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12:01 AM
it seems today that all you hear, is violence and movies and dogs barking
but where are those good old fashioned earplugs on which we used to rely?
lucky there's a family dog
very unfortunate place for File Explorer to cut off the name
4 hours later…
3:40 AM
Also we managed to forget my duvet and almost all soap LMAO
soap I can understand, but your doona? how you manage to forget like the key blanket component?
It was in a cover :P
And we brought other fresher covers because some wood dust got on it somehow
4:24 AM
Ah frick, knew I shouldn't have left the moon beam running overnight
sorry guys, my bad
4 hours later…
8:09 AM
@Neil It’s actually because they are cutting corners and leaving edges when developing it.
8:27 AM
@emanresuA On the surface this doesn't sound true to me, and at least for JS, it is not:
> NOTE The behaviour of the functions acos, asin, atan, atan2, cos, exp, log, pow, sin, sqrt, and tan is not precisely specified here except to require specific results for certain argument values that represent boundary cases of interest.


Although the choice of algorithms is left to the implementation, it is recommended (but not specified by this standard) that implementations use the approximation algorithms for IEEE 754 arithmetic contained in fdlibm, the freely distributable mathematical library from Sun Microsystems
Plus I'm using a different language for the back-end
I've decided to not bother tho, and just accept that momentary desyncs may occur
Maybe just round positions to the nearest 1e-6 or something
That doesn't fix the nondeterminism, just makes it one-in-a-million :p
@lyxal The Moon is ... beginning to impact us
uh oh
this is just like that one movie
@RydwolfPrograms And as everyone knows, one-in-a-million chances happen nine times out of ten :p
8:31 AM
Went to a concert today
It was awesome
It was in Dallas tho, so 3 hour drive each way
But it was amazing, there was this little mosh pit (GA was full of lame middle aged people who didn't want to form a pit) with me and like three other people and I was in it for the whole show
Apparently I got someone's blood all over my sleeve at some point lmao
Band was I Prevail
One of the opening bands sucked though. Bunch of pathetic washed up tatemaxxer-types stealing punk aesthetics to be misogynistic as fuck and completely cringe
@lyxal It’s fine, just use the anti-moon beam. If all else fails, we’re fine with varying tides in the rivers and seas.
And there were a bunch of obnoxious entitled/bigoted people next to me initially (they started off by discussing the whole olympic boxer thing, then moved onto some racist thing about superhero movies, then one threw a half-empty cup of water at someone instead of throwing it away himself and everyone else in the group made excuses for him to everyone around), too bad they were all too tall and/or wide for me to be able to knock them over in the pit (got the water guy once tho lol)
I'd have said something to the guy talking about the olympic boxer lady but I couldn't yet figure out how many of the people around were with him (turned out to be literally everyone around me) and figured it wouldn't be a good idea to pick that fight
would've been fun to get us both thrown out tho
He was also just generally obnoxious and didn't care about other people's experience. Like he was always splashing drinks on people (bro was like 7 feet tall and would throw his hands up in the air every time someone was taking a picture), and made a bunch of jokes about closing the partition wall that let the people on the lawn area see the show so he could see it with less glare
But I Prevail was good enough to make up for all that lol
One of the guys working the food/drink stand was an absolute bro though. I tipped him pretty good when I ordered some food before the show, since he was pretty nice, then I came back later (after the I Prevail set) absolutely drenched in sweat and dehydrated and he noticed me and opened another line so I could skip the others, then when I went to try to put my card in the thing, he just gave me like half a gallon of powerade for free
Best like $3 I ever spent lol
I accidentally wore my normal clothes (polo shirt and dress pants, so basically business casual), which is not what you wear to a punk/metal show, so everyone was kinda giving me weird looks until the mosh pit started, which made it way more fun since nobody expects the guy in business casual to be in the pit ig
Oh they played a cover of Blank Space lol
They weren't happy about it but played it for us fans (supposedly :p)
(That's how they first got noticed by anyone, they made a metal cover of Blank Space)
Some of their songs work so well for a mosh pit tho. FWYTYK was probably the best
I need to buy more emo attire
I'm still considering a piercing, gonna have to wait until I get my air force compliant haircut to see how it would look tho
I have no idea how to do that tho
Like idek what to call a generic male haircut like I'd need to get
And the regs are vague enough I probably could manage something vaguely emo
My current hair goes down about 2 inches past the top of my eyes, idk if cutting that much off would ruin the look or not
and I'd have to get haircuts pretty often to keep it that length
anyway good night morning lol
4 hours later…
12:37 PM
thanks chat very cool
I sure love seeing the spam flag count icon every time I refresh the page only to find there's nothing to handle
Hi everyone, could someone help with Pyth? I am trying to make the test cases for this post: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/274737/101276 how to make them? I need a list of lists...
The links to Pyth answers are most broken
2 hours later…
2:44 PM
Q: Shift right by half a trit

AlephSquirrelShift right by half a trit This is inspired by Shift right by half a bit, but it's a little different. Motivation I was wondering if there is a function f that maps the non-negative integers to the non-negative integers, with the following properties: It is non-decreasing (if a < b, then f(a) ≤ ...

1 hour later…
3:46 PM
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

bigyihsuan[DRAFT] Generate my Go code golf testing harness Tags: code-golf code-generation string When doing challenges in Go, I use a test harness in the footer with this form: type T struct { a,b,c int; exp bool } func main() { ts := []T{...} Println("===START===") for _,t := range ts { act := ...

4:04 PM
in The Sand Trap, Oct 6, 2023 at 15:10, by Rydwolf Programs
As an RO I'm going to intervene here and say The_AH is perfectly free to share their writing here
I am going to take that applies to TNB too.
Perks promotion spiral incoming.
Added to the stack.
Part 1:
Random person: How are they flying?

Other random person: Perks.

Other person: Mat, your rain of terror must be stopped.

Matthew: How?

Other person: Using... EXPLOSIONS!

Other person: That was easy enough.

<+100M points to other person>

Other person: Oh, what do I do with these? Uh...

John: Look yummy.

<+100M points to John>

John: Ah, great.

John: Now, here we go...

<-500M points>

Operator: Uh? Let me see...

Operator: Wait, how...

Operator: I must investigate this.

<+12 hours of flying>
That's weird formatting.
Anyways item four popped from the stack.
Part 2:
Rand: It's been years since Mat showed up, I wonder where-

Matthew: Ugh, I narrowly survived a showdown.

Rand: Matthew, you're back!

Matthew: You're the random points guy right? Give me points.

Rand: I don't do it for f-

Matthew: Or get killed.

Rand: Fine.

<+394M points to Matthew>

Matthew: Ah, this is great.

<+60 hours flying>

Matthew: Enough for a trip to-

Operator: Who the hell are you?



Ahhhhhhh: What do you have to say?

Hyper: I want to go to a party with my friends, I'll just invite Matthew and others too. Want to c
Item three popped from the stack.
Part 3:
John: Oh no, I am stupid.


Hyper: Th@t's beautiful.

TBeautiful: Why am I being invited? I need to bring make-OH, NO IS THAT.

Operator: Woah, John's gotten frozen!


Operator: You technically committed a crime but you know it's fi-

Matthew: Now, Hyper, I can finally explode you!

Matthew: Damn it, wrong move.

Operator: HEY! Who do you think you are to do that!

Matthew: It was JUSTIFIED!

Operator: Nuh uh.

Matthew: Ugh, that stupid operator, I need to survive on junk now.
Item two popped from the stack.
Part 4:

Operator: Is that the right word? And Uhixir of course.

Ahhhhhhh: IT DOESN'T MATTER. Wait I have the schema for the gun, we can put money in it and shoot it at ourselves and make a wall.

Operator: That works, do you need material?

Ahhhhhhh: Yes, I have the money though-


Uhhhhhhh: Uh, what just happe-Brother!

Ahhhhhhh: You're back-So wait, we don't need money guns to shoot money?

Uhhhhhhh: Uh, what?
And finally item one popped from the stack.
Actually item zero still remains.
But i have left everything on a cliffhanger.
Tell me what you think.
(Note: Occasional off-topic conversations are allowed.)
4:49 PM
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

The Empty String PhotographerPrint ASCII, but don't code it! Definitions A printable ASCII character is any character from character 33 ! to character 126 ~ inclusive. An unprintable ASCII character is the exact opposite. Challenge Write at least 1 printable ASCII character to STDOUT. All characters printed must be ASCII. Th...

5:06 PM
@The_AH In small amounts but for something that takes up this much vertical space, please use a pastebin or google doc or HackMD or something in the future
@RydwolfPrograms okie dokie.
I will link to the website next time.
Good actually for analytics.
6:00 PM
...Come to think of it, why the hell is the cutoff for truncating multi-line messages in characters instead of lines
Is this challenge fine to post?

Taking a number X (100 for example) and a tax-added X (113 for example), make a function which calculate the tax as Z/100. For example the tax is 13 in this case, which we can calculate out to 0.13/1 unit. Now we simply multiply by 100 and get 13/100 tax.

100, 113 -> 13/100
60, 85 -> 41.6/100
2563, 3012 -> 17.5/100
1, 1 -> 0/100
50, 50.1 -> 0.2/100

Inspired by the Python tutorial. This is code golf as (almost) always, so the shortest answer wins!
This is kinda short so I thought to not post it in the Sandbox.
If there are no objections within a reasonable timeframe, I will post it.
@The_AH All the more reason...
To not post it?
As a CGCC challenge.
To Sandbox it
But I mean seriously what improvements could this even get.
Perhaps a dupe?
I am sure not but let me check.
6:11 PM
Figuring out if it's a dupe of something else yeah
@The_AH So is this just implementing the formula 100(b/a-1)?
Where b and a are?
Trivial challenges are often dupes of other trivial challenges at heart, even if it's ironically non-trivial to spot exactly how
I don't get that formula.
6:13 PM
@The_AH the two input numbers
e.g. a=100, b=113
So that's saying 100*(100/113-1)?
Cause that doesn't work.
Oh wrong.
Wait wait.
Okay it does work.
Yeah that's not 100/(113-1) if you were reading it that way :P
Ah well I had another challenge about a Python interpreter but the code is without every third byte.
It's not a dupe of the removing the nineteenth byte challenge.
As it's basically implement a language Nython which is Python but without every third byte (print('Hello, world!') - prn(hllo orl!))
Like... extrapolating the missing bytes?? That sounds intractable without it being a very restricted subset
Strings have an exception.
And numbers and other datatypes.
Ah well I mean there are definitely many ways to implement that formula.
And I could get free rep.
And it isn't TECHNICALLY a dupe.
We have my other CG&CC challenges all based around taxes NOT technically dupes.
So the things weigh up for it being posted rather than against IMO.
7:01 PM
@The_AH Close enough challenges still get closed if they are TECNHICALLY not dupes
Or at least usually don't get votes
Sometimes you get lucky
yeah, we've had a lot of kolmo challenges get closed as a dupe of rickroll even though they're not rickroll just because there wasn't anything interesting that made them unique
7:19 PM
Q: Sums of X*Y chunks of the nonnegative integers

noodle personConsider the infinite table of the nonnegative integers with width 12: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71... This c...

Y'all ever just spiral a bit whenever you see a blurb of the university newsletter
@NewPosts Who upvoted my challenge 25 seconds after I posted it?
Quick find me two bad challenges to downvote so I can get 8888 rep when I get another upvote
7:51 PM
ugh, why doesn't Map let me map over its elements? (forEach iterates but has no return value)
8:07 PM
because JS
@Neil You could do new Map([...m].map(callback)) but agreed that's quite annoying
yeah you get a single arg [key, value] instead
@Neil You could do .forEach((k, v) => m.set(k, callback(v)), m = new Map()) && m
Actually I guess that's pretty bad code for real programs since you're defining m inline
yeah the bad news is I'm writing a real program for once
If you're okay with mutating the Map you can do m.forEach((k, v) => m.set(k, callback(v)))
I guess to avoid the inline definition of m you could do a .reduce
8:23 PM
@noodleperson My recent challenge also got a upvote within the first 0.0001 seconds
Annoyingly Map.prototype.entries() et al. don't return arrays
@mousetail Interesting
You can easily [...x]them to turn into arrays though
For sure
but it doesn't chain, you have to wrap the whole expression
(|> when)
Yea :(
(concatenative JS when)
8:25 PM
I wonder if you could extend the prototype of the various non-array iterators to make a more convenient to_array function
Or just to add mapand reduce
Iterator helpers proposal includes .toArray()
but also includes .map etc
I wonder if those includes Map
2 hours later…
10:37 PM
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

18446744073709551615Access a file when you are at some unknown depth in the directory tree You have to specify an existing file or directory, like, say, cat ../../../../../someproject/foo/bar/baz.txt in bash, or classpath fileTree(dir: '../../../../../someproject/foo/bar/baz', include: ['*.jar']) in gradle. The ba...

11:29 PM
Why would you put cat ears on a mofo cat
It's redundant

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