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12:00 AM
There are dozens of us!
No error-carried-forward in a chemistry class is so evil
UTC-midnight dammit
I love utc midnight
best time of day
Getting a half dozen questions wrong 'cause you got one number wrong four subproblems ago is so lovely
Yeah, I was always graded on "did you do part 2 right given the answer to part 1"
12:10 AM
At least in this case the last subproblem doesn't seem to depend on the first one. Not quite sure it's a better designed question overall tho:
See y'all next week when we're given the delta-H of jet fuel
(four days late for the joke)
flashback to high school chem, I do not miss that
I love stoich
We've been stuck in thermo hell all semester so far
Stoich was like the one part of HS chem that didn't kill me
I never thought I'd cry tears of joy at seeing a chemical formula written on a whiteboard
but the few times it actually came back to chemistry shit I was so relieved
whoever invented thermodynamics needs to undergo a few reactions at constant pressure
(or maybe my prof just sucks at explaining it which it definitely is)
Q: Not great at regexs. Trying to code-golf this beast of a regex WITHOUT using string replacement (for G-Zip purposes)

Overflow2341313Here it is: ^(?:(?:(?:(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)?(?::|\.|,))?(\d+)?(?::|\.|,))?(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)?(?:(?:\.|:|,)(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)?)?)?(?:,|,(?:(?:(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)?(?::|\.|,))?(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)?(?::|\.|,))?(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)?(?:(?:\.|:|,)(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)?)?)?$ What am I doing: Matching any ranged timestamp (HH:MM:SS:MS,...

1:21 AM
I was thinking about doing a "print 4 billion if statements" challenge - i.e. output code that's semantically equivalent to if(input == 0) print('even'); if(input == 1) print('odd') etc until if(input == 4294967295) print('odd'), however I'm not sure if there's an objective way to define that or if I should just have one predefined string
Yeah, I feel like semantically equivalent w.r.t. your intent with the challenge would be more or less unobservable for code the whole point of which is semantic equivalence to something much simpler
you could make it observable through precise power consumption differences
Maybe require, like, semantic equivalence + each number in the range appears within the code? Which might rule out some fun esolang-targeting stuff but who knows
And of course would also very much invite outputting a modulo and having all the numbers in there as dead code :P
(which probably would be shorter to generate in a lot of cases since there's less to interpolate, don't have to alternate outputs, etc.)
Maybe you could require that it's possible to split the program into 4 billion snippets which each output only for one input, and do so correctly
That should allow output in most languages, except some suuper esoteric langs
Output must be provably reducible, such that the code can be cropped to support only a sub-range of inputs?
1:29 AM
You'd probably need to add a rule allowing prefix/suffix code to be kept but yeah
Aye, to allow for something like
if (i==1)
    parity = 1
if (i==2)
    parity = 0
print(parity ? "odd" : "even")
or even just like, I/O and boilerplate code yeah
Gotta make sure you golf your 4 billion if statements.
That said, what's stopping you from doing:
i = read()
function p(n){
    if (n == i) {
        if (n%2==0)
1:54 AM
2:06 AM
Jelly, 8 bytes: 9RUƬUḌ÷/
Feel like there ought to be some shorter way to pair the reverse range with its range but I keep forgetting doesn't rangify :(
...at least this is an interesting 9-byter: ⁵ŒḄ⁵_o”÷V
9x€2j@ƒ”÷V for 10 is only disturbing in that I thought it was promising :P
I wonder if there's any languages that allow 9..1/1..9
2:24 AM
Haskell can do read['9','8'..'1']/read['1'..'9'] I guess :P
Much longer than writing the literals out, granted
@rydwolf That's probably a good way to do it yeah
1 hour later…
3:58 AM
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

emanresu APrint 4 billion if statements Recently (okay, December 2023, I'm a little late) there's been a meme going around about a program checking if a 32-bit signed integer is even or odd using four billion if statements: if num == 0: print("even") if num == 1: print("odd") if num == 2: print("...

1 hour later…
5:27 AM
If you don't care, why bother mentioning it?
5:40 AM
average sign
6:27 AM
@ATaco print(123456789/987654321) is likely the shortest way in python
CMegaC: Print a political opinion that every single person in the whole entire world agrees with.
Standard loopholes apply
7:02 AM
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer print("i'm just a silly litlle girl")
:3 and :3-related activities
7:12 AM
I've been Gingered
1 hour later…
8:24 AM
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer 109739369/13717421
@rydwolf There's someone on the other side of my archaeology class who I'm just constantly in envy of the style of... I had some mixed feelings when I actually happened to walk close enough to read what was on one of her shirts LMAO
2 hours later…
10:53 AM
mfw when the Wikipedia app keeps suggesting articles related to gambling
11:17 AM
My favourite group when playing Connections daily is yellow group. No skill points for guessing why.
I was able to view the question but when I tried to flag it, I got a 404
that’s a new one
11:35 AM
@NewPosts based Connections Bot enjoyer
12:03 PM
@NewPosts just the tip
can a RO nuke this please :3c
12:22 PM
@Ginger is that what you had in mind?
sus amogus
why is he smokin a fat blunt tho
@lyxal yes
1:17 PM
CMC Fewest types of char. mcfunction to reach end poem
1:43 PM
oh that's fun
nevermind it's actually quite straightforwards
73 bytes: `execute at @s run setblock ~ ~ ~ 119
execute at @s run setblock ~ ~ ~ 119`
s/@s/@a/g if you want to not have to run it as the player
2:19 PM
CMQ: what Unicode glyph would you use to represent EOF? (cc @lyxal, I'm trying to figure out how to show that a structure is closed by EOF)
i mean
there's only one correct answer
end of transmission
whatever you do, don't look up the name for and append a t
worst mistake of my life
2:25 PM
windows 11 sticking out its 걑 for the gatezzler
3:17 PM
god i hate security questions
they're either things literally everyone could find out about me, or things I don't even know about myself
Always shit like favorite things or basic biographical information
3:19 PM
today in what the hell is the air force doing
@lyxal why not ␃ (end of text) or ␜ (file separator)? that seems more relevant than transmission
EOT is the traditional EOF
It's what Ctrl+D is on UNIX/Linux, for example
The four weird separators (FS/GS/RS/US) were used on some super obscure machines IIRC, but semantically using FS and none of the others would be odd
3:43 PM
@rydwolf the answer is CMU
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer nah it turned out to be your mom's house
@lyxal the worst mistake of your life would be the last mistake, actually
Peacefully dying of old age, surrounded by loved ones... how could I be stupid enough to let this happen 🤦‍♀️
not necessarily, you can make a terrib...^ lol
And yeah before I realized I could be quippy about it I was going to say something like that
3:46 PM
although dying oldly and peacefully kinda is a mistake IMO, better to go out with a bang the day before you turn 80
I need a name for "syntactic component of a language" that isn't "element" or "syntax feature", because both of those names have a different meaning in the context of Vyxal and naming variables thing isn't working :p
I fully plan to get shot robbing a bank at like 97
(googles "do hiring managers know about TNB")
my favorite react component, the ThingCard
@Ginger parsed segment?
3:51 PM
too wordy
syntactic feature is more wordy though, at a score of 4
that's the problem
@Themoonisacheese I disagree. You’re probably an adult since you’re working.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

The Empty String PhotographerThis algebraic idiot! You want to prove to some mathematicians that it is possible that \$x=x+1\$. Luckily, they’re not so good at maths, so you can just exponentiate both sides. Plain challenge Output the real and imaginary parts of one of the possible values of \$x\$, where $$x^n - (x+1)^n = 0...

1 hour later…
5:10 PM
@Ginger parse tree?
it's not a tree though
pars potted plant
I was going to ask like 2 hours ago to confirm that you meant "things that are like kind of analogous to linguistic constituents" to clarify why "token" wouldn't work, but it somehow didn't occur to me to actually suggest that
5:33 PM
I thought people were joking when they said the CS buildings have showers but nope lmao
5:50 PM
@rydwolf So they finally got back about my regrade request... the text of it complained that this was apparently on homework we did already and insisted that no credit would be awarded, but they also changed the grade anyways :P
Also looking at said homework, it literally wasn't
There is one question about most significant byte on the homework and the number in question is 16 bits
6:01 PM
Makes me really want to look into what it takes to be a TA for one of these classes
6:14 PM
tfw you get a management position internship offer from the company that fired you
I guess they didn't update their email lists lol
6:32 PM
Honestly I could see them seeing it as unnecessary
They probably figure anyone they fired wouldn't want to take the offer, and further screening might determine if the original firing was in error or due to temporary circumstances or something
But if it's an offer that you just take it and they immediately let you in then yeah you'd reallly think they
'd want to not do that
If the firing was for disciplinary reasons at least
6:54 PM
Q: Smallest prime q such that concatenation (p+q)"q is a prime

Sophia AntipolisLet p, q, and c := (p + q)"q (where " denotes concatenation) be positive integers such that p and c are primes and q is the smallest prime such that c is prime. Such a prime triple (p, q, (p + q)"q) is for example (9721, 101, 9822101). In natural order, the results start 3, 7, 3, 3, 19, 3, 31, .....

7:27 PM
@Bbrk24 yeah but could a candidate really get any worse than trump
i feel like MAGA republicans are simply a vocal minority that somehow steered the party
@ATaco this is so true
Q: Count squares in my pi approximation

emanresu AOne way to approximate π is the following: Start by drawing a 2x2 square with a quarter-circle in it. Then, the area of the quarter-circle is π. We can approximate this area by filling it with squares. To start, we divide the square into four squares. Only one of these is fully inside the circle...

Any feedback on whether this is distinct enough from this?
@NewPosts It's nice knowing that there can't be a simple numeric formula for this because pi's transcendental
...really, really good question
7:45 PM
@emanresuA pi=s/d :P
skill issues
My gut says it is distinct enough, since it seems like some or most solutions should do meaningfully different work with having to put specific characters on spaces instead of just a binary matrix, but looking at the solutions maybe not
...Honestly, one way to make it more distinct might be laxer input to match the stricter output :P
It seems like a lot of what the original's solutions spend a lot of effort on is processing the directions
Oh wait you do already allow reordering
8:08 PM
I could go all the way and allow e.g. [[1, 1], [-1, 0]] sort of thing
That is what I was originally thinking too
Restricting it to reordering might still lead to some fun/creative translations but that could also still be, like, chameleon challenge territory
Aight I've allowed that
... I feel like I've got a lot more perfectionistic on challenge writing over the last few years
... and my most-voted challenge is still one that I wrote when I was, like, five
wait isnt that illegal
5 ≈ 13
8:51 PM
She just waited 8 years to post it
It's that simple
Few know this but the 13-years-old requirement is in dog years
2 hours later…
10:41 PM
mfw the js brainrot is real and I use let in a language that does not have let at all (it has val and var)
let is hardly a JS thing tbf
It only got added decades after var had existed
If I hadn't been using js for uni assignments for the last 5 months I wouldn't even think to use let :p
Gotta be on that MERN grind
It's a wonder I haven't tried to do things like useState or router.get("/something", async (req, res) => {}); elsewhere yet
Best thing I discovered about react though is that you can hide the error overlay with css
Very good for live demonstrations and assignment submissions
Also, don't think this was mentioned here,
11:11 PM
Site was also in read only like this morning
It started at 9pm utc
So probably more like a few hours ago
11:33 PM
@lyxal I keep trying to use it in Python
But I think that's more Swift than JS

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