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12:14 AM
> Breaking
Yes I definitely needed to know this urgently
12:45 AM
it took me FOUR HOURS and a bricked windows machine
but i have finally upgraded from 256 gb to 1 tb
Uhhhh...apparently I owe $19k to CMU in six days?
We might not be going to college gang
Wait what is this mystery charge
Do you have to like prepay tuition before you can register or
If it works anything like it does here, you should be fine with "overdue" tuition until the beginning of the next semester lol
1:46 AM
lets goooooo
my custom-lang-to-chef compiler works!
fun main() {
    let a = 1 + 1;
produces the following assembly
def $a2p0t4a9f397a243f6a56;
def @stackt33ceb891b5fd3f0f;
def @heapt31e72964ac2f5e6b;
def $statetb81a20ed0b345b6f 0;
while 1 {
push 0;
eq $statetb81a20ed0b345b6f;
if {
def $a2p0t4a9f397a243f6a56;
push 1;
push 1;
add { nop; };
pop $a2p0t4a9f397a243f6a56;

which produces the following chef

0 c
1 d

Put c into mixing bowl.
Fold b into mixing bowl.
V the d.
Put c into mixing bowl.
Remove b from mixing bowl.
Fold e into mixing bowl.
Put e into mixing bowl.
Combine e into mixing bowl.
Fold e into mixing bowl.
Put d into 7th mixing bowl.
Put c into 7th mixing bowl.
Stir e into the 7th mixing bowl.
Fold f into 7th mixing bowl.
Fold f into 7th mixing bowl.
Put f into mixing bowl.
Fold e into mixing bowl.
V the e.
Put d into mixing bowl.
Put d into mixing bowl.
can you print("hello, world!")
not yet
i need to implement a proper basic block system first
since this is basically a giant state machine
and i also need to implement the heap
since there are no pointers to the stack
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Lucenapositioncode-golf math number decision-problem Generalised form of Cubic Concatenation Challenge Input: A list of \$n\$ positive integers \$x_1,x_2\dots,x_n\$ where \$n>0\$. Decide if the sum of their \$n\$-th powers is equal to their concatenation of these integers. The integers \$x_1,x_2\dots,x_n\$ wil...

4 hours later…
5:38 AM
5:51 AM
@Seggan V is just a generic verb name?
4 hours later…
9:41 AM
Q: Ruby code golfing

code golferHow can I shorten this code? gets.to_i.times{h=9e9;n=gets.to_i;t=[h]*n;n.times{a,b=gets.split.map(&:to_i);t[a]=b};r=0;(1..n).map{|i|r+=1if t[i]<h&&(h=t[i])};p r} Input: 1 4 1 2 2 4 3 3 4 1 Output: 2

5 hours later…
2:41 PM
incredibly based youtube comment
even sales tax?
3:48 PM
@Neil yes
4 hours later…
7:27 PM
@att you can avoid it to some extent by buying items which don't attract sales tax, which in the UK includes raw meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, herbs, but also biscuits (but not chocolate biscuits) and cakes (including Jaffa cakes), among others
7:42 PM
The things that get taxed in Texas are kind of strange. Cilantro will get taxed, but not donuts or toothpaste
why do chocolate biscuits get taxed specifically lmao
2 hours later…
Got movement acceleration and different turret types implemented on the client in tanks
Gonna get collisions done next
Nice! Any server-side progress?
A bit, I think I'm going to try to get the client mostly finished first, since the API keeps changing as I get more features added
11:00 PM
@Ginger $5 is impressive
11:10 PM
It's especially impressive how the chips hover just above the board
11:34 PM
@hyper-neutrino they're regarded as a luxury
11:46 PM
CMP: For the collisions, should they work like the old Tanks game where you just straight up can't drive into a wall and stop suddenly, or should it be a softer collision where you just get pushed backward from what you're colliding with?
Elastic collisions
The lower your acceleration stat, the further you can slide from bouncing off a wall
Hmm, I'm almost considering it lol
Only issue is if you drove straight into a wall with anything but negligible acceleration you'd just kinda jitter there

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