ahead"
so probably not much of value
tell him to make Web!Earth less laggy on low-end computers
7:59 PM
@rydwolf i read that as "The AI Platform Shit and the Opportunity Ahead" and went "huh thats really accurately named for a google guy"
i dont swear but after being on the internet long enough such stuff begins happening to u smh
3 hours ago, by The Empty String Photographer
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#78>", line 1, in <module>
    (lambda x: (type(lambda: 'function'))(compile('print()', 'nowhere', 'exec'), {}, '', tuple(range(x)), ()))(3)(2)
TypeError: <module>() takes from -3 to 0 positional arguments but 1 was given
@Seggan Facts 😔
9:00 PM
Okay yeah that talk sucked
I'm not sure if Sundar was cynically selling something he knows is unviable to boost his company's stock price, or genuinely is disconnected enough from criticism and practicality to believe what he's saying (probably a mix of both), but it was sobering
He even answered a question I asked about why he thought this was wasn't just going to end in another AI winter, and he derailed almost immediately after giving the concerningly answer of "so far more computing power has made it better and maybe we'll hit a ceiling and maybe we won't"
Which was like, startlingly blunt
Once you cut through all the ceo speak at least
9:44 PM
@rydwolf although more computing power is giving diminishing returns already
@UnrelatedString I remember when I was in elementary school they didn't, and if you hit ctrl-v a thing popped up telling you to right click -> paste instead
10:05 PM
May 20 at 15:32, by Ginger
for a while Google Draw would crash if you hit Ctrl-Backspace in a textbox that only contained spaces
So I've been working on an RPG system. I settled on 15 different character backgrounds, each of which gives you expertise in three skills, out of a total of 15 skills in the game. Then I wanted to make sure the backgrounds had as little overlap as possible.
I decided to model the problem with a bipartite graph: backgrounds on one side, skills on the other, and an edge means "this background gives you expertise in this skill." There are 15 nodes in each part of the graph, and every node has exactly 3 edges (i.e. it is 3-regular).
First, I wanted to make sure there were no two backgrounds that had more than one skill in common. That wasn't hard, and it turned out to be equivalent to making sure the graph has no 4-cycles. So then I wondered if I could also find a graph with no 6-cycles. That would mean that for any group of three backgrounds, there is no group of three skills such that each of the three backgrounds has two out of the three skills.
I was going to ask in TNB, but I did some Wikipedia research first, and lo and behold found this:
In the mathematical field of graph theory, the Tutte–Coxeter graph or Tutte eight-cage or Cremona–Richmond graph is a 3-regular graph with 30 vertices and 45 edges. As the unique smallest cubic graph of girth 8, it is a cage and a Moore graph. It is bipartite, and can be constructed as the Levi graph of the generalized quadrangle W2 (known as the Cremona–Richmond configuration). The graph is named after William Thomas Tutte and H. S. M. Coxeter; it was discovered by Tutte (1947) but its connection to geometric configurations was investigated by both authors in a pair of jointly published papers...
It is the smallest 3-regular graph that does not have any cycles whose length is less than 8. It just so happens to be bipartite and have 15 nodes in each part. What a coincidence! Unfortunately, because it's unique, I don't think it gives me enough wiggle room to assign skills to the backgrounds that fit them best, so I'll probably use a different graph and put up with some 6-cycles. But it was neat to find a mathematical object that so perfectly fit what I was trying to do.
that is neat indeed
10:34 PM
@Bbrk24 Wait what
Because I specifically remember only getting a pop-up for the other way around
Hey Best of CGCC 2024 should probably start having nominations soon. I thought the idea was that it would be open all year?
More computing power is definitively not the solution
That's what's making things unsustainable and causing profit decreases :p
11:06 PM
my uncle will believe anything
but aaargh his thoughts on AI are infuriating
he believes the next AI winter will never come, AI will keep getting better, and soon the government will use AI to cause a dystopia
11:30 PM
Sounds like my English teacher

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